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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Looks like Trump has it sewed up..
  2. What is killing Thailand is all the outrageous rules for long term stay for Westerners. Philippino's speak a little English and the long term stays are easy peasy. You are at risk of being scammed in both countries by the women. At least in the Philippines you are not getting your pocket picked by the government. You want to dance to the puppet strings of the Thai government and all the expensive rules or retire in a country where you can relax and not worry about it. Also Thailand is courting China and all its policies basically. Where the Philippines hates China.
  3. Thailands demographics is the reason. Thailand is running out of working people. Just a move to get more working class immigrants into the country. You old retiree's are already serving your purpose. Bringing in all your cash.
  4. Insurance companies creed. "Do we cheat them , and how do we cheat them"
  5. I wish my country would follow suit.
  6. Let's face it Thailand is a very difficult place to call home. It has only one thing and you have to be on Guard with that. As I got older Thailand was just more of a PITA than a retirement home.
  7. If that doesn't tell ya where you stand in the pecking order in Thailand nothing will. Give me ya money or get out sucker.
  8. Personally I think if they want out the just cut them off totally. They want to go kick them out and let them swim on their own. But as restoring and China declines then it will naturally take it's course.
  9. I would not live in Pattaya or Phuket. Last time I was there it was full of pretty shady looking foreigners.
  10. Best to fly under the radar in Thailand. Or anywhere for that matter. Thai police are the mafia in a lot of places in Thailand
  11. Drones and the new Chinese submarine. Sounds like a plan.
  12. Don't think "Big Joke" or his clan will survive this latest fiasco. haha I think he is done...
  13. Most people with money are smarter than to let Thailand raid their savings.. Only people the income tax and all the other rip offs will affect are the old timers that don't want or cannot leave. If I were still there I would be selling everything including my underwear and stacking up Thai Baht in a bank...
  14. I would not want to wander to close to a police station or Army headquarters for the next few years in the Deep South. Going to be a lot explosions in the next few years.
  15. Papa definitely has something in mind.
  16. That whole part of the world is going down the toilet..
  17. Not just America it is like that everywhere.
  18. If I still lived in BKK I would go as Dark Vader.... with an oxygen bottle linked to my helmet so I could breath...
  19. China is raising also, demographics are killing China. Predicted here in 10 years the Hun people will be a non factor. Thailand has no choice. All of those countries are just stalling for a little more time. US and the Americas are also in decline but about 50 years behind China and Thailand. I hope I live long enough to see how this plays out. Be interesting to see if China and it's allies rule the world or fade into nothing.
  20. When I lived there I used to live for these events. I had a bank account there and would pump thousands of dollars into it from the US.. Cannot tell you how many lean years I spent living nice as a result. If the country was livable I would be doing it now. Work it baby, take advantage of it. Year ago before the banks got so greedy, you could bring in basically as much as you wanted with a debit card at the bank. With no fees. You could pump thousands into your account. Now it is a joke to say the least. But, so is everywhere else.
  21. Same here, the older I got the worse it got. I lived with an inhaler. Stuck it out for many years. Many fond memories, but it finally got to be to miserable for me.
  22. Had a bit of asthma as a small kid. Never thought about it until I moved to Thailand. It flared up big time. The older I got the worse it got. Worst place I have ever lived. Chocking to death 6 months a year.
  23. Ahhh the next Shinawatra's scam is taking shape.
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