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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. https://www.isdp.eu/publication/two-tines-one-fork-chinas-de-dollarisation-and-bond-issuance-drive-economic-independence/#:~:text=China's de-dollarisation strategy involves,Renminbi as an international currency. China’s de-dollarisation strategy involves increasing its gold reserves and reducing its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. This move is designed to insulate the Chinese economy from potential U.S. financial sanctions and to promote the Renminbi as an international currency.
  2. More garbage. China and Russia are the main players in the BRICS block. This is western propaganda trying to split Russia and China. As for Putin being the new Hitler? More BS from the western Media. You really do fall for this rubbish.
  3. You might be at war with Russia, but Thailand isn't. This just shows your American entitlement that thinks you can dictate to other countries what they can and can't do. You are the problem not the Russians. You talk about morality. America doesn't have any morality. You guy's know how to start wars but you never finish them, you always cut and run. Just like in Afghanistan!
  4. They have already started. It's just that governments aren't talking about it yet!
  5. Yes, that is possible. However I think we are getting closer the EU breaking up as a governing body over EU states.
  6. Jews do not hate Muslims, They had the death cults that is Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood. Which are banned even in Muslim countries.
  7. I think you will find you would need to remit over 600,000 baht before you would pay any taxes here in Thailand. As after deduction of all allowances the balance would fall below a taxable amount.
  8. Macron has himself to blame. People have had enough of promises in the west as this is not just happening in France. Unfortunately it doesn't mean that any new government will do as the people want. Especially if it is a left leaning government.
  9. Regardless of what crime in your eyes may have been committed. If you do tread on the wrong toes be it in the criminal or civil court. Because corruption knows no boundaries. One question you should ask yourself is. How much value do you put on your life? Something could happen to you long before the case reaches the courts. All depends on who's involved and the depths they will go to, to avoid being caught out.
  10. There's more to see in Moscow than Phuket.
  11. So not only is Trump supposed to be Putin's stooge, He now espouses Communist economics. Another Dem hit piece. Talk about Trump derangement syndrome!
  12. It's going to cost a hell of a lot more than 300-500 quid for that type of insurance.
  13. https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/video-showing-president-zelenskiy-admitting-to-using-cocaine-is-digitally-alte-idUSL1N31S1RD/
  14. Such a stupid comment. lol
  15. You really don't know what you are talking about. Give it a few more months then you will see that Ukraine are finished.
  16. What utter rubbish, Ukraine have lost this war. Zelensky the coke head needs to negotiate, but he won't.
  17. There sure are enough of them on this forum!
  18. No, we view the Irish same same as you Americans view the Poles. Thick as a brick. And as dumb as a mule!
  19. I blame the voters, As Thomas Jefferson said “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” That goes regardless of whether you vote for Biden or Trump!
  20. I'd say most of those that give Brits a bad rep are between the ages of 18- mid 20's. Those that come for the full moon parties etc. As you say it's not just Brits, it can be those from other western countries. I still stand by what I say some should never be allowed out of the UK.
  21. Judging by how some Brits behave here in Thailand, I'd say the spaniards are right. Some Brits shouldn't be allowed to have passports.
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