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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. In January, President Biden wrote that he wouldn’t "…allow extreme Republicans to hand out massive giveaways… while raising your costs and cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid." He’s doing exactly that just months later. Despite warnings from both Republicans and Democrats, the Biden administration’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services finalized cuts to the popular and effective Medicare Advantage (MA) program.
  2. I neither want nor need a sensible reply from you... 555555
  3. It’s common now for radical activists to shut down all debate on issues with which they disagree or dislike. To silence truth.
  4. It’s common now for radical activists to shut down all debate on issues with which they disagree or dislike. To silence truth.
  5. suicide... better known as "death by hilary"
  6. Democraps covering up again... some experts say that the use of executive privilege to protect the recordings is "extremely problematic" and "strictly a political decision."
  7. The current trend is that Thai officials are choosing not to allow cannabis to be legal thus turning away all those baht that are supposedly spent in Thailand by all those fine upstanding stoner tourists... have another toke.
  8. Not once did this twit reference the atrocities committed by hamas terrorists when they started this war... she is attempting to rewrite history.
  9. The real problem is that this type of person has no concept of honor or respect... suffice it to say that it has nothing to do with "mememe" that is so prevalent today
  10. I made my point very clear... can you???
  11. You will never be a "woman" no matter how much you want to be... it is impossible to transmute from male to female... but if you "feel" that you can change lead into gold go ahead... just don't expect me or the rest of the sane world to believe that it can be done.
  12. So maybe against many posters' opinions on here... Thailand is not all about the baht... maybe they do not want the riff raff of the world invading their paradise.
  13. Finally one government is going to stand up and deal with this MENTAL ILLNESS... If you want to "feel" like a woman... go ahead... but the reality is that you will never be one.
  14. No... I am merely realistic... for centuries the muslims have been the forerunners of hate and terror in the world
  15. If you really wanted to learn you would find a way... it is not hard in todays world... all you have to do is "google" the subject... ie What Obama and I Learned at Columbia: How to Destroy America From Within | Blaze Media (theblaze.com) "I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched. Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to break "the Obama code." I’m about to tell you everything about the way Obama, and the people around him, really think. I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched. How do I know all this? Because I was Barack Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I was easy to recognize - the lone outspoken conservative in a class of 700 students. I knew I was in trouble when my first political science class at Columbia was "Communism 101" taught by Professor Trotsky in the Fidel Castro Building, at the corner of Marx Blvd. and Lenin Drive. I’m only half-kidding. My experiences at Columbia were not far off. Everyone needs to hear my story because what Obama and I learned at Columbia explains EXACTLY what Obama is doing to America today."
  16. They can be like rabid dogs... it's part of the left DNA.
  17. But joe's puppet master is the head muslim... who's manifesto included destroying America.
  18. What did you say I quit reading it after six words...
  19. Joe did this... or more accurately obumer did this as part of his muslim support program... wake up America!!!
  20. Joe is senile and believes whatever his handlers say to him...
  21. Do you have a first edition of demcrap talking points... none of them true by the way. If your opinion truly mattered you would be prosecuted for slander... patheitic.
  22. While others get theirs exclusively from that muslim rag al jazeera
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