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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. how did he guess he was from israel? maybe it's best not to put your country's flag on your backpack. also, it's no one's business where you're from. you should never respond to that question. way too loaded.
  2. I researched alcohol a while ago. If you have a genetic predisposition to alzheimer's, you might want to be really careful as alcohol may increase the risk by a lot. And there is actually a specific gene to test for (23andme?), but I'm afraid of all this genetic testing. Also, those old fogies in Sardinia live to over 100, and they drink 1 and maybe even 2 glasses of wine a day. But I wonder if it's because something else in their diets protects them from any negative effects of alcohol.
  3. there is also dr jeremy london on youtube, who is a heart surgeon. he has alcohol here as I thing he considers poison.
  4. I think 1-3 drinks a week appears to have negligible effects on health. But self-control is the problem as it is an addictive drug, in my opinion.
  5. Who the hell are you people eating all this lavish food on a daily basis? King Henry the 8th?
  6. Check this out ... Well climate change deniers might claim its bs ...
  7. Jesus, You guys know how to eat. If that's your breakfast, I can only imagine how fancy your dinners are.
  8. Exactly! I rest my case! MAGA crowd are the biggest crybabies of them all!
  9. are you miserable in thailand? do you blame the country or yourself?
  10. Bluntly ask her if a lot of her relatives are degenerate gamblers so you can figure out if low-lifes will be hitting you up for cash when you get into a serious relationship. Bypass the romantic crap altogether.
  11. why do you call yourself barboy? do you work in a bar? it's a 2-part question. part 2 is .... doing what in a bar?
  12. what about the taxi drivers where you come from? are they a bunch of low-lifes too?
  13. never heard of it. but there's actually a full-length feature film on youtube. will bookmark it.
  14. I didn't watch it. Did she break out into a cackle?
  15. yes, and you still wonder why they carry weapons?
  16. Ah yes, a good ol' fashioned wine snobbery discussion. Wine is mostly a scam to get people with too much money to part with their money. You never see absurd and insane beer prices. Yet a lot of beers are really good. There is crappy wine, for sure. But after a certain budget, in a blindfold taste test you will not be able to taste the difference, even if a bottle costs thousands. Try it. Do a blindfold taste test and you'll realize you're wasting your money. Or it might be slightly better, but worth thousands people piss away on these wines. Sorry to piss on your wine thread, gusy.
  17. Hummin changed his avatar because he was only attracting flighty women with his last avatar.
  18. If business was so bad, how could they afford a 1.2 million pound home? who knows what really took place behind closed doors in that 1.2 million pound house?
  19. we're working too much. and men and women both working long hours is bad for relationships. being semi-retired is a good situation to be in. you have more time and energy to nurture. good post. one of the more thoughtful posters. i don't believe a lot of the nonsense other people post about relationships on here.
  20. Not exactly. Homeless guys are banging homeless chicks. But generally speaking, women will usually try to avoid dating down.
  21. tweeter and the monkey man were hard up for cash they stayed up all night selling cocaine and hash
  22. this vanity fair article is 100 pages long. he's got a lot to say. thank god i'm illiterate. so i dont have to fill my brain with all this fake news.
  23. A rabbi was murdered in UAE.
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