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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. No no. Bindis is the plural not bindii
  2. Shoot them in the back.
  3. Trying to find one of these CT clamps. Someone is taking a guess that a 100a/30ma simple clamp from AliExpress will do the trick. Worth a try? I'm guessing if anybody selling the original it will be at a stupid price for a coil of wire.
  4. Yep , but I do extrapolate. Years ago, news article stated an ambulance was sent away and guy died on the way to another hospital. But it's not debatable. The hospital is setup as a money making machine which is why public hospitals should only exist. But we could debate this morality all day. Humans suck basically.
  5. Cheers. I think the plan will be hook up CT and stop feed back from the get go to avoid any hassle from authorities. I'll add a few batteries on a 240v outlet to capture a little for blackouts. I'm guessing the CT clamp must be between grid and load section of the 240v wire.
  6. Planning to connect up a solax X1 boost 5kw grid tied inverter to a spinning disc meter. Does anyone know the technicals on how the inverters that are setup to stop feed in know how they determine if power is going into the homes load or the grid? I believe a current transformer needs hooking up but have also read some inverters just know without the CT albeit a less accurate result.
  7. Can't come in without a Thai?
  8. They investigate if you have the ability to pay first. For example if you have a visa card or not. If they deem you unable to pay they tell you to go elsewhere.
  9. When electric companies do things like charge you for feed in or give a few baht for your efforts do they get you to sign an agreement. Or are they entitled to do whatever they want without notice?
  10. I'll take that as an agree to disagree. That's totally fair. I find I discuss or argue with the middle class side on this topic and they won't understand and I'm resigned to do the same. It's an Israel Palestine situation. Each will think they are right and they are both right depending on which side they sit. Enjoy your day all.
  11. Yes they do pay. Explained clearly in my previous off topic post. I have explained but as they say, I can't make u understand.
  12. I wouldn't call it free money. Some people work really shippy jobs for little money. Call it reward money for the better half. After all everyone pays money to the government from sales taxes. I guess it's an apology from the government for not using taxes well enough. Maybe apology money. Keep it real people and be honest with yourself at the very least.
  13. You are kidding me, No? Primary concern is dumb excuses not to help the less advantaged. Oh but the budget, but inflation, butt , my axx!
  14. You get different people and different days. Always use the fail safe option. I report each time I go out shopping and return from Bug C. No issues so far.
  15. With markup on wheat they should make a bucket loaf.
  16. In this case we are talking about a situation where family's are not spending anything except on rent bills and food. Is that beyond a budget of any use to a decent life while governments are creating money out of taxes to buy submarines. Haha. Sorry to laugh but it's just Craziness.
  17. Oz and Brit walking down a street. Oz and Brits as bad as each other. I didn't think I'd ever say, I'm quite liking the French at the moment. Free Julian Assange ya bunch of nasty juntas.
  18. Yes. Recording is easy to protect yourself. Record yourself even on the toilet these days.
  19. I think if a government could really go into true debt then their offices and vehicles would be repossessed by the sheriff for starters. I find it bizarre that people get sucked into this government country debt cry. The role of the government is simple. Create a rich poor divide so people work the jobs that need doing. It's not about debt at all. It's a tool to fool. The debt figures flown around is simply a measure of how much the rich have taken away from the poor through their hard work and determination.
  20. Where does the money come from? It is not like rice. It doesn't have to be watered or grown or come from anywhere. Money can be created by a simple decision by the ones who rule over the decisions. And the talk about it ruining the economy. Giving poor people money to make their lives easier doesn't ruin an economy. Giving an amount of money to people that makes them stop being slaves to community ruins the rich/poor economy. The divide between the richest and poorest must be one of the biggest in Thailand. There is surely some wiggle room. But from what I've seen amongst rich people- they are mostly super tight for half a dollar.
  21. Actually I can't remember when I applied the wd40. It may have been just after sanding yellow away and being left with haze. The wd40 made the haze disappear for a short time. wd40 is not a solution but it is interesting to see the affect. I guess any oily substance would do the same thing and make a hazey roughed up plastic look shiny clear again until of course the oil was removed by rain or whatever.
  22. WD 40 does a surprisingly good job but it doesn't last. You'd need to spray every morning.
  23. I guess this thread is about yellowing of clear plastic. White plastic yellows too. Colored plastic goes off color. But car paint is UV resistant and quite tuff so people don't care much for cleaning their car often I guess. Imagine if it was mandatory to clean your car once a week. Nobody would drive.
  24. Yes. The clear lacquer can be chipped away. If it's UV resistant clear it won't yellow itself . Reapply spray every year. Btw. When sanding back you are looking to get that milky white cloudiness before buffing . Start with rough paper then finer and finer. 500 baht would be a fair price. Or even 1000 if you would have to buy cutting compound yourself. For those who have all the stuff already. Would take couple hours to do everything I reckon
  25. Just starts on surface. Catch it early and less rubbing.
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