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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. Just watched this. They define Elon Musk as an Oligarch. And he donated 200 million to Trump campaign. In exchange, he wants the govt to back up all his projects. Driverless cars, Neuralink, etc .. At 6:54, Musk is planning to cut the budget by 2 Trillion dollars. So it might actually be horrible for people who are struggling.
  2. You staying up all night doing laundry? LOL Yeah, Trump is doing his dirty laundry too.
  3. Thats why I stopped going to the gym many years ago. The obnoxious idiots that flex in the mirrors there got on my nerves. It's like Narcissus staring at himself in the mirror. I'm hoping the robot athletes will come out soon. I'd rather play sports with a robot. They will have less ego than people.
  4. Yeah, good point. Maybe we might have WWIII, all the technology will be destroyed, and then we will have to go back to hunting lions. And the ones who have done extreme sports will be the only ones who survive. Or ... Hunger Games
  5. I like tennis. It's a low risk sport. And there is some level of skill and athleticism involved. Minus risks. No contact. It's the skill level that makes it interesting for me. I don't need an adrenaline rush, which seems similar to taking drugs to me. But to each his own.
  6. exactly. man you're witty !
  7. No, please don't put me on ignore. Sorry, maybe I was a bit too rough around the edges.
  8. I have no interest whatsoever in extreme sports. I can understand the adrenaline rush, but I cannot understand putting yourself at risk. In fact, I don't even care much for any adrenaline rush. God created sex, and that's good enough for me. I don't need to jump off cliffs to get excited. I have extreme fear of heights. And since I believe in past lives, I am guessing this irrational fear must come from a past life incident where I died from heights in some tragic way.
  9. are you a smoker? met a smoker who nearly died from pneumonia. if you were, hope you quit.
  10. I've never had 15 friends in my entire life. Way less than that. The good thing about having few friends is you don't need to lose sleep when someone dies.
  11. why would anybody "like" any of these guys? they're all a bunch of thugs. and if boxing wasn't legal, they'd be beating the crap out of people in the real world and be in prison.
  12. Looks like our very own Celsius from AN is sponsoring the event
  13. media mixes real news with fake news. it's not all real, but it's not all fake either.
  14. who do you suggest runs the country? you and your pals? what makes you so confident you can do a better job? what are your credentials?
  15. Last I read, he wants to ban chemicals in US foods that are already banned in the EU. I never met anyone who wants more chemicals in their food.
  16. why allies? shouldn't E for enemies also be there?
  17. It was probably better off as a fishing village
  18. Here, watch this. Maybe it will soothe your paranoia about Musk and company.
  19. What exactly are you doing with all this "serious literature?"
  20. Ok, I will make my bold prediction. Trump's presidency will be interrupted by ... AN ALIEN INVASION! They're coming !
  21. Most people in western countries have decent lives if they put some effort. Elon Musk is actually promising a brighter future due to tech. Less work, more "abundance". Abundance being defined as cheaper goods and services available to everyone. Is he a snake in the grass? Could be.
  22. Elon wants the govt to back up and not interfere with his massive projects - self-driving cars, robots Which will radically change how we live.
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