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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Yes it is a good reference... but you got it backwards... when COLA goes up it is because the economy is failing the everyday working stiff... right now the only Americans doing well are upper middle class investors and the wealthy while the middle and poorer classes are paying a premium on everyday living.
  2. Yet joe is letting fentanyl flow freely across the USA border... go figure
  3. Still suffering from TDS I see... this op is about tucker... 555
  4. You do realize that COLA goes up with inflation and not as fast because the real life living expenses such as food, housing, and energy are left out of the equation.
  5. Every republican attempt to close the border and restore order to a legal immigration policy has been thwarted by joe and the newly impeached mayorkas... how does this relate to "the republicans have a chaotic border policy"?
  6. You are way out of the ballpark on that one... there is no physical residency requirement in the pra
  7. Actually it reads... "Biden provided a few details on how the documents were found, saying that his lawyers were clearing out his office at the Penn Biden Center and discovered the documents in a box and in what he called “a locked cabinet, or at least a closet.” OR AT LEAST A CABINET... he didn't know that the documents were there but according to "lying joe" it was locked.
  8. For the confused person... did the boy have a history of seizers? When was the last time that the boy was checked by a doctor? Was his teacher aware of special needs? You know, just the basics... if this was a one off then the teacher should be instructed on proper medical emergency procedures... if there is a history... then shame on the mother for not informing the school.
  9. I would like to see the boys medical history before pointing a finger...
  10. Not really... seems that you are misrepresenting what happened... joe's lawyers were packing up contents from a leased and no longer used office of joe's when they discovered classified documents that joe had forgotten and left behind... actually forgot and left behind unsecured classified documents... they did alert the authorities about a week later. Trump did know that he had classified documents that would become part of his legacy library as was done by EVERY president... NARA issues a statement that says: “Throughout the course of the last year, NARA obtained the cooperation of Trump representatives to locate Presidential records that had not been transferred to the National Archives at the end of the Trump administration. When a representative informed NARA in December 2021 that they had located some records, NARA arranged for them to be securely transported to Washington. NARA officials did not visit or ‘raid’ the Mar-a-Lago property.” But lo and behold the DOJ and the fibbers (fbi) under obama (joe) get a warrant and raid mar-a-lago... Timeline of FBI Investigation of Trump's Handling of Highly Classified Documents - FactCheck.org I have to wonder where the NARA...the doj... and fbi were and what they were doing when joe had left unsecured documents lying around in an abandoned office and in his garage for years. Now trump is being criminally prosecuted while joe is not... why... they both had documents that they shouldn't have had... on top of that... joe's were unsecured yet trump's were secured.
  11. "The only thing I can tell you is that the one thing we need is four more years of President Donald Trump," Scott said. "We were better off under Trump. In order for us to be successful, the one thing I can't afford to do is take my eye off the ball. The eye on the ball means making sure that President Trump gets four more years." Seems that you and tugger just cannot stand the fact that there is a smart black man in America... surprise
  12. So you admit once again that the border is in chaos...???
  13. So in your small mind it is ok for nations to suck at the tit of other nations... good going
  14. Here comes the adjustment for bidenomics... Inflation driven Dow plunge is worst in 11 months
  15. OP should start with "But... but... But I am special and so what if my paperwork doesn't match my address."
  16. HAHAHA or as they say in Thailand 555... German demands parking space and gets pissed off when business doesn't want him to park in front of it... it's his right after all. Both parties are a wholes...
  17. I got the same notice... I resubmitted the next day with all the same information and it was approved.
  18. Not really... that is exactly what you stated... that if trump had given back the stolen documents like joe did than there wouldn't be any crime
  19. You left out the part of the NATO agreement that states that if you do not pay your dues you are not a full fledged member... that is what this is about.
  20. WHAT AN ABSOLUTELY HATEFUL THING TO SAY... about a man that you have never met... just shows your lack of propriety.
  21. So you admit that joe's handling of the border is chaos...
  22. You see... that is where the democrats differ... they think that giving back the documents means that there was no crime committed... however there was still a crime committed.
  23. Yes... I live here... and have lived in many other countries as well... my comment was to show that Thais are no more superstitious than many other nationalities... not that they were not superstitious.
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