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Posts posted by CharlieKo

  1. https://www.isdp.eu/publication/two-tines-one-fork-chinas-de-dollarisation-and-bond-issuance-drive-economic-independence/#:~:text=China's de-dollarisation strategy involves,Renminbi as an international currency.



    China’s de-dollarisation strategy involves increasing its gold reserves and reducing its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. This move is designed to insulate the Chinese economy from potential U.S. financial sanctions and to promote the Renminbi as an international currency.

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  2. 1 hour ago, nobodysfriend said:

    Muslims , Jews ... they hate each other .

    Hatred leads to violence and violence to more violence .

    A vicious circle .

    To get out of this , empathy and tolerance are needed ... but there needs to be a will to make peace ...

    Jews do not hate Muslims, They had the death cults that is Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood. Which are banned even in Muslim countries. 

    • Confused 1
  3. Regardless of what crime in your eyes may have been committed. If you do tread on the wrong toes be it in the criminal or civil court. Because corruption knows no boundaries. One question you should ask yourself is.


    How much value do you put on your life?


    Something could happen to you long before the case reaches the courts. All depends on who's involved and the depths they will go to, to avoid being caught out.  

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  4. On 6/20/2024 at 10:40 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

    How will it end?


    Just ask The Good Soldier Švejk.



    Never argue with imbeciles!




    There sure are enough of them on this forum!


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