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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. The amount of interest takes me above the 12,500 tax free sum. However I can only go by what my accountant and HMRC have told me. That is, I do not have to declare or pay tax on that amount in the UK. As you mentioned, I think the total amount is around 17K GBP before tax is due in the UK. I am just below that threshold!
  2. Oh he's used the word fascist, didn't take long either! 555
  3. Talk about twisting the facts. Yet again you accuse others of doing what the Dems have tried to do, but failed big time. Sorry but you are totally deranged. It's American like you that have ruined America. Given half the chance you would F....K the world also with your endless wars. After the second world war, Americans lives were wasted on pointless wars that failed. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Libya, and not forgetting Ukraine! All these countries were/are in worse shape than before the US decided it had to police the world. At least Trump has said he won't be starting any wars.
  4. You should ask @Jingthing about this, he displays classic signs of what you mention!
  5. I'm allowing for the possibility that it may not be true. But yes, it definitely is abuse. Biden is a sick individual on many levels.
  6. I would counter that with the diary of Biden's daughter, who suggested she was sexualised at an early age. That possibly Biden had showers with her, where abuse may have taken place! https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-news/presidential-election/2024/05/13/664244e9e2704e77688b457e.html
  7. I think you need the services of a shrink! The Cult you are displaying is that of the loony left. You need help!
  8. You would have to be blind to not see that Biden has problems. There is no double standard other than what is in your mind.
  9. I think it really depends. As a UK citizen All I get is my state pension. But I do have quite a lot of savings in a UK bank. HMRC have told me that as a non resident they will not tax the interest I get on those savings. Indeed the bank do not deduct tax on the interest. To avoid double taxation you may need to apply for non resident status as far as UK taxes are concerned. Which then means any taxes due on dividends would be paid to the Thai Revenue Department. Besides that if you did have to pay UK taxes, you would be able to show a letter from HMRC stating how much tax was due. It would mean jumping through hoops which is a pain. But is doable if approached right.
  10. You really swallowed the democratic BS. There was no insurrection. Yet more lies created by the Dems to discredit Trump. Just like the Russia Russia hoax. Hillary still can't accept she lost on 2016, even to this day. That is how deranged the Dems have become.
  11. You are the one doing the Deflection. Typical Democrat accuse others of doing what you yourself are doing. Everything you've said so far has been taken out of context. You must be one of those left leaning fascists!
  12. Total Rubbish, you are blowing the whole thing out of all proportion.
  13. Was that an A for Abnormal? Because it seems Trump is living in your mind rent free. 555
  14. Actually he was a republican, But is now an independent. He's probably one of those RINO's. The thing is Joe Biden is visibly senile. Where as Conway is manufacturing a hit job on Trumps mental state, suggesting he is worse than Biden. It really is pathetic.
  15. You really need to get over yourself. We can see that you really hate Trump, which say's more about you than Trump. He said that in relation to the criminals that are allowed to cross into the USA, having committed a crime, get caught only for some Democratic Judge to release them so they can commit yet more crimes, raping and killing! So at least put it into some context.
  16. This is such BS. It's easy to manipulate a video to get the result you want. George Conway is obviously a democrat stooge. It's quite pathetic the way they keep on attacking Trump. Sad the way some Americans fall for this rubbish. It obviously makes them feel better if they have someone they can hate! The Democrats are showing just how bad losers they are. Biden will quit the race, and all they have is a woman who can't even string a coherent sentence together. They know they've lost this presidential race. The real question is Will Kamala Harris be able to find a running mate who doesn't make her look stupid!
  17. For those interested, here is a link for a document clarifying how tax is paid for expats in Thailand. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/FOREIGNERS_PAY_TAX2024.pdf
  18. Surely that is irrelevant? The fact he survived to fight another day is what matters. So, yes they could become the biggest political dynasty in US history. All these trumped up criminal charges have and will fall away. They were never on solid ground to start with.
  19. If you lose your UK passport too many times The passport office may refuse to issue you with a new one on the basis that you could be selling your passport on the black market for a few thousand pounds.
  20. I think you will find that HMRC and DWP cannot communicate directly with each other. So it is highly unlikely that DWP will enquire about your residency status via HMRC. However If I understand you correctly, you use a UK address as residency for pension purposes. All I'll say is, you better hope DWP never find out. As they will claw back funds which in their eyes was over paid due to you living in a country where you pension is frozen.
  21. Enoch Powell was right about "rivers of blood flowing in the streets" He just got the ethnicity of those who's blood will flow wrong! There is going to be a big backlash against illegal migration. It's started already but will get worse. You can blame the idiot Politicians across Europe for this madness.
  22. That could have something to do with money laundering or potential fraud. As I mentioned in another post. Any government that tried to means test the state pension would lose the next election as pensioners are one of the biggest voting blocks in the UK. Even the DE admit it isn't likely to happen. It is just scare tactics from the Sh...te DE who are anti Labour. The DE have a history of scare mongering, because they know their idiot readers swallow that crap hook line and sinker! But, you believe what you like. Grumpy old men will always look for something to be negative about.
  23. Indeed. The DE is just a gossip mongering rag. They don't do real news.
  24. The Express is a BS rag. Using scare tactics against the Labour party. As they the DE support the Tories. Any government that means tests the state pension would lose the next election. It isn't going to happen. Besides people now coming into the work force are required, and have been required for some time to have a private or company pension. So yes the state pension may disappear one day. But not while the government are required to give those entitled to the state pension, their pension!
  25. The only way China attacks Taiwan is if the US station American troops on Taiwan or interfere with the political situation. The one china policy is a soft approach where China uses the political system to get a pro mainland administration. Why would China want to attack Chinese people. Trump isn't interested in war with China, where as the democratic neocons want war.
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