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Everything posted by nigelforbes

  1. Every picture tells a story: https://www.google.com/search?q=bitcoin%2FUSD+graph&rlz=1C1UEAD_enTH996TH996&oq=bitcoin%2FUSD+graph&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l6j69i58.7208j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. Immigration is a division of the RTP.
  3. The BiB keeping abreast of things, who wouldn't.
  4. Despite the picture in the OP my guess is that most if not all will be Asians from other countries, Cambodia, China and Laos mainly. The chances that anyone from Akron or Burnley was caught up in this is remote, that said, has anyone heard from @Transam this morning. ????
  5. Each to their own decision on this point I think. For me it's a binary decision, either you are or are not required to file a return. If you are, file it using the easiest and cheapest method you can find, the free service I mentioned above would be my choice. That said, I have UK income I have to declare so I use a tax accountant in the UK to handle everything for me. If anyone needs a reliable and capable tax accountant, feel free to ask me for contact details. Unusually she will handle the affairs' of expats living in Thailand which in the past has been an obstacle for me.
  6. Surely they must be illegal, doing jobs reserved only for Thai's.
  7. This is a common misunderstanding. Once the visa has ended and you are on extensions, the underlying visa that was obtained initially never changes but the reason for extending it can. Your OA visa finished (because it only lasts for one year (or two if trips overseas are timed properly)) and thereafter you began to extend your stay based on retirement - at this point you are on extensions of stay rather than being here on an actual visa. Then, you changed your reason for stay to marriage but the underlying visa didn't change at all, it's still an OA. I did exactly the same thing, it's easy to do in-country. The only way to terminate your OA visa would be to let the extension of stay expire naturally or to leave the country without a re-entry permit.
  8. I've never brought them a gift in over twenty three annual extensions, it seems to me the officer in question was simply being a jerk, because he could be.
  9. As I pointed out above, USD has been very strong up until December and export bills are settled in USD. Plus the value of GBP/THB involves USD. Some amount of the increase will no doubt be gouging in in some areas but much of it can be explained away by USD strength and timing.
  10. Imported goods are paid for in USD which was very strong up until December last year. Imported goods reflect their import price, not the current exchange rate. Imported goods are ordered and paid for months in advance. What you are seeing now on super market shelves is 3 and 6 month old pricing. https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=THB&view=2Y
  11. Imported goods incur shipping and customs duty, aka a Customs import charge, sometimes that can amount to over 100%.
  12. Good man, well done.
  13. Go to Suan Dok, Maharaj the District hospital.
  14. I used the UK and France as examples, that's not an invitation to make the UK the focus of the debate! The US, UK, French and Australian systems are all very different, they are funded differently, contain very different numbers of members and have very very different deficits. What is appropriate for one is not necessarily appropriate for the others and the timings of individual actions will need to vary also, just because one did this or that whenever is not a timing benchmark for the rest, even if the action is required by them all.
  15. Go, today!
  16. So? And? The discussion is about US funding of SSc!
  17. Need to watch your Uric Acid levels as you age and adjust lifestyle accordingly, gout is nasty and alcohol a key cause.
  18. I've had similar done at my local hospital, all at extremely low cost, by comparison. I had a would on my foot that was numbed, explored, closed and dressed, the bill, including a tetanus shot was 172 baht.
  19. I'm 100% in favor of doing that and of increase the contribution by the wealthy, what I described previously doesn't preclude other things, such as that.
  20. It was a lose analogy, not an attempt to deflect or compare public to consumer debt etc. A basic rule is that you pay your debts before you pay yourself, at least you do unless you can maintain and service your debt within a sensible range.
  21. When asked if they would prefer to pay off their bank overdraft or go to the pub for a pint on their credit card, a clear majority voted in favor of the pub. The priorities are all wrong, for me at least. Many countries have this problem because of an aging population. The UK chose to increase the retirement age, France has done the same, the US needs to do similar, at least, they can't maintain the status quo.
  22. "Moreover, the poll finds 71% think it is more important to fund the entitlement programs at their current levels than reduce the deficit (26%)". Deluded.
  23. Bait all you want, you're staying on ignore until at least 1 June. Just so you know and don't waste your time.
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