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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Why not... everything else is his fault according to the Hateful 8
  2. You did not read or comprehend the article... "The parents asked the foreign man to give them 1 million baht as a dowry, half of which would go to his fiancée after the wedding ceremony and the other half would be kept by the parents for safekeeping"
  3. This is not about citizenship... it is about moving to a foreign country and objecting to their culture... hopefully he is on a plane back to the USA and will reconsider his maturity level in accepting that the rest of the world does not march to his distant drummer...
  4. 555... if you could only interpret your own graph...
  5. Just not true... Trump raised oil production from 9,000bpd to 13,000bpd... Biden is at 11,200bpd... but then again I haven't adjusted for the democraptic math formula...
  6. I don't believe you... you are Canadian... your countries reputation precedes you... 555
  7. Just never arrive when it is raining or meal time... Grab, Bolt, taxis, etc all disappear... 555
  8. EMPHATICALLY... YES When you shut down your own production and become reliant upon foreign sources you might as well just tell them to raise their prices... Biden's handlers are devoted in their attempt to "price" Americans out of the fossil fuel markets
  9. The average American wedding, including all expenses such as the rings, ceremony and reception, comes in at a whopping $33,900! Same human trafficking???
  10. WHY pray tell is that... I have to join the "GANG OF HATERS" to assuage their feelings... 555
  11. I do not like what Biden and his handlers have done to the USA... I do not hate Biden, I feel sorry that his ego let him be dragged into something so far over his head that it is frightening... Joe is not all there and Joe has shown nothing but disdain for the citizenry for whatever his reasons.
  12. I have stated many times and will do so once again... I have never liked Trump... I liked some of his accomplishments in making America prosperous, but have always regarded him as a narcissistic ass and all around <deleted>... so move on
  13. Actually you and I are using the same source for our take on the matter... so how can I be so wrong and you be so right at the same time... maybe because I am not a denier of how it has affected every household in the USA with higher prices for everything and Biden has done nothing to alleviate the problem he just keeps dumping on it...
  14. Thank god that I could care less about you... there's an old saying... "when in Rome......" It's not about the money at all... it is about outward display of caring and devotion... it is common in many many cultures including the USA just expressed differently. I wouldn't expect you to understand...
  15. Keep drinking the Koolaid... Bidenomics is a catastrophe for Americans.
  16. "The Gang of Haters" are out in force reveling in their collective disdain for Trump... Trump wins hands down... he lives in their minds like no other... he blinds them to reality of today and the mess that is going on now... without him they have no purpose in life.. they might as well be dead.
  17. Figures coming from you... "it's all Trump's fault" is no longer a viable excuse for the current failure in the white house... after all this time why can't you haters come up with a different excuse?
  18. Another American (could be any number of others as well) cheap ass without a pot to piss in looking to further cheapen his "love" for a traditional Thai woman by making it about the money... first of all it is less than $30,000... secondly he and she would get back half immediately after the wedding... thirdly the remaining half would be saved for their future life... I would have to opine that she and her family have dodged a bullet... let him go back to America and forget him.
  19. Democrat... "temporary fluke" Middle class American... "I'm sinking... I have to work more and get less for my money under Bidenomics"
  20. The Labor Department said Wednesday that the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods that includes gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 0.6% in August from the previous month, in line with estimates. Prices climbed 3.7% from the same time last year, faster than both the 3.2% reading in July and the 3.6% estimate from Refinitiv economists. It marked the steepest monthly increase this year, underscoring the challenge of taming high inflation. Other parts of the report also pointed to a slower retreat for inflation. Core prices, which exclude the more volatile measurements of food and energy, climbed 0.3% last month and 4.3% annually. While both of those figures are lower than previous readings, the monthly core measure climbed faster than expected.
  21. Work harder, buy less— this is the failure of Bidenomics BUT once again... I agree with you... "it's all Trump's fault"... now what has joe done to better the lives of Americans??? The Labor Department said Wednesday that the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods that includes gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 0.6% in August from the previous month, in line with estimates. Prices climbed 3.7% from the same time last year, faster than both the 3.2% reading in July and the 3.6% estimate from Refinitiv economists. It marked the steepest monthly increase this year, underscoring the challenge of taming high inflation. Other parts of the report also pointed to a slower retreat for inflation. Core prices, which exclude the more volatile measurements of food and energy, climbed 0.3% last month and 4.3% annually. While both of those figures are lower than previous readings, the monthly core measure climbed faster than expected.
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