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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. If your employment is terminated during your stay in Thailand then your employer needs to give you a letter to this effect which you can take to the labour office to cancel your work permit. You need to do this on the same day that your employment is terminated. The labour office will give you a receipt for cancelling your work permit which you need to take to your nearest immigration office who will cancel your visa with immediate effect. They will then issue you with a 7 day permission to stay which is intended for you to tidy up your affairs in order to leave Thailand.
  2. First you should read the entire report... you can "break the lease" with 30 day notice... however the lessor has the right to keep the security deposit(s)... that is to say that they cannot force you to live there and pay rent for the lease term... however, there are obligations on your part and walking away early involves also walking away from the security deposit(s) that are put in place for just such a breach of fulfilling the entire contract... that's the part that you do not understand... security deposits help protect the lessor from both physical damage to the property and monetary damages for unfulfilled rent... you are damaging the lessor in a monetary way and now you want to further damage them in a physical way... grow up!
  3. If you plan to stay in Thailand full time your best option is to stay married and hope that you don't get caught not living with your wife for the next 3 years...
  4. Probably not even rated for 1 ton... and brake failure is typically due to lack of proper maintenance
  5. Thanks... one thing tho... it's not about keeping the rent money flowing... we have a 2 year lease for an amount that does not change with or without the 2 additional "guests"... and we do not mind doing tm30's for the guests even if it is an additional pita... but we cannot supply a rental agreement as required because we do not have one.
  6. The problem comes into play that as the owner I must include a copy of the rental contract with the tm30 application... as aforementioned we have no rental agreement... they are guests of the person that we have the rental agreement with. They are all farang... I am farang... my wife is Thai
  7. My wife and I own a house that we lease out... currently there are 3 people living there but only one is on the lease (which is ok with us)... we provided a TM-30 for the leaseholder... is it required or even legal for us to provide a TM-30 for the other two occupants as well?
  8. You are breaking the lease ("for other reasons")... are you paying out the term of the lease that you agreed to... I think not... you just want to walk away with no obligation... security deposits are put in place because of people like you... renters who damage property and renters who break the lease... a lease is a contract for a specified period of time and for a specified amount of money... it's not something that you can just walk away from "for other reasons" because you want to without satisfying the lease terms. Grow up... fulfill your obligations... you made them.
  9. HAHAHA... again with the typical liberal left response when they are caught out.
  10. They merely got back to Constitutional Law and restored the states rights concerning abortion... you are still allowed to murder them if you live in a state that permits it.
  11. "The surge was due to both increases in debt and a redefinition of national household debt by the Thai central bank to include microfinance offered by both existing banks and non-banks". Read... loan sharks
  12. Ahh... the wet finger voltage tester... a staple for Thai electricians.
  13. Not entirely true... neither party can benefit unduly from a finance contract... for example... if one makes a down payment of 50% of purchase price and something goes wrong and they cannot fulfill the rest of the contract, they will only be out the difference between the recoverable value of the vehicle vs the down payment vs the remaining value of the contract
  14. The problem lies with the fact that tourists have become crass and abusive...
  15. All a charade until they start going after the manufacturers of the drugs...
  16. The reason that the USA banks have been lacking is the "no fees" barrier... they haven't figured out a way to make sure that they get a fee for every transaction.
  17. It's a well known tactic that airlines and hotels especially can advertise low price points to attract your attention... then pile on all the fees and taxes... the booking sites do it too.
  18. The only "house check" done by immigration is for a visa due to marriage... if you have no "missus" why are you on a visa due to marriage and if not why a house check???
  19. You get what you pay for... you want champagne on a beer budget
  20. The "3 Amigos" all gave you a smiley face... they have completely closed minds
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