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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  2. there's many reasons people move to thailand or abroad in general. one of them being to get out of your comfort zone / boredom / monotony. it's not just about costs.
  3. I just watched an episode of Law&Crime on Youtube. A guy had a massive following on TikTok for impersonating Al Pacino in Scarface. And he ended up killing his girlfriend. Could have nothing to do with his online persona? Or ...? As long as his mental health is in tact, then it's all harmless fun. But at some point you have to wonder when people do this ad nauseum how mentally healthy they are.
  4. Algocracy. Now there's a word you probably never heard before.
  5. This concept is over my head, admittedly. I'm not sure how exactly the technology will be used. But this is a new concept that I have come across recently. Who is Musk? Musk = Tech and Tech largely includes AI, which will grow fast soon. So there seems to be connection with AI and democracy. And therefore with Musk. So MAYBE Musk is not leading down a path of more dictatorship, but a better form of democracy? https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2023/12/POV-Fostering-more-inclusive-democracy-with-AI-Landemore Fostering More Inclusive Democracy With AI People worry that artificial intelligence (AI) is, or will soon be, undermining democracy. They fear AI will take away jobs, destabilize the economy, and widen the divide between the rich and the poor. This could further concentrate power in the hands of a few tech companies and weaken government structures designed to regulate them. Some also fear that tech giants and government may increasingly delegate human decision-making to machines, eventually replacing democracy with “algocracy,” rule not by the people but by algorithm. Despite its limitations and risks, AI has the potential to bring about a better, more inclusive version of democracy,
  6. no i dont remember the good ol' days because i wasnt there. but i'd be surprised if there weren't more foreign criminals back then with all the loose rules.
  7. this is not funny. it's sad stuff.
  8. be sure to visit "propaganda village", a fake town where no one lives.
  9. reverse culture shock is a thing. being abroad changes you.
  10. there are always two sides to every story. and people will always believe the side of the story that fits with their prevailing narrative. there's no concrete evidence either way whether Musk is looting the social security fund OR cleaning up the bureaucratic corruption. the fact that the article claims Musk will "abolish social security" indicates to me that it's fear-mongering BS.
  11. Is there a psychological disorder when people perpetually make stuff up relentlessly? Do people start to believe their own stories after a while? Do people dissociate with their real life persona and start to believe their alter ego persona is real? Do the lines between reality and fiction get blurred in their own minds? Should we start a gofundme to seek professional help? Or is this just harmless fun and games?
  12. I don't know. Haven't tried. Pushing my luck though by not doing much exercise lately.
  13. There are studies that suggest long-term keto is not healthy. I don't do keto. I consume a fair amount of fruit, which is high in carbs. But I do limit other forms of carbs - bread, grains, rice, potatoes, ... But I don't know how healthy I really am. So I won't advise anyone else what to eat or not eat.
  14. Bob smith lacks wisdom. He will squander all his ill-gotten gambling gains for sure.
  15. you made your point and it's not that funny anymore?
  16. you're the first one to figure out it's bignok / susan. pat yourself on the back.
  17. parking, maintenance ... but maybe that doesn't bother you too much. but then if you are in an accident, this can cause issues, especially if someone is injured. i would prefer to avoid that responsibility.
  18. Another "Intruder" who couldn't meet the financial requirements, got kicked out, and now is trying to sabotage everyone else's experience by stealing their joy and filling their brains with doubts.
  19. Vladimirovich. Ha ha ... you're probably the only person outside Russia who knows his middle name. It's practically stalking. Fun fact. Putin was bullied in school. That's why he had to be tough to survive.
  20. I don't think Trump/Elon are dictators. I think they are revolutionazing the democratic system into a more "Direct Democracy". First stage is to reduce bureaucracy, which is what they are doing now. Since Elon is a tech guy, AI will be implemented at some point to help bring this about. At least, that's my understanding based on some research I've done. I don't think the world is heading towards more dictatorship. I think you're overly paranoid. Maybe it's too deep for most people.
  21. I'm not sure what difference that makes. In fact, more compassion is needed for people who are displaced due to war, climate catastrophes. Rather than people who have a choice where to live?
  22. from someone whoe expatriated to another country. anyone should be allowed to live anywhere, as long as they can find work / support themselves. the only problem is when it becomes a large number of people, the local culture gets diluted too much.
  23. yeah, because biden isn't dull.
  24. Yes, Bob is back. So OP might be out of a job.
  25. JD Vance's wife is Indian. And that's one more brownie point for the MAGA team. Integration and inclusion. Pretty lady, Usha.
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