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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. Interesting how some people feel that diversity and inclusion is more important than patriot values and being the best possible leader of the country.
  2. I find it interesting that there are so many "girly men" on this site supporting Kamala. I thought that most men come to Thailand to get away from women like Harris. But it seems that years of indoctrination by the left pushing the idea that women need to be "included" especially the variety such as Kamala, into positions normally held by men even though these women are inferior in stature. Well, these "girly men" just cannot let go of their left wing indoctrination.
  3. They don't need to but they do. Most media is left wing and everyone knows it. The media does not even try to hide it now. But most patriot American see through these lies and want change and that is why the patriots will vote Trump.
  4. Reminds me of a hilarious scene in the "Airport" movie where Barbara Billingsley comes out and claims that she speaks "jive."
  5. You got to love Trump for his audacity. This man is so quick with his ridicule of the senile Biden. Millions of "garbage" are soon going to vote for Trump for President of the United States. Biden will soon be delegated to the trash heap of worthless Presidents. MAGA 2024 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-hits-wisconsin-in-garbage-truck-in-honor-of-kamala-and-joe-biden/ar-AA1tekPB
  6. Meanwhile, it seems that every day you hear about the insurgents in this area killing innocent Thai citizens. Have they been brought to justice.
  7. Because we are decent and love our country as patriots should. We do not support the left wing socialist, globalist polices of the Democrats or support a liberal, word salad diversity hire candidate. I could go on and on about why decent Americans support Trump but I am sure you get the point. MAGA 2024
  8. Very soon, word salad Kamala will join the losers club with old Hillary. They can enjoy the comradery of the first two women to run for President but lose.
  9. I listened to most of the podcast and Trump did an excellent job of articulating his plans for his recovery of the United States from years of abuse by old senile sleepy Joe. This is just more proof that Trump is the most qualified candidate to lead the United States forward.
  10. I guess I must be one of the millions of mentally challenged voters. MAGA 2024
  11. It looks like Trump is going to win in a landslide in the Electoral College. I just looked at the betting market concerning the election and the big money is on Trump. Word Salad Kamala will be joining Hillary in the loser camp.
  12. There are many people that love Trump and that is why he will be the next President of the Unite States. MAGA 2024
  13. I think equating the intelligence of Kamala to a fence post is rather disingenuous and an offense to the post. This woman's brains are are scrambled as evidenced by her very unintelligent word salad speeches.
  14. Most likely as most liberals are unable to comprehend a simple menu as well as any other coherent instructions.
  15. The two greatest strategic errors of the democrats are: Kamala and Waltz, Dumb and Dumber!
  16. My father was in Patton's Third Army and fought his way through France and into Germany. His assessment of the German army and leadership was that it was far superior to any Allied army in WW11. Trump is correct in his determination that the generals that Hitler had were great tacticians. They were were much better than many diversity hire generals of today.
  17. Kamala is a born loser and only obtained her position in life because of diversity hire. Anyone listening to her word salad speeches knows "the lights are on but no one is home." Old Biden picked her as his VP because he thought she would be an asset to him. Little did old Biden know that she would kick him down the road and try to take his place. Cackling Kamala will join Hillary as another loser to Trump.
  18. NBC is a liberal, socialist network. The betting polls have Trump ahead of word salad Kamala.
  19. Interesting, I think I have this stress Rooster Stress. It is called Alektorophobia, a fear of chickens and hens. In my case, I hate the sound of crowing Roosters. It is allot like the cackling of Kamala Harris.
  20. I believe most patriotic God loving people love Trump. MAGA 2024
  21. You got to love Trump for once again, proving that Harris is a fraud.
  22. Build that wall, Build that wall, Build that wall. The great United States president Abraham Lincoln had a great plan for the slaves after the Civil War, too bad it was never implemented. The great President Donald Trump also had a plan for the Mexican invaders but this plan did not come to fruition because the Democrats opposed him at every opportunity. I hope the Europeans have better luck at preventing the illegal aliens from invading their boarders.
  23. Great news? Every day new polls show that word salad diversity hire Harris is slipping in the polls.
  24. It's not even close now. The great citizens of the United Stares have only one real choice for President and that is Donald Trump.
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