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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I could give a rat's ass what trump looks like... prosecute him for all I care... but propping joe up and giving him a free pass for being forgetful and making it ok for him to have classified documents while pursuing charges against trump is just plain wrong... demoncrats have lost their way when it come to equality... and no equity is not the same.
  2. Why can't anyone of your cabal answer a simple well worded question... there is no blocking of money already allocated for border defense... to date $333 billion allocated to Homeland Security... the border is in chaos and it has nothing to do with money... it is demoncratic policy that is failing to protect the USA
  3. Somebody is sad that some of us are against spending an "auxiliary" $118 billion dollars to close the borders... maybe they don't realize that this amount is in addition to the spending of $333 billion dollars already spent by Homeland Security for failure to secure said borders.
  4. There will never be a two state solution because muslims will never stop hating and terrorizing... the koran requires jihad.
  5. Not one of you has answered my question... why is an "emergency" "auxiliary" bill in the amount of $118 billion required when the current administration refuses to apply the laws that already exist? Who is really the loser? It's those that believe that $118 billion is required.
  6. This is from the Sleep Foundation...The temperature of your bedroom can make a significant difference to your sleep quality. The best room temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius). This may vary by a few degrees from person to person, but most doctors recommend keeping the thermostat set between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 to 20 degrees Celsius) for the most comfortable sleep.
  7. Here's the headline... "London mayor under fire for reportedly snubbing queen statue in favor of art celebrating trans prostitutes"
  8. Just as nancy and her cronies did when the Steele dossier was proven false... right.
  9. There are members of this forum who believe that these girls all know what's going on and are accomplices in the sexual acts that take place...
  10. So you make the laws up now... what you say just is NOT true... the "criminal element" is taking the documents in the first place. According to you... if I rob a bank... get caught... but return the money... no crime was committed.
  11. Now that you mention leading the clueless... so joe gets a pass because he is so stupid to not know what he was doing with classified documents... which is a greater threat to security... not knowing or knowing. PS... if joe truly did not know then he should not be fit to be given clearance to have classified documents to begin with. When given a security clearance one must swear an oath to protect classified documents according to the law... no excuses for forgetting that you have them.
  12. Biden vs. Trump on immigration and border security, in 12 charts - The Washington Post "emergency funds" for an emergency that joe has created... there are plenty of funds allocated for border control but joe will not control the border... "Auxiliary" or "emergency" funding is a coverup by the dems
  13. joe is letting them make it an issue by not enforcing the immigration laws already on the books... why are "emergency funds" needed? Has joe created an emergency??!!
  14. You refuse to answer the question... this isn't about trump... this is about what is happening now.
  15. What a blatant lie... Biden vs. Trump on immigration and border security, in 12 charts - The Washington Post
  16. Build the wall... stopped by joe. Enforce the current immigration laws... refused to do by joe Why is an auxillary $118 billion dollar bill required... just enforce the laws already in existence.
  17. Very much like the "upgrade" of this forum... Programmers never consider end users... they have to justify their jobs so they sell their "upgrades"
  18. That's great for you... in a perfect world it should be done by your landlord... however the world is not perfect and many landlords do not do it... if that is the case then you must do it because it is ultimately your responsibility that you as a foreigner have a TM-30 on file with IO. On the other hand if you are saying that you have no TM-30 on file... then you are either not aware that one was filed for you or you're lying and misleading others with your advice.
  19. Again I ask the democrats this... which so far none have answered... why is a $118,000,000,000.00 (yes that's billion) "auxiliary bill" needed when the federal government refuses to enforce the rules of immigration that are already on the books...
  20. NO.. he didn't change anything... you just failed to comprehend who is ultimately responsible to ensure that one has a proper TM-30 on record at IO... and in doing so are giving out half assed advice.
  21. I also heard the whine in his op
  22. What's your source? Links please... being in the clear is political not necessarily that a crime wasn't committed.
  23. No... I am the one that says to apply the law equally to all rather than to whoever is the political flavor of the day... if you bothered to read my posts you would know that.
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