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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Blinded by the light... thank you for setting me straight... 555
  2. HAHAHA... in your small mind if one is aware of joe's foreign policy blunders in the 50 years that he has sucked on the American tit... one has to be "trumpeter" There are other options but your TDS blinds you so you champion a different loser.
  3. Just saying every little bit of burning contributes to the problem... but I see that you justify it by being super responsible with your solar energy push... it's really not an offset... Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. Yes you definitely fit the profile.
  4. Spoken like a true liberal... your perspective is sooo distorted that you cannot detect when someone is left of center because you have no center to use as a starting point... and no "the result " means nothing to me... I could care less about who did what and who is better than who... I leave that to you.
  5. Two out of control persons married... what could possibly go wrong.
  6. 7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden — that's greater than the population of 36 states
  7. If you set your google maps setting to "NO TOLL ROADS" you do not have this problem...
  8. AIR QUALITY INDEX ratings poor in Thailand... thanks for your contribution.
  9. Do not add salt until you have chemically balanced the water at startup... there is more to it than just adding salt.
  10. "anna" just may be the Thai guy in the pic... the one not waving like a twit.
  11. That doesn't say anywhere that there was not a crime committed... when you get a security clearance you swear an oath to NOT misplace... forget... keep... reveal classified documents... if you do it is criminal. As long as you don't know the facts, why expose yourself by posting?
  12. No matter how long one studies and evaluates anything... if they are focused with a biased eye the results of that study will be biased as well... I do not reject knowledge I just admit that the bias is there unlike Demons who proclaim their ignorance in blindly following the propaganda.
  13. NO... your opinion is not worth a rat's ass... all you got is insults and drivel
  14. Evidence... you mean like the border being overrun on a daily basis... resulting in millions of ILLEGAL immigrants. What evidence would it take for you to admit that the border is in chaos?
  15. There is where you are wrong... repeatedly... having them in the first place and forgetting is in direct opposition to the oath that you swore to protect them... that is the FIRST crime. Keeping them is in addition to the first crime... getting caught and returning them doesn't negate the fact that the first crime was committed... why is that so difficult for joe's boys to understand.
  16. so you are truly altruistic... you are the last resort on what is and what isn't good for others... you may be more of a democrat than you know... still in the closet.
  17. HAHAHA... this is truly a time to consider the source when passing judgement... totally
  18. So instead of reading anything else except your opinion is "not worth the read"... yes a tried and true democrat in action... 555555
  19. Before anything is done... there must be the sorting of the brown envelopes.
  20. You mean like the canadian woman that I said "hi" to in Chiang Mai and she just glared back???
  21. The surge is a direct result of joe not enforcing laws and immigration policies... is that so hard to understand?
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