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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. That's what Thai bashing gets you... if you hate it here so much go somewhere else... Thai bashing is so childish.
  2. Right now and in the foreseeable future more people will die in Thailand from the smoke and pollution problem rather than any disease.
  3. Orlando Magic star Jonathan Isaac joined in on ripping the president, saying on X, formerly Twitter, the White House "know[s] exactly what they are doing." "They want you to hate! This helps no one and only promotes division," he wrote. "They know exactly what they are doing.. we should be angry but shouldn’t lose the spirit of what tomorrow means! Don’t lose focus. Because He is risen there is hope for all."
  4. Doing nothing is joe's go to... he has been on the wrong end of every foreign relations decision for the last 50 years
  5. What kind of dribble is this... Putin could give a flip about anyone but Putin... my guess is that he will kill himself and millions of others with the final nuclear solution before he is done... he is unhinged.
  6. As the U.S. economy continues to falter under President Biden's tenure, pawnshops nationwide are seeing an uptick in customers seeking to pawn rather than redeem their items
  7. In any business around the world, management outcomes like this would not only get the individuals fired, but they would likely be so ridiculed they wouldn’t be able to find another job in their industry. Yet, the same people keep getting put into government positions.
  8. Walk away... and no man has the right to strike any woman...
  9. No they are not... the way that the "accusations" are dealt with is the talking point.
  10. I think that he is referring to the peacock... don't play with it either they can be very aggressive.
  11. Read it again... "The difference between the Republican and Democrat impeachment hearings? Republicans want proof that will stand up in a court of law, Democrats wanted talking points to count in the absence of evidence. Still do, in fact." Where does it say "better"... paranoid much. And has absolutely nothing to do with "accusations"... that's a deflection... the difference will be based on results that stem from facts that may or may not be proven out by the republican party... unlike the unproven talking points because of the lack of evidence used by the democrats... if the democrats could provide the evidence to go along with their talking points this debacle could have been resolved long ago...
  12. If Israel let's hamas off the hook for this they will suffer more atrocities in the future... hamas does not have a translation for peace
  13. Those peace loving muslims at it again... when will the world wake up
  14. The difference between the Republican and Democrat impeachment hearings? Republicans want proof that will stand up in a court of law, Democrats wanted talking points to count in the absence of evidence. Still do, in fact.
  15. The difference between the Republican and Democrat impeachment hearings? Republicans want proof that will stand up in a court of law, Democrats wanted talking points to count in the absence of evidence. Still do, in fact.
  16. Odd that the most vocal forum members constantly complaining that the Thai government and the Thai people in general are so corrupt... Yet when the same corruption and probably worse is questioned they have all the ready excuses for their hero corrupt joe... "debunked" "not true" "obama's decision" "government policy"
  17. You mean like this one... Over half of voters say they are worse off compared to 2020
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