2083. that's a nice round number.
"carbon footprint" could start being monitored.
If you spend money on things which pollute, maybe you get penalized.
who knows what they could/will do?
and how can anyone pay for a hooker? I guess you need to buy her jewellery?
never knew someone could die from a massage.
there was a doctor in the US who tampered with IV drip bags. put poison in them.
but foul play in a massage shop?
There are certainly women who make better life partners than others.
But the problem is being fooled by the facade of polite society.
I've met many women from polite society who on the surface and on paper appear to make good wives.
But then 10 years into their marriage, they start straying and acting stupid or might hit you up for divorce for any number of reasons.
Good luck finding signs of a 100% guaranteed good woman.
john lennon and elvis are (possibly) still alive.
and michael jackson and david bowie and jim morrison too?
celebrities sometimes fake their deaths to get out of the public spotlight.
Crime of the century man.
The health insurance company fake hacked their own accounts to avoid paying out claims.
Deny deny deny .... and people die ...
You're taking an overly extreme attitude.
But money is generally one of the biggest problems in relationships.
Most women will panic at any financial instability and women generally do not like to downgrade their lives.
Just try as much as possible to stabilize your finances.
Then find another gf/wife.
yeah, and you're logged in to AN at breakfast.
who isn't?
I don't do oats no more.
and ... how many different spellings of "yogurt" are there? pop quiz.
Don't try to change the subject, Mr Colin bar boy.
This is not about my sexual orientation.
You met a hooker. But she's different. She doesn't ask for money and she can carry a conversation.
So what's next?
You gonna marry her?
You gonna tell your mum back home that she worked in a bar?
Or will you ask her to hide her tattoos when you take her back to mum?
yeah because if the father effs off and the woman is struggling financially, that kid will likely become a criminal.
so govt is serious about child support.
Technically booze is still a form of payment.
But since you have no additional fees to pay, one might assume you got game.
Keep us posted and let us know what else she has in her arse-nal.