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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. I was specifically referring to the importance of protein. Quantity may be a factor. 20g of protein daily may need to be increased to 100g+ per day (as an example).
  2. mafia shoots people in the back of the head? I thought they shot people in the forehead.
  3. everyone, in their own minds, thinks they're a decent person. but many people have sth known in psychology circles as "cognitive dissonance".
  4. I make of it what I make of all your threads. You're an inventive fiction writer.
  5. Haha, Linux founder is too sexy for his shirt. That's why it didn't work out. Computers isn't about sexy.
  6. I did some more reading up on NAD. According to this web site, these are some ways to increase NAD: https://thebiostation.com/bioblog/what-is-nad-and-how-can-i-increase-it/ IV nutrient therapy. IV therapy is a great way to quickly and effectively boost NAD levels and the positive benefits that come along with it. Exercise Ketosis. Heat shock and saunas. Fructose. Fructose, found in honey and fruits, activates the enzyme — lactate dehydrogenase — that converts NADH to NAD+.
  7. I just watched a cocaine smuggler interview. He said the only thing more addictive than doing cocaine is selling cocaine.
  8. they are starting to put ChatGPT in robots. this thing can make decisions.
  9. yeah, everyone needs to die because you're miserable
  10. beware of tricksters planting seeds of doubt for nefarious hidden agendas
  11. why not a laptop? laptop is the best invention ever at it is highly portable and fits easily in any backpack. and you can attach an external bigger monitor to it at home.
  12. But that has more to do with laws in the west. If you marry a much younger girl in the west, there's a high chance she might abuse the system and dump you and take half you crap.
  13. how did they know he had all those bitcoins? either he has a big mouth and was bragging about it or they were obtained in a mutual shady deal.
  14. Jesus, do you ever stop with your cartoonish one-sided portrait of the place?
  15. In many areas, there simply isn't enough research. It takes years (maybe decades) and many people as research subjects to test the long-term effects of sth. A lot of people create Youtube videos saying this is a miracle supplement just to get hits on their channel and make money. So if you do sth that hasn't been researched extensively, there is an element of risk involved. I took 3mg of melatonin a few weeks ago and had headaches for 3 days. I won't be taking it again any time soon, despite many scientists backing it as safe.
  16. DAN spelled backwards
  17. much maligned by the western media mostly, which is then perpetuated by western journalists living in thailand. ah yes, STDs. you forgot to mention the billion dollar divorce industry in the west as marriage continues on the path of being an ever-increasing failed institution. and people average 3 divorces in their lifetimes and where divorce lawyers make more than rock stars.
  18. I recommend this video: 1 - This guy doesn't think NAD increases longevity. He mentions Reservatrol was popular in the past and people thought it increased longevity. 2 - Too much NAD may be harmful. Probably not enough research out there.
  19. never tried it and dont know much about it. but there is a clinic in bangkok - revival clinic
  20. I only watched one video on his channel. He was making an argument that it might not be a good idea to live forever if they cracked the code of aging and cured all diseases. He was reading from a book. Was interersting. But now I just noticed he has Sapolsky on his channel preaching his bs about free will.
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