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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The new regulations will only be enforced for landlords who oversee five or more properties. Those who manage less than this are not obligated to this new policy, but will likely be encouraged to follow it.
  2. I say bring back corporal punishment... let's take back the right to living without bullies and criminals ruling the world... 555
  3. Actually it is NOT disrespectful at all... there are protocols for leaving a flag up overnight and they vary from country to country... ie in the USA the protocol for flying the flag overnight is that it be lighted... in Thailand there is no restriction or protocol if one so chooses to fly the flag 24 hours... so go peddle your xenophobic rubbish somewhere else.
  4. Spoken like a true criminal... Degree of assault & battery is irrelevant... it's still a crime.
  5. Visa Exemption and Bilateral Agreement | ThaiEmbassy.com
  6. The above list is from Thailand web site... if you have an issue with the way it is worded take it up with them... 555
  7. The circumstances are entirely different... one assault was an unprovoked assault & battery on an unsuspecting woman... the other was an escalation between two alpha males whose mothers never taught them how to behave... you want so bad for it to be a discrimination issue because the swissie is a farang and in your small mind farangs are always picked on.
  8. Just because they don't ask... but they can if they want to... see 4 below. Be from an approved country. Be visiting Thailand strictly for tourism. Hold a genuine passport with a valid expiry of over 6 months. Can provide a valid address in Thailand on entry that can be verified. This address can be a hotel or an apartment. Must have a confirmed return ticket exiting Thailand within 30 days. Open tickets do not qualify. Traveling overland by train, bus, etc to Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia (including en route to Singapore), Myanmar, etc is not accepted as proof of exiting Thailand.** Provide proof of funds of at least 10,000 THB for single travelers, or 20,000 THB per family during your stay in Thailand.
  9. So in your feeble mind unprovoked ASSAULT & BATTERY is an overblown hoo-ha... sad
  10. There are bad actors in every country... one crime does not mitigate the other... and one punishment does not alter any other... except maybe in your small mind.
  11. The rules say proof of accommodations while in Thailand... In nearly 30 years I have never been asked by the IO... I use booking.com and have confirmation on a hotel room that is fully cancellable... unless I know that is where I will be staying...
  12. Stick with what you know... which is nothing... 9-0 is not rigged
  13. So... in your mind... unprovoked ASSAULT & BATTERY is a minor incident... sad There is no "equity" when it comes to crime... one does not mitigate the other
  14. Yes it could be... so stop drinking. PS... it's alcohol not achohol
  15. I already took mine this morning...you should too
  16. I am very familiar with CATO Group... they are a libertarian political OPINION group so you saying that they are factual is the first mistake... just because they have a letterhead does not make them an absolute authority.
  17. So this not so nice character is a big spender so he should get a break... sad So this Thai "doctor" is not yet a doctor so she has no standing as a human being... sad Foreigners in Thailand have legal rights... they just do not have a legal right to commit illegal acts... he should be thankful that he is being sent back to his country instead of to a Thai prison.
  18. So in your mind... ASSAULT & BATTERY is a silly mistake... sad
  19. You are right... BUT criminality is broken down further... while speeding, no helmet, littering are crimes... they are "misdemeanors" and generally forgiven with a fine... ASSAULT & BATTERY is a felony on another person... and demands a totally different punishment.
  20. The propaganda machine worked on you... muslims deny publicly but the reality remains that all terrorists are muslim and they all shout "الله أكبر" as they murder.
  21. So far the reaction to this statement is... 4 confused liberals... 1 sad one... and one happy one... figures.
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