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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. cycling is probably causing your lower back pain. you're probably hunched over too much. maybe get an upright bike like they use in amsterdam. you can even do your groceries with this thing. (mods, how come I cannot copy and paste images into here anymore like I used to?)
  2. speaking of western provinces, isn't vancouver like 50 per cent asian already? I wonder if British Columbia might become a state of China at some point. and .... Trudeau might be on his way out soon.
  3. it started as a "joke" by eric trump? https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-buys-canada-greenland-and-panama-canal-in-eric-trumps-post-danish-leader-s-blunt-five-word-response-101735067509190.html Eric Trump humorously posted on X, depicting his father, Donald Trump, purchasing Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal via Amazon. But there's quite a few articles and youtube vids on this taking it seriously/ anyone want to make a prediction? if yes, is it a good thing? when?
  4. because Bob has a pair of cajones. like that other poster who lives amidst the civil war in myanmar. and that might be a resolution for all of us to strive for - grow a pair of cajones in 2025!
  5. good luck not letting envy rear its head in your relationship when you introduce a 3rd partner.
  6. that's right, introspection is not people's forte on AN. watch out. gamma's latino boys thread will surpass your thread pretty soon.
  7. what do you guys talk about? a pack of dogs describes the AN community.
  8. his music gives me a nervous breakdown how come this thread only has 2 pages? seems like a good topic.
  9. I will stop listening to Jimi Hendrix in 2025.
  10. do we really need to bring per capita spending into a discussion where someone was murdered?
  11. one guy I've been following claims we need at least 100 grams of carbs per day. he consumes a lot more, but is extremely active. but he claims 100 is the baseline for decent health and keto has negative effects long-term. but again, there is a lot of debate with regards to carbs. so i am not saying he is right. some people have cut them out completely.
  12. so where do they go for treatment these monkeys with diabetes?
  13. but white flour and even whole grain flours can be considered junk food by many, including myself. as they are inflammatory. white rice and sweet potatoes might be better more benign carb options, along with fruit.
  14. At one point, I was carnivore. I stopped eating fruit. Then decided carnivore has nutrient deficiencies. So started adding back fruit. But only stuck to low glycemic fruit. Now, I am eating all fruit, regardless of sugar levels. I'm not perfectly slim, but I'm not fat. But if wasn't so busy with work and did some exercise, I think I might be perfectly fit even while eating high sugar fruit. It's not as easy to stay slim as with carnivore, but with some exercise I think it's possible. I'm not convinced that it's necessary to stick to low glycemic fruit. But it's hard to know who to trust as there is a lot of controversy surrounding fruit. Some doctors still claim all fruit is evil and causes diabetes. The carnivore crowd avoids all fruit. The low carb crowd is obsessed with carb content. Monkeys eat a whole lot of bananas. Either their digestive systems are different or they know something we don't.
  15. There are plenty of gorgeous black women in the world. But very few of them gravitate to Thailand to turn tricks. Probably because they get plenty of rich guys looking after them in Africa.
  16. haha, why would anyone pay hard earned money for those ugly broads with all the sexy thai ladies available? what a joke.
  17. very odd that in a country with a massive bar scene, they're so heavy handed with the online stuff.
  18. So the helium balloon is not subjected to gravity? Only the birds?
  19. sorry, just feel like clowning around because I don't have the energy for this heavy topic at the moment. nothing to do with being dismissive of your comments. i do respect a lot of your opinions.
  20. I was recently attracted to an 8 or 9. Very beautiful. And lo and behold, there's at least half a dozen other guys in her sphere. Never seen that before. Sometimes they really ain't worth the hassle, but try your luck.
  21. But walking is a natural movement that human beings need to do. Not sure if he is doing himself more harm than good by avoid walking permanently. I really can't say, but I'm not convinced there's a simple answer to this question. If you stop doing natural movement, how will that affect you in the long run?
  22. Bank ... what a name. Killed someone over money.
  23. why would I let you off the hook that easily and put you on ignore? instead, I would rather challenge you when you post sth questionable. ps. I thought and was hoping this thread would be about gamma's nervous breakdown.
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