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Phnom Penh Trader

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Everything posted by Phnom Penh Trader

  1. The whole problem with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general isn't the product it's the halfwit,beanbag-sleeping,commune-living,trustafarian,lefty kids running the exchanges! All trust and credibility has now been lost because of them and it will be very difficult to regain?
  2. When Teeraks go bad we need a new TV series RHOI/Real Housewives Of Isaan!
  3. He needs to buy a brand new one of those Easyrider-style cool tuk tuks they have up in Isaan,then fill it with a bevy of dusky Isaan beauties playa and kick that cheating old boiler directly to the kerb!
  4. As long as they are not using the Buddhist calendar at the airport?
  5. I can imagine red flashing lights and sirens going off at the water testing facility when this happened! ????
  6. So stick with the bottled water seems to be the take from this thread?
  7. Probably the same as everything else in Thailand for a foreigner so Mai Dai/Cannot?
  8. The RTP are looking for someone with long hair,size 12 high heels and a deep voice so basically Ae’s BKF (Best Katoey Forever)!
  9. I would suggest wearing rubber shoes in the shower and possibly even a rubber wetsuit?
  10. So 3 times the actual population then? ????
  11. In other news the grass is green and the sky is blue!
  12. Sounds terrible but a lot of the story missing,was the amputation performed in Thailand and did the burns come from in country also?
  13. When to call Ambulance in Pattaya? As you head out for the night?
  14. Thongs of drunken Aussies and Russians the women of the former especially pumped up with more testosterone than a Bull Shark,wild horses couldn’t drag me to one of these parties and I used to live in Ibiza! The predatory RTP ruin most activities in Thailand for me,they actively hunt tourists to extort money from it baffles me why so many people bother going there after all the bad stories? High on magic mushrooms with Sergeant Somchai demanding 100,000 Baht from you so you ‘no go to prison Big Tiger Bangkok’ has to be anyone’s idea of Hell on Earth,doesn’t it?
  15. I once saw one of these Hippy Kings on the airport link shuttle in Bangkok,whatever is considered ‘cool’ on the islands just looked absolutely ridiculous in Krung Thep he looked like an utter halfwit lost in time!
  16. At least I’m not pretending to be a retired bank manager though unlike some on here!
  17. It’s a wonderful low rise French colonial city sitting lazily on the banks of the mighty Mekong River,known as the “Gem of South-East Asia” before the dark days of the Khmer Rouge. Where a foreigner can open any kind of business he likes no problem,unlike xenophobic Thailand.
  18. Wow imagine living in one country yet posting on a forum based in another country,what next colour televisions and electric cars? ????
  19. Pretending to be a retired bank manager and basing your reputation on “likes” on a nameless forum,seriously? You just couldn’t make this stuff up! ????
  20. I have never had an online business account closed down so where does that leave your credibility,please enlighten us as to why that happened it wasn’t for no reason,was it? Ah the old retired bank manager ploy the oldest chestnut on the chestnut tree!
  21. Not a personal attack at all I have genuinely never met anyone in the Philippines living under those conditions,to the point that I honestly believe you made the whole thing up to discredit the wonderful Philippines Islands maybe time to fess up now?
  22. Mista Fawlty!
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