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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. Find a tech guy. he will be able to install windows for you.
  2. Oh do I know where Sicily is. I have a high school ex gf. I looked her up on Facebook and she is now living in Sicily. I have Italian ancestry, so technically I should be able to get European citizenship by descent, but I have a feud with my brother who has the legal documents. I may never be able to get my hands on them. I will have a look at Albania videos you posted. Thanks.
  3. Cost of living/housing has gone up a lot in Lisbon recently, I read. Maybe because a lot of digital nomads with short-term rentals staying there.
  4. most of the places where it's conspicuously easy to get residency are crap-holes dont know anything about albania. wouldnt even be able to locate it on a map
  5. a 2nd thread about russia by eumanedes? wow. Russia has no fault divorce laws. So Putin 1 / The West 0
  6. Gamma, are you following Chinese news at all? Me, it's been ages. But just stumbled on South China Morning Post. Man that place never ceases to amaze me with the stories coming out of there.
  7. sorry, it was a stupid comment. but these vloggers will do just about anything to get views on their videos, even disrespect and antagonize locals. that's the point i should have made the first time.
  8. This is everywhere in the world. Alcohol has the capacity to bring up repressed anger buried deep in the subconscious. And also remove inhibitions to act out violently. So a dangerous drug.
  9. consider yourself lucky you're too old for Kick streaming
  10. there's actually some news channels that have tried to bring only positive news. but no one has ever heard of them and people seem to prefer the doom and gloom. https://www.positive.news/
  11. was helmut wearing a helmet? he has a bunch of photos of motorbikes on his facebook page.
  12. The real bignok has also complained about stalking. Maybe you guys can start an Association against stalkers. Call it A.S.S. Association against stalkers society.
  13. or the ugly girl at the high school dance that no one wanted to dance with. and now getting revenge on the male population at large.
  14. you are obviously a mature and intelligent individual. but even that doesn't protect you 100%. if your wife runs a business that fails or any other number of scenarios, it becomes your problem. marriage is basically joint finances, for better or worse.
  15. when you start dating someone, the first and most important thing to ask is "how much is she going to cost me?"
  16. Who says God answers prayers? When you start defining what God is and how God should behave, that's where you run into problems. Einstein summarized it best. He said sth like "I want to understand the mind of God". To claim that nothing created the universe is dumb. Even Einstein understands there is sth that created the universise, and called it God. But it's the details that we simply don't understand. People have invented things like "God answers your prayers". We simply don't know much about how God operates. We're just guessing and making things up because we don't like being in the dark and not understanding how things work.
  17. THE GLOB, NOT to be confused with THE BLOB Although they do have one thing in common If it had a mind, you could reason with it.
  18. Glob, are you prepared for the April 8 solar eclipse? did you get your solar eclipse glasses? are they legit?
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