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Posts posted by CharlieKo

  1. 14 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I don't disagree...  many Brits behave poorly, as do tourists from other nations. 


    We could be digging up news of Americans in Cancun or Australians in Bali etc - wherever there are a lot of tourists from any one nation, an element of contempt develops with the locals. 


    That said, I don't spend my time digging up news about Brit's.. Perhaps I'm also negatively bias against MalcomB and what appears to be an anti-British agenda, even though in this thread he appears to be levying upset against the Spanish for wanting to prevent the British from travelling to 'their area'...   


    I read into his threads an underlying negativity towards the Brits, in this case I suspect he was hoping the discussion will develop into a "Can't blame the locals for not wanting the British there" type of bash - he's just being a little less obvious about it as he's been called out too many times already for his anti-British trolling.


    ... Perhaps I'm over reading to much into his threads ?... Or, perhaps I already have a handle on where he'd like to direct the tone of the thread and have called it before it happens.







    I'd say most of those that give Brits a bad rep are between the ages of 18- mid 20's. Those that come for the full moon parties etc. As you say it's not just Brits, it can be those from other western countries. I still stand by what I say some should never be allowed out of the UK.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    No, they're not ready yet, but the trend is that they're waking that they have no choice but to counter the dictatorship axis.

    However if the Putin adjacent fascist forces take too much power within the west, especially if Trump takes power again in the U.S., then things will be looking quite grim. 

     World war 3 won't be a conventional war. It will go nuclear, and be over in a couple hours. There won't any winners and most of Europe and the states will be obliterated.  

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  3. On 6/18/2024 at 2:44 AM, stoner said:

    you often see many posters on here championing freedom and democracy and all those fun words and concepts. yet this thread is totally void of all of that. a whos who of champs wont even comment on this issue. 


    in a reality where true dictatorship and fascism is happening the silence is deafening. 

    It's called living in denial. Believing all that the main stream media feed to the public. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yes, I don't think they keep track of people, patient's do video calls these days, maybe worth keeping them up

    I was quoting what the UK government recently said about expats seeking treatment in the UK, and the cost of that treatment. I accept that maybe the hospital would overlook that. However, I do wonder if it would be worth returning to the UK for treatment. It could take a very long time to get an appointment unless one is admitted via the Accident and emergency department! The NHS ain't what it used to be.


  5. 21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Well I agree with premise that the transactional cultural thing might be great as a tourist but kind of bad as an expat


    Surely that is the same for heterosexual relationships and not just for gay relationships. I'm sure there are sincere gays looking for a relationship. You just have to find the right one, as do straight people.   

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  6. 8 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:



    Are you one of those jealous non=Americans, sport?          :cheesy:

    Actually, I feel sorry for you Yanks. And thank g-d I'm not an American. There is absolutely nothing to feel jealous about towards Americans only pity and sadness! Having been to the USA I can say America is a beautiful country, But shame about the people who live there. 

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