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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Fly in on Thai airlines. Then stay in Chinese hotels, eat at Chinese resturants, have a Chinese tour guide. No way you will ever stop it.
  2. Must be tough if Hot Pot is closing its doors. I didn't like it but I always saw people eating there.
  3. Haha, so they open a high speed rail between the two countries. That will slow things down! Rename the country ChiLand.
  4. Absoutly disgusting . I just booked my trip for the first of November... I'm coming ladies... hold on...
  5. Was planning on heading over that way my next vaccation. Hope things don't change to fast. Or I will be bypassing Thailand.
  6. Never would have thought this in a million years.
  7. I am in South America at present for my annual 6 month vacation. And one thing I have noticed here is how friendly the drivers are.. When standing near a cross walk I cannot tell you how many just stop and blink their light to cross. In Thailand I was always looking and trying to predict how fast they were coming. And driving there was just insane.
  8. The Military hates the Taksin clan.. He should have known better.
  9. Thailand is turning into another Venezuela. Politically anyway. Good thing the people are not starving yet.
  10. It's here in the US also. I have a friend that sears by them. And so cheap.
  11. A few months ago I answered on and acted very old(which I am). And, played the dementia card. After I hung up, I was getting phone calls for days and by the hour from different scammers. After a few days of not getting anything from me they stopped. Goes to show how bored I was...
  12. All the hot air coming out of the TOT's mouth could raise the temp several degree's alone.
  13. If you are in SE Asia you are in the right place..
  14. Not being vague, it will slowly defoliate, sentiment and hatred toward westerners will increase to a point where it will not feel safe.
  15. You are dealing with basically a communist country (Thailand) which is Chinas number on supporter? You guys have 10 years max. If that long..
  16. Can you imagine the hardships the western expats are going to have in the next 10 years.
  17. I don't keep up with Thai immigration rules anymore. But, does this mean as a US citizen I can fly in , get a 90 day, then extend 30. Fly out and fly back in for another 90 days? So I could stay about 180/yr?
  18. Got to admit. The Thai political system is looking more like the CCP. Don't want any democratic thoughts being planted..
  19. The Thai political system goes through these rituals trying to make them look legit. It does not fool anyone.
  20. Thailand political party is a joke. No one takes them seriously.
  21. Kinda funny, Last time I was in the US I needed parts for my Tundra. I ordered off of e-bay. With the sign of trusted original OEM parts. Turned out to be a Chinese company with an office in the US. Making fake parts and fake packaging . Looked impressive. Took it down the the local Toyota dealer to see the difference and it was massive. Junk auto parts from China is a real problem.
  22. Doesn't matter politically they are allied with China.. That is all that counts. This is not going to end well for expats from western countries. 10 years max. Kinda of a joke really. A few years ago I was saying get out of the Chinese market and people on here were saying it is the best place in the world for investment. What a joke that turned out to be. As China slides into the abyss. Western sentiment in that part of the world and in Thailand is going to be extremly bad. Tick tock, tick tock... haha
  23. You are going to se more and more of this. It will start trickling down to the smaller towns. China's economy in the toilet and they blame the US. Thailand the number one supporter of China in SE Asia. After many years of going and living in Thailand I was talking to a Thai lady in Pattaya. When she found out I was from the US she said Thailand does not want Westerners in Thailand.
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