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Everything posted by SenorTashi

  1. Yeah the demon weed's normally to blame
  2. Yeah the demon weed's normally to blame
  3. I'm pretty sure they already did that in the Philippines. I was in the middle of buying a condo during Songkran in Pattaya, so I was carrying around all my most important documents, while people were trying to throw buckets of water at me.
  4. That's very presumptuous.
  5. I can see that too. I don't see anything I'm doing here as permanent. It's just a place to lay my head for a while.
  6. It always surprises me if people say it's easy to live here. I feel like I'm under constant stress, just trying to keep up with all these rules and deadlines etc etc. And I've wasted so many days faffing about in immigration. I've spent half my life in other countries and I find it quite incredible how difficult they make it here.
  7. I was paraphrasing
  8. I was struggling with that until I typed N and Nonthaburi came up in the far right box. Then added the town and area into the other two boxes. All in English.
  9. I literally did mine a week ago, then got an email saying 'Hey! Why don't you do it all again now?' Are we supposed to submit the notification again or does the old one still stand?
  10. Hey!!!! This post is not about pot!!!!!!
  11. Drunken men doing stupid things in Pattaya? So that must only be Thai men? Got it.
  12. Unlike foreigners, who never cause any trouble whatsoever.
  13. I probably wouldn't. I've lived in London, Angeles City, India, Bangkok, Pattaya, etc etc
  14. But there are places where it's more likely than others.
  15. These are the kind of people you might be sitting next to in places like Phuket and Pattaya. Rather you than me, that's all I can say.
  16. I have a friend who makes very high quality and potent oil in the UK. To answer your question though; I don't always want to smoke so I often make a batch of space cakes. All you need is ten minutes in a kitchen, some veg oil, honey, the weed of your choice, some oats and a saucepan. I've done this is lots of places when I'm travelling.
  17. this. walking around tourist areas with all your valuables in one very obvious place is dangerous. I tend to go for scruffy, second hand bags... so far so good
  18. You're 54 then? This thread is so dumb, what with the todger contest and the handsomest man contest running side by side.
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