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Everything posted by Furioso

  1. It's already melted? WTH!!?? Does this mean they've contaminated a large area with radioactive gas/dust?
  2. I've been here about 7 months, it's been hard to make friends. The majority are either too busy with their gf/wife, or they're loners, or they're still working. I'm lucky I've found the friends I've got, about 3-4 that I talk with on a regular basis. It's not quite enough though, I'm learning to get out there more, be friendlier, more approachable. If you're lonely I'd suggest to start a club that you're interested in; book club, computer club, chess club, tennis, ping pong, scuba club, etc. I would probably join all of those lol. GL!
  3. I bought my new Acer Swift 3(prod. date Dec, 2020) last Aug, 22. It came with Win 10..which is great because I don't want Win 11 until they fix all the bugs. My previous laptop was a 2010 HP, it came with Win 7 Home and worked great for 10 years, mostly because I replaced the HDD with an SSD. Unfortch, my new Acer is in the Pattaya2U shop right now. It's a huge, long story I'll write up once/if they're able to revive it.
  4. There are dozens of types for sale on Lazada, Shoppee, other websites. I see one now that measures PM 2.5, PM 10, CO2, CO, etc. for about 700 Baht.
  5. - Yes, I would definitely get the ultrasound. - Why? because it will show you the % of fat in your liver. - A liver can be 35% fat, which is really dangerous. - This usually hits a person around their mid 50's as it takes about 35-40 years after graduating high school - Probably need to lose around 15kg. The liver fat % would go way down, you would be much healthier/happier. - There's a YouTube channel names "Nutrition Made Simple". He has dozens of videos on how to slowly change what you eat over months/years. This channel has helped me immensely, I hope it does you as well. Good luck!
  6. I really enjoyed reading this thread. I love/hate Windows with a passion. I long for the day someone asks me to troubleshoot something like this, especially if I know it's probably something that's glitchy, just needs a different set of eyes, a guy who just takes it personal eyes, that is. Just stick me in the room with that dastardly Bill Gates son of thousand maniacs beast and close that door! I'll chomp mindlessly on sugar free gum while furiously klattering on the keyboard and scrape the mouse across that well worn Star Trek Generations mouse pad like a Stradivarius. I'll scream and curse at that Monitor "You WILL submit!" and by god if that door opens with anything but hot coffee(with a healthy dose of sugar/milk/red bull) I'll yell "Get the f out of here, I'm working on it!" After a couple of beatdowns I'll slide the uncomfortable chair back a foot or two..let go of everything and cross my arms. Sixty seconds of thinking how great it would be to chuck the whole stinkin' metal from hell out that window! Then a terse "you motherf__ k_r!" and leap right back on the wireless logi. "It's round 2 you piece of sh!t!" Oh yeah, I'll pound that driver in there somehow, doesn't have to be pretty neether. After I get my way my hands spark from the keyboard and clench in victory. Deep breath, rub the hands, walk to the bathroom, fix the mussed hair, wipe off the brow sweat, wink at the mirror then go and calmly tell the desperate owner "you're all set". As I walk out I'm mumbling to myself, "I'll see you in hell Bill, I'll see you in hell".
  7. Wow, that is really a lot of machine for the AUD. I think you're model comes with an expansion slot, very nice. Lot's of battery life too. I don't know about you but I can't live without a backlit keyboard and fingerprint reader ever again. Congrats on your new purchase LL!
  8. You might want to check out SoulOfTech's 2021 YT review of the 11th Gen i5 Acer Swift 3(the SF314 versions). He was quite impressed.
  9. One of my favorite ultrabook laptops(Acer Swift 3 with I5 or Ryzen5)) is on Lazada for about 18,000 baht. Super light at 1.2kg, plenty of ports, exceptional screen, thumbprint sensor, lighted keyboard.
  10. I'll play you but I have to reveal I was the Moberly, MO 13 and under singles champ 3 years in a row from 75-77.
  11. If you need to call numbers in Canada or the U.S.: I use textPlus Android app. You register, and pick your own U.S. area code. They will give you a list of U.S. numbers to choose from. 1. It usually costs about 30 baht for 50 minutes call to the U.S. 2. I have to make sure and make at least one call a month to keep my phone number "alive". 3. Quality is very good. Sometimes I can't call out, I then have to wait a minute or two then it works fine. I've never been disconnected from a call.
  12. There are some pill forms of testosterone, such as testosterone undecanoate, which is available in Thailand pharmacy's under the brand name Andriol, usually two 40mg pills a day. I've looked into these pills but ultimately I decided my best route is injections by a doctor. Andriol use, like all versions of testosterone, may cause high blood pressure and liver damage.
  13. The mystery of where Hops brews it's beer needs to be solved.
  14. I got a haircut the other day on Soi Buakhao, the price on the window now says 120 Baht instead of the old 100 Baht. A little over 5 AUD for a haircut ain't too shabby round heah'.
  15. Furioso

    Snakes in garden

    Suggested movie title: "Snakes in my Garden!"
  16. I know what ou mean, I live in Jomtien and everywhere I go, morning, noon, and night I get these super loud and bombastic greetings. AAARGGHH!
  17. I just try to be careful, they do gouge prices all over this place. Soooo, at Ratanankorn 'll get an apple or 2 for 18 baht each. Maybe some of those small oranges for 20 baht per kg. Other than that I go to Makro and get 1kg frozen berries for 75 Baht. If I'm at a 7-11 I'll get a banana for 8 Baht. 150 Baht a week on fruit, not too shabby imho.
  18. They want you to relax plus it's a job hazard as they are short.
  19. I don't think the Russians are particularly rude, it's definitely part of their culture to stay stoic, strong, resilient. It's just a reminder to me that so many countries around the world don't have it easy. I see the Russia ranks 74th in happiness around the world, that's pretty bad.
  20. To be fair the immigration office was pretty crowded when I got here in Aug. But yes, when I ride by on my motorbike nowadays it's like a 70's blockbuster movie. My neighbor said Pattaya was impossibly crowded before Covid, citing how the traffic on Sukumvit was a huge headache compared to now(he said this in Nov). I imagine the situation with long lines, snarling traffic, choking pollution, etc. is only going to get worse than pre-covid. At some point it will reach it's nadir and then plummet again, maybe 3 years. I'll be around to see whatever happens happens. One thing for sure it's going to be a wild ride!
  21. NGL Leaver has a great point, the agents are interwoven into all the Thai bureaucracy. I wanted to do everything myself too, but in the end I hired an agent and guess what? I got First Class service. I consider living here in Thailand a priviledge, I can see most of these Thai's are struggling. I tip well and I pay agents for excellent service. What I save in just ONE MONTH pays for a year of what I pay out. I even befriended my agent, one day she told me one of the govt. employees at the DMV was making her life difficult. I said "well, I paid you 4,000 Baht and you gave me great service, right?" Her problem with the DMV gal got solved that very day.
  22. I did contact them but they absolutely refused, saying the warranty was only good back in the home country. The Acer store here sent my Swift 3 to Bangkok, but they couldn't fix it. I never thought I'd run into a situation where I couldn't get a laptop fixed, but that's what happened.
  23. Hey Peterw42, I had seen these devices but really didn't know what they were..as I thought they could only be used as a HDD/SSD dock and not clone devices. This looks like it will do the job quick and easy. Thanks!
  24. I want to thank everyone for their helpful replies, you've definitely opened my eyes to many different solutions. I used to be on top of the latest technology but please forgive me I'm getting old and rusty! Based on your suggestions I'm going to buy and install a 500 GB NVMe SSD, they seem to run for about 1,600 Baht on Lazada. This seems like the best, easiest solution..once I get the NVMe working I'll replace the HDD with my SATA 2.5 SSD. And to show how rusty I am I did not realize I that I could clone to a NVMe! As for how I ended up in this situation. I moved to Thailand 5 months ago. Before moving here I gave away my old PC and bought a new Acer Swift 3(Win 10) laptop off Amazon. It initially ran great but my 2nd week here the motherboard crapped out. I tried to get it fixed at Acer in Tukcom but the Thai version of Acer Swift 3 is a different motherboard, so I gave up and bought the used HP Pro Desk G3 mini I have now. I loved that Acer Swift 3 as it was my first new laptop since 2010. It had thumbprint, fast SSD, lighted keyboard, great screen and it's an ultralight weighing way less than 2 lbs. It was new but maybe on the shelf a long time and bound to break like it did, don't know for sure but now it sit's in the bottom of my closet dammit. Thanks again for all your help!
  25. Hello, I recently bought a used HP Prodesk G3 Mini PC. It works fine but it comes with a traditional hard drive, so I'd like to clone it to my Solid State Drive. I've done this before I came to Thailand, I had a special USB cable made by "Apricorn",(along with EZ Gig IV Cloning Software).. which I can't seem to find anywhere. Any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
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