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Everything posted by nigelforbes

  1. We find the trick is to run the unit on dehumidify during the evening for a few hours and then switch it off before going to sleep. There's nothing in the late evening to cause heat build up or increased humidity. It works for us.
  2. If you say so......yawn. Personally, I prefer objectivity and realism in debates rather than entrenched blinkered closed mind fights to make everyone believe what I think is true.
  3. There's always an upside and a downside to everything, life is a series of tradeoffs, some temporary, some lasting..
  4. I would like to be able to agree with you on this point except the recent/current rise in food prices is not even loosely related to Brexit. As I'm sure you know full well, food price inflation is linked directly to the war in the Ukraine and a bi-product of inflation/covid shutdown.
  5. The prospect of a 5% base rate by Autumn, potentially higher, that should attract inbound FDI and make housing costs slightly more normal.
  6. None of your business, you write your posts the way you want and I'll do the same. Go troll and bait somebody else, welcome to my ignore list!
  7. The last time I actually wanted a mole removed I went to McCormick and they charged me 1,000 baht and were very efficient, if the charge had been 5,000 that may have been fine also. I just didn't think that 1,400 for a quick glance and a no, was fair value. I can always go back to McCormick of course but I wanted to check to see if there are alternatives. Apparently some of you can't get past the fact that I think that 1,400 baht for nothing much at all, is not fair value, to even try answering the question.....kinda sad that really. Never mind, onwards and upwards.
  8. Does anyone know of anywhere sensibly priced? My last visit to the CM expats favorite dermo. at RAM cost me a two hour wait for a 30 second consult, only for her to say no, it is not dangerous.......1,400. kerching! Anyone?
  9. A useful link for people to better understand temperatures and rainfall in various parts of Thailand throughout the year. https://en.climate-data.org/asia/thailand-202/
  10. You're learning well, have you considered applying for a job with government?
  11. The fuel subsidy covers petrol, diesel, gas, oil, anything that is used for fuel. And since most power stations require oil, gas, coal or other fuel, that also is subsidised by the same subsidy that governs automotive fuel purchases.
  12. No biggee here and not meaning to be pedantic, but if your wife is the Executor then technically she's an Executrix rather than an Executor .
  13. Thank God, I'm so relieved. Tell me, do those things make it all better!
  14. Yes, it's posted in the Pattaya forum but there's nothing in the OP or the thread that specifically relates just to Pattaya.
  15. ORIGINAL COPIES for wife and Amphur, copies for anyone else who wants them.
  16. Yup, you're good to go.
  17. Interesting, Mr Brand New Misu cannot.
  18. This is the Mae Rim forecast for today, it's not even credible. If the real feel is over 8-10 degrees higher than the actual temperature yet humidity is in the mid 30's%, why is that even possible. https://www.wunderground.com/hourly/th/mae-rim
  19. Another point to consider is that it's usually not necessary to run dehumidify mode at night. Water in the air comes mainly from outside air, cooking and showers, the outside air levels drop after dark and by the time evening comes, most of the showering and cooking is done. We turn off our air con before going to bed, by that time the house is cool so we don't fight the dry throat issues you mentioned.
  20. You'd probably need to add in the humidity figures to make a complete picture, I see it's around 34% currently but yesterday afternoon was around 78%.
  21. Yes, on most remote controls it's shown as a tear drop or rain drop and you can't adjust the temperature on that setting.
  22. Your aircon unit needs to have a dehumidify mode, if it does (and most have) there is no associated temperature setting or control it's either dehumidify or nothing. Using aircon in this way is long established and proven practise, I thought everyone understood this. It's a fact of science that if you lower the humidity, the air feels cooler.
  23. Top tips to reduce that bill: Paint your roof white or at least a light colour, we did and it reduced our leccy bills massively. Run air con on dehumidify mode, it's highly effective and halves the cost. Shade the windows with external wood blinds, where possible, they reduce internal temperature significantly. Have the wife bring you cold beers throughout the day, the less you exert yourself the less you will sweat.' Our leccy bill, 100 square meters living space, single story, very high pitch roof, well insulated attic floor, 4 air con units (never more than dehumidify mode), two people but wife contant baking throughout the day, never more than 2,200 month, typically 1,500, last month 1,200.
  24. The recent storm that carved a narrow path through Chiang Mai a couple of weeks ago was a real eye opener for me. It started on the edge of town and weaved its way through town, zig zagging erratically until it found our house and garden. It's path was never more than a couple of hundred meters wide but the hail stones were the size of tennis balls and the winds more powerful than any I could ever possibly imagine, let alone ever seen firsthand (and I've been through a hurricane in Miami years ago). It was truly frightening experience, I expected the roof to go but fortunately it held, several large trees in our garden didn't, neither did the electric polls on our soi. Call it what you will, it's a seriously bad and it's getting worse, we're now prepping for the next one!
  25. After about 4:30pm it's OK where we are (30 kms North of Chiang Mai). Overnight is cool and pleasant and the morning the same, by around 10:30/11 it's started to become too hot for me to work outside (I'm a young/strong 73). Inside the house we run aircon on dehumidify mode from mid day until we go to bed, that all we need to get the temperature down....humidity readings here are circa 75%.
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