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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. BS... Asylum seeking is the go to excuse for illegals... the fact is that a very small % of illegals qualify for asylum... last count 35,000 out of 3,000,000... there are embassies in the countries of origin who are set up to handle that process legally...
  2. They are very much more accurate than your wild opinions...
  3. Davis urged Cohen to "own his lying" and his "sins" while answering questions.
  4. Davis urged Cohen to "own his lying" and his "sins" while answering questions.
  5. There's this also... Davis urged Cohen to "own his lying" and his "sins" while answering questions.
  6. This is before joe became obumer's puppet...
  7. Actually you are wrong again... hahahahaha... CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten called new poll results showing Joe Biden trailing former President Trump in several key swing states calamitous for the president on Monday. "Frankly, for the Joe Biden campaign, these numbers are an absolute disaster," Enten said, pointing to the results of a New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer poll showing Trump ahead of Biden in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona. "He's up six [in Arizona]. Look at this, nine in Georgia, 13 in Nevada, my goodness gracious, my God," he said, describing Trump's numbers among likely voters. "That is a huge lead. No Democrat has lost [Nevada] since John Kerry lost it back in 2004."The New York Times poll also found Trump ahead by three points in Pennsylvania and by one point in Wisconsin, among likely voters. Biden leads Trump by one point in Michigan, according to the Times.
  8. In President Joe Biden’s world, Iran gets sanctions relief, and Israel gets its weapons revoked. The Middle East is on fire because of Biden’s feeble "leadership" and his unwillingness to stand by our greatest ally in the region at a time of critical need. Sadly, I am not surprised by Biden’s abrogation of his moral duty to support Israel. During his tenure, this president has repeatedly demonstrated that he prefers to appease our enemies rather than help our allies. The trend started with Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan when he abandoned Americans and Afghan allies to suffer under Taliban rule. As a result, terrorists rejoice at his decisions instead of trembling in fear.
  9. And other than a voyeuristic yearning what do the tweets have to do with the evidence? This really is a trash trial when it comes to points of law and admissibility of evidence. But that is the democrap party way... so get your jollies now while you can...
  10. It has definitely revealed the seamier side of the human race... the ignorant seem to dominate the airwaves.
  11. Any excuse to protect joe... who has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy for his 50+ years in politics... he is puppeting obumer the muslim hater and terrorist.
  12. I didn't think that you would know who he is...
  13. PLUS... the democrats want to be able to kill the unborn and at the same time they pander to the pregnant woman for their vote by working on legislation to make killing of the unborn fetus murder if it is done during the commission of a crime... how hypocritical is that??? Is Killing Pregnant Woman a Double Murder? - ABC News (go.com)
  14. One idiot has come out from under the ether... many to join him soon... Fareed Zakaria admitted on his show Sunday that the felony charges brought against former President Trump in New York over falsifying business records appear politically motivated. "I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump," Zakaria said. The CNN host argued that the trial against Trump guarantees to "keep him in the spotlight" and "infuriate his base."
  15. Exploding heads of trump bashers causing major pollution... Trump addresses thousands of supporters at massive New Jersey rally
  16. Maher highlighted his 2018 interview with Daniels, pointing out what she told him was quite different than what she said in the courtroom
  17. Why are you compelled to say anti anything other than anti terror and hate... then apply that parameter to the instigators... no matter who they are.
  18. Yes... that is the problem... they flee what they have built because they don't like it... and then turn around and rebuild the same failed system where they relocate... definition of insanity personified.
  19. Excuses by you or obama or the hateful terroristic muslims does not excuse why something bad happened... by not calling out the perpetrators for the "bad happening" is in itself support for allowing the bad to happen.
  20. Yes... if only all the jews would "die" all would be right with the world... whether the muslims or you believe this is immaterial... it is flawed in sooo many ways... who's the next victim on the muslim hate and terror program... they already have declared women... LBGQT... jews... christians... as threats to them and they must be eliminated... just maybe all white atheists are next.
  21. In summary: Another think coming is the older of the two, dating in use to the mid-19th century, and originated in British English. Another thing coming appears to have come about in American English several decades later, probably as a result of confusion regarding the original phrase. So you see that you came about out of confusion...
  22. You are so late to this party... try reading the whole thing before you chime in.
  23. It's causing a shortage of murderers of the unborn you mean... good things are happening.
  24. Russian is easier than Thai... yet here you are.
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