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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Yes... that was my point exactly... everyone is guessing... no one knows for sure what the story is but are more than willing to pass judgement...
  2. While what you say is true... it is not just Thailand... U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households
  3. It's all the haters have in their little minds... they think that it makes their pathetic lives better... thinking "outside the box" to them is cherrios for breakfast.
  4. Chiang Mai, Thailand Updated as of Sat 17, 7 AM GMT+7 124 Poor Primary Pollutant · PM2.5 38 μg/m³
  5. That's not the point... I know that he is insignificant... obviously he knows it too... so he posts hateful statements about Thais... wouldn't it make sense for such an unhappy person to seek somewhere to live that he likes rather than be malcontent?
  6. Why not... he hates it so much... or should the Thais change so that he likes it more?
  7. Much like the Beach Boys family circling the wagons to protect their inheritance.
  8. All of his posts are anti Thai... he was not being sarcastic... he was being hateful.
  9. Sounds a lot like the current parenting problem in the world today...
  10. You sound like you don't smile much... I never get false smiles because my attitude doesn't allow for it.
  11. Unlike the family feuds in your country... if you hate Thais so much... leave.
  12. Not unlike the various gangs in your home country...
  13. Not really... most of us are doing well... unlike you with the dead soul.
  14. Maybe the scot came to Thailand on a wing and a prayer and could no longer qualify at the IO for a legitimate visa... maybe he quit sending money because he is on the dole back home and drinks too much... or dead... it amazes me the number of truly nasty forum members that have all the answers.
  15. NO... the simple act of having the documents is the crime committed by both... so prosecute both... you are so TDS that you refuse to understand that joe apologizing and returning the stolen documents doesn't negate that it was a crime to have them in the first place.
  16. Bullpucky... there are laws already on the books... just enforce them... which joe and mayorkas refuse to do... answer me this... why is a new law required?
  17. Breakfast at The Duke's March 2nd, Buffet opens @ 9:30 am A great western breakfast buffet for only 395 baht or if you register on the survey link below you will receive a 100-baht discount, making your all you can eat scrumptious breakfast only 295 baht. Best bargain in Chiang Mai. Make your reservations now as we usually sellout early.
  18. Why on earth would I do that... the venue is a sellout every time and it is a nice friendly environment... most would recommend that you take your snotty attitude elsewhere... PS... the fruit is always fresh and tasty.
  19. Actually it is held at New Yorker owned restaurant that serves one of the best breakfast buffets available anywhere... please DO NOT attend... we prefer nice people.
  20. The use of public transportation is a good thing... BUT that is not the problem.. STOP THE BURNING.
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