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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. I thought the Chinese were doing this, is it spreading?
  2. "4 bedroom/5 bath house". Agree as I am getting older a bathroom within arms reach is the most important thing..
  3. Another how to fleece a farang scam . By the government, for the government and the rich condo owners. Endless merry-go round. Polluted unlivable cities by most standards. I would not give 1 baht/sq. meter. And that is even if they threw in a rent a wife for 5 years with an option to renew for another 5...
  4. She is just a mouthpiece for the out going president, her mentor. Now that the cartels can put the public elected judges in their pocket. Should be easy sailing for them. The outgoing president was a real piece of work.
  5. With hugs..
  6. And in the Philippines it is the death sentence.
  7. Selling noodles would make about as much.
  8. Doesn't Australia do the same thing? I tried to read the rules for Australians, I didn't understand it all , but looks to be a mess also. Just did a google search and I got this? UK pensioners in other countries – most notably Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa – have their pension frozen i.e. paid at the same rate as it was when they first became entitled, or the date they left the UK if they were already pensioners then.
  9. So no research, no planing what so ever. Just hop on a plane and nirvana. You are definitely not alone. Man with the pension being locked, inflation and the Thai Government wanted their pound of flesh. How do you guys make it? Very wealthy when you made the transition? When I was living there I only spend my SS check and was getting raises yearly. My investments were never touched back in the US. If my pension would of been frozen I would not have lived there 5 minutes.
  10. Guess we will hear it first here if they start cutting off pensions for people living in Thailand.
  11. Sounds like that may be changing.
  12. Not sure the details, but seems like if you are one of the ones in Thailand and not reporting it. Just go back to the UK for a while and make sure to cover your tracks.
  13. Actually you could not ask for a better ad for, "Why not to retire in Thailand".
  14. Westerners are seen as a walking ATM for years in Thailand. Which was ok with me. But when the government started viewing us as paydays I left. Scr^ew Thailand. Polluted miserable place to live long term. Hyped up by the internet.
  15. Teaching his relitives the trade, his daughter is so grateful.
  16. He's got one good scam left in him, leave him alone..
  17. I have a good friend in Spain and I plan to visit her next year. She invited me last week and said I would love it there. I am really looking forward to the visit.. Best of luck.
  18. I left also, but not because of health problems. I was just sick of the changes and the Thai government wanting to pick my pocket. And the insane polution. If I would of stayed health problems would of come years sooner than anywhere else in the world I had lived. Fun for a few years for sure. As you age best to get out and find other cleaner and nicer countries.
  19. Come to Texas and see how the wall has helped
  20. Great news, Roti stands will be lining the roads..
  21. I hope he ships back boat loads. Any in the prison's send them back home as well.
  22. In other words give us some money and get out of Thailand "We love you USA". I say let them go down the hole with China, their true mentors.
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