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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. you don't have any nutjobs who follow your channel?
  2. Yes, there is truth to that. I just watched a youtube video of a guy retired in cambodia. He keeps popping into thailand for visits. He probably can't meet the requirements for Thailand. However, that visa in Cambodia is way better and way less hassle than Thai visas. One year visa, no reporting, and you are allowed to work and even do business.
  3. People complain about having to keep the 800K in a local thai bank. But it might actually be a hedge against currency depreciating back home?
  4. no evidence of angels that I am aware of. but wim wenders wings of desire is worth a watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093191/ An angel tires of his purely ethereal life of merely overseeing the human activity of Berlin's residents, and longs for the tangible joys of physical existence when he falls in love with a mortal.
  5. so ghosts and aliens don't exist because you can't see them? before microscopes were invented, we couldn't see bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
  6. intense relationship. ha ha. what does that even mean?
  7. I watched this political analysis on Youtube about 2 years ago. This guy has already predicted that Canada will break up. Maybe only parts of Canada will join the US? British Columbia is 40% Asian and may be more allied to China than the US? Complex politics, and a lot of it is over my head. But some people predicted it long before Trump opened his fat trap.
  8. my mistake. maybe only a few retirees have a youtube channel. but i want to keep busy online. I don't want to sit around drinking all day. thanks a lot for your response.
  9. A lot of retirees have Youtube channels. And they are generating some income from these channels. Technically, you're not allowed to generate income, even online income, on a retirement visa? But I guess it's not strictly enforced?
  10. if you get <deleted>-faced drunk, then you are likely to do something really stupid. also, when the police arrests you, you are likely to resist and act crazy, making things worse. so likely the root cause was being heavily intoxicated.
  11. my god, did you have to show those horrific images? put some clothes on that man.
  12. with inflation, they're getting even more demanding. these women are all looking for men who make at least 100K they are delusional
  13. do you mind if i answer your questions with questions? your threads have been dominating the "popular in the pub" for what appears to be weeks now. are there no anti-monopoly rules on AN?
  14. I have a 2 part question for you, Gamma. a) How short are you? b) Do you ever take a day off?
  15. Ok, I will move on. How about this one? https://www.amazon.com/Hacking-God-Code-Conspiracy-Steal/dp/9895381220/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1 Hacking the God Code: The Conspiracy to Steal the Human Soul
  16. Who actually isn't bothered by animals being slaughtered? But it's hard to maintain health without meat. If scientists can come up with an alternative to meat that tastes good and is as healthy as meat, let's get rid of farming and livestock for once and for all and stop butchering animals. But it hasn't happened yet.
  17. veni, vedi, vici i'm sure a lot of folks on AN can proudly claim they came, they saw, they conquered thailand.
  18. because people are shallow. so they need endless trinkets to fill the VOID.
  19. yeah, just watched a law & crime episode a while back. the guy actually faked his disappearance to leave his family for a woman abroad.
  20. how does a 12 year old recover from that type of trauma, witnessing his mother being murdered?
  21. do brits say mate? i thought it was only aussies.
  22. you mean the same folks who gave you the fake moon landing story?
  23. yeah, but if you move you can experience new things, discover new restaurants. maybe you can even move to another part of thailand and make a fresh start. it gets monotonous being in the same place forever anyway. just look at it as a fresh adventure, a new start. and don't focus on the landlord.
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