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Everything posted by nigelforbes

  1. The repayment of large amounts of "travel and related expenses". doesn't help either.
  2. If you can swing it, it would be worth your while to return for a few months and get it uprated. I did that a couple of years ago and may well do that again next year.
  3. Fingers on both hands found to be missing.
  4. Except that just increases the humidity in the air, it may be temporarily cooling but overall it makes things worse.
  5. Each to their own. When we drive from the North we take the expressways through and around the city and we always seem to manage it in circa 3 hours but there again we only do it a few times each year rather than often.
  6. I don't think that conviction necessarily makes her a bad person, many rural people fall into agent traps involving high costs and confiscated passports, their lack of viable alternatives doesn't help.
  7. That taxi driver estimate of 7 hours was full of poo! Regardless, are we now meant only to fly everywhere in Thailand rather than take buses or trains, I thought we were supposed to be cutting back on emissions, not increasing them....is Boeing anywhere near producing an EV version of the 777! The road from Bangkok to Hua Hin is being widened and improved, the overground railway is also being built out. Let's not have those things AND a functional airport or before you know it HH will become and extension of Bangkok.
  8. The costs seem about right. Downsides are the massive increases in domestic tourism during the winter months and increasingly throughout many other months of the year - it's become second home territory. Also, there's plenty of private hospitals but the quality of health care doesn't begin to compare to Bangkok, only the pricing does! Burning? Well, what can be said, it's typically six or eight weeks per year, this year is an anomaly, in part because of the extensive rains last year.
  9. I totally disagree, I think Thailand needs fewer airports, not more. Bangkok to Hua Hin is no more than 3 hours by road, the last thing Hua Hin needs is to morph into a another Pattaya.....make it a little more difficult to get there not easier, that way it will retain its value and appeal. The Chumphon airport is 3 hours South by road, 280 kms away, and has flights from Bangkok. Bangkok is 200 kms NE or three hours, Pattaya is yet again 3 hours further by road and U-Thapao airport has flights. Are we going to have airports in Thailand every 250 kms or as soon as the journey time by road exceeds 3 hours, it's a nonsense.
  10. The range within your specification is massive, I suggest you need to narrow it down more precisely. I have a 2013 Vigo (Sportivo) 4 Door 2.5 auto that is 150k kms and pristine, I turned down 400k because I don't want to sell. I mention this to demonstrate the huge range of pricing across broadly similar vehicles and to show how older vehicles here retain their value. Also, 2.8 Revo may not be the best bet and may be harder to sell, the performance increase vs the fuel mileage advantage don't make that a great bet.
  11. Any UK IO wants to be certain that every visa holder can support themselves and will return home at the end of their visit, if they can't satisfy themself on those points they wont issue a visa. If the IO sees proof that an applicant has not met those conditions in another country and has been jailed for it, the chances of her being issued a visa are not great.
  12. And why not, why shouldn't Thailand have trading agreements with those countries, all the Western countries do?
  13. If the storm or adverse weather is forecast, you can't claim on insurance for any damage, only if the storm/bad weather was not forecast. How crazy is that.
  14. I imagine that's the effect of heat transfer via the concrete and steel in the upper part of the house, you should patent it and sell it to the UK, you'll make a fortune.
  15. For sure there is no one single thing that will do it all, you have to do a myriad of things to attack the problem from a variety of angles.
  16. Ah, yes, I understood his situation differently but this may well just be me. I didn't think he was trying to reclaim tax, I thought he was trying to avoid it. He said that he doesn't yet receive his state pension so his only source of income is the private pension that is being taxed at source in the UK, very recently for the first time. I presumed that the Personal Allowance in the UK would allow him to receive this income tax free so he needs to address this with HMRC. Then separately and as a subsequent issue: he talked about avoiding Thai tax which introduced the question about the timing of remittances that I reaffirmed. Whatever, the OP surely must have enough information now regarding the situation in both countries to arrive at an answer. Hopefully all good at this stage.
  17. We seem to be talking at cross purposes. The OP asked: "wouldn't it be possible to avoid any double taxation by Thailand on money earned outside by not bringing the money in in the same year it was earned?", to which I responded yes. Then you began with an argument that I don't really understand what it is or why. You seem to think the OP's suggestion and my answer are irrelevant, they aren't, it isn't. Ball, court, yours.
  18. Interesting you can't remember which one. :))
  19. Not irrelevant. A person has to have paid tax in that country to get credit against in the first place! Here's the DTA (Double Tax Agreement) https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/nation/en glish_e.pdf
  20. What nonsense is that, coming up with one temperature that is Thailand! Temperatures in the North are vastly different from the South, both vary greatly by month of year, etc etc etc. To say that Thailand has cooled is utter carp.
  21. The problem you're trying to overcome is similar to the problem everyone has here. Virtually all houses are made from concrete and steel which acts the same way a storage heater does, load it up with enough heat and it will continue to release it into the living space for hours after the sun goes down. The trick is to prevent direct sunlight from hitting as much of the building as possible, shielding the glass windows on the outside with bamboo blinds is effective but that doesn't address the heat hitting the rest of the building, especially the roof. Heat hits roof tiles, transfers to steel and concrete and eventually your inside walls get hot. Painting the outside of the building white helps, as does using paint that reflects heat. But ultimately you're left with the same problem, only the scale of it and time of day overload changes. We found that by trial and error we addressed different parts of the problem in different ways over time. Ventilating the roof space/void using vents on the gable ends and installing vented soffit boards at the eaves helps create air flow and keep attic temperatures lower than they would otherwise be, that in turn helps delay heat transfer from the roof tiles and steel, into the walls. Our biggest success with the roof was when we painted it light grey, which results in the house being cold at certain times of the year and negates the need to use air con even during the hottest months - needless to say the walls remain quite cool. We've already discussed the external bamboo blinds, they work extremely well and our current set are in their eighth year....we have a one meter overhang which helps. The film? Well, as said it's great for privacy but when that was our only heat avoidance/reduction measure, it wasn't satisfactory, for us....others mileage may vary. We have four sets of sliding patio doors in our living room on two adjacent walls, the metal frames get very hot unless the bamboo blinds are pulled down. I won't say more about that un case our physics teacher throws a tantrum but I think you get the picture.
  22. Your experience is nothing like mine. Mine has turned into a rubber stamping exercise, it's actually getting easier. There are no home visits or interviews, this years paperwork is almost a carbon copy of last years, all the key documents are already on file, nothing has changed.
  23. All four of the major private hospitals show virtually all the same doctors on their respective web sites, they are all available to be consulted but none actually have consulting privilege's at those hospitals, until they are chosen by a patient.
  24. Yes, which is why I wrote, "as long as the remittance criteria is met". In my particular case, I had no choice, it was purely a timing issue.
  25. Presumably you mean reflective film? We installed reflective film on three sets of patio doors in our living room, it doesn't do hardly any good whatsoever but it's great for privacy! What has worked is the installation of wooden or bamboo slat blinds on the outside of the house, that prevents the sun from hitting the glass or the walls in the first place. Planting trees to shield the house is also good but that obviously takes time. The problem with film is that the unless you have wooden window frames and thermal break, the heat hits the walls and then transmits laterally to the frame and the glass. There are plenty of double glazing guys out there, Thai Asahi is the leader in the glass business here and they will supply details of locals who can make up the units. But see the problem above about window frames and thermal breaks, unless you solve that problem, double glazing wont work.
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