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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. That's not the same thing. You won't get any interest payments on savings. They are just a currency transfer service.
  2. Rubbish. I earn an income in the UK. Being able to keep that account is important to me. The bank wanted to know certain information. I provided that info. That is not rolling over. That is protecting myself from having my account closed. But if you want to be at loggerheads with your bank, go for it see how far it gets you!
  3. Because it's irrelevant. Any UK bank can close your account if you don't meet their requirements.
  4. I think you'll find that unless you have a UK address linked to your Bank account. There is no obligation for UK banks to keep your account open. Even then I received a letter from my bank, saying they were aware I was living in Thailand and asking for my tax details here in Thailand. If I was not able to provide those details they would have closed my account.
  5. BarraMarra, was it not you who strayed off topic first, with your comment about Hospitals and shopping malls?
  6. I think it was proven that the damage was caused by Ukrainian air defence missiles crashing into buildings after missing their targets
  7. This is how crazy it is. Ukraine buys Russian oil from Hungary and Turkey, which they use in their tanks to fight Russia!
  8. India's Foreign Minister said it best ‘Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems’.
  9. If you are so certain of your case, then take legal advice, and then use the law to get back what you feel entitled to. Your idea of a solution is just nut's unless you are looking for trouble.
  10. You can go to SCB and they will reset your card for the 6 digit pin. No idea if it will still work. I guess you could try, but I doubt it will work. The ATM could eat your card or you may be able to cancel the attempt.
  11. It's called deflection. Accuse your opponent of doing what the democrats have been doing.
  12. Telling a black voter if he doesn't vote for him (Biden) then he ain't black! Biden is a racist.
  13. It depends on how many days the mourning process lasts for. Normally it's 3-4 days. Can cost up to 100,000 baht depending on the food provided. But people who come to pay their respects will contribute to the cost so you might get 40-50,000 baht of the cost. Rich people may do 7 days. Temple cost for the cremation can be anything from 60-100,000 baht depending on the temple.
  14. So you are in favour of human trafficking. After all it's a right wing thing?
  15. I read somewhere (Thai media) that the 250 hand picked senators are out of a job sometime next year. I think in March. Pita should have delayed things until then.
  16. Check with your embassy. You may not need to send it off for the renewal. They may want you to visit the embassy to verify your passport. The UK don't expect it's citizens to send off the old passport for renewal because Thai law says you must have your passport at all times. But we have to verify the current passport for the application to go through. Maybe it is the same for US citizens.
  17. You said that Russia Russia thing was a trumpist thing! But it didn't stop you from using it in relation to RFK. Rather than just saying RFK was antisemitic and leaving it at that. It might have been a bit cheeky, but no way can you say it was trolling. But carry on conflate it as much as you like. bye bye.
  18. indeed. Not saying Russia doesn't use propaganda. But so does the west. We don't really hear how the fighting is really going. We hear of bridges being attacked or tanks being destroyed. But no real news of Ukrainian progress in retaking territory.
  19. I could say the same thing. The idea That the west doesn't do propaganda is a joke. We might know the truth when the fighting is over.
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