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Everything posted by Furioso

  1. It will get real nasty. You're in Thailand you can live elsewhere. You can live in a nice condo and go walking everyday, have friends and "visitors, and laugh a lot. Get rid of that lying, deceitful wife. Live to 90+ and be happy.
  2. Not a bad start. Maybe something catchy would be more fun: "The Thai Die!" killer? "The Beast from South-east!"
  3. A very possible cause for this accident would be sweat or oil on the light bulb from fingers when handled. Over time the sweat/oil would harden over a good portion of the bulb, causing it to overheat and explode. In the future it would be a good idea to use gloves when installing the light bulb.
  4. My best guess is it was the light bulb or lamp that was the problem. I've lived in several different countries in Asia over 10 years and it might have happened once. In other words, very rarely. Also, if you touched the lightbulb and left dirt or oil from your fingers this can eventually cause an explosion. Did the lamp have a loose connection, loose wires, or is the light bulb socket very old? Obviously the whole damn thing blew up, which is terrifying and dangerous. Has this happened in this same house/condo you're living in before? I don't know if I'd go with another 60W incandescent light bulb. A new lamp with an led will probably solve you're problem. If you've got a wife/gf, kids, or pets in the house I'd obviously take extra extra steps to prevent them from getting harmed.
  5. Most, if not all, articles come from twitter feuds. Lazy, race baiting "journalists"
  6. Is the New York Times another of your esteemed news outlets as well?
  7. Most of the media is biased(your link is opinion based) or flat out fake, who do you trust? I bet thehill.com is owned by some piece of crap media conglomerate too. No, I trust what I see with my own two eyes in the real world. I lived in the U.S. these last 9 years, you did not. Ooh, I just burned you Ozimoron!
  8. mostly because of media fake newsing everything, which has caused extremism.
  9. These next 16 months are going to be wild. I'm not affiliated with either party but it's quieter under the incompetent Biden. Trump is virtually another Hitler. DeSantis seems competent even though he's in Florida. What a mess lol.
  10. Will anybody miss Tucker's nightly scaremongering diatribes? "This has never happened in the U.S. before" "You're freedoms are at risk because of this" "This is a dark moment in our history" "It's hard to believe this is happening" "This is the end of the First Amendment" I guess his ever fattening face will still show up somewhere else..dammit.
  11. "Are there any normal farangs in Thailand?" I think in general the western world started going to <deleted> around 1995, and it took awhile before anyone noticed. Before then there was probably a good percentage of folks who made the world civilized(maybe 20%, maybe 40% idk). You had some smart people, some funny, intelligent people, decent characters, interesting people who could carry a conversation, some morality/standards. Those good people who propped up the world are LONG GONE. Nowadays when I meet someone I laugh inside as I listen to them talk about themselves for 10-20 minutes straight. I come from the church of George Carlin and he said it many years ago "People are BORING!". And I think George was spot on, probably because these people are narcissists and cannot hold any type of conversation except to talk about themselves. Think about it, why would ANYONE want to hear you brag about nothing of importance? I see and hear it ALL THE TIME. Back to 1995, that's when the internet really took off. Maybe reading books and magazines started becoming less of a thing. Think JUNK FOOD, Internet, video games, etc. Before then it was mostly shameful to be anti-social or a braggart or constantly display inappropriate behavior. Now we have people who are extremely overweight, morbidly obese and when they open their mouth they talk like immature 15 years old. I constantly see people with 115cm waist line, they're loud and obnoxious and since this is normalized they think they're cool, funny, interesting and smart. Guess what? They're not. Just watch the movie Idiocracy. That's what most of the world's become.
  12. If the fight is in the condo building I'm living in I'm stopping the fight. If the fight is in the streets I'm calling the police and video taping the fight.
  13. Economics. The days of decent prices for the 90% of expats are gone. Anyplace nice in Thailand is now for the much wealthier top 10%. For the less wealthy 90%, well, they have to go to the crappier places like Makro, which is cheap junk like Walmart I've seen this type of thing happen everywhere in the west. Soi 5 Foodland will probably be converted to an even more expensive "premium" store. Down in Pattya, I saw 3 westerners at Foodland the other night. Everybody else was ME or Indian. Big C Super down the street flooded with westerners.
  14. My best guess is the CPU thermal paste is old and not doing it's job. Easy fix.
  15. No way would I replace it until I knew exactly what was wrong with it..I'd take it to the shop and have them diagnose the problem.
  16. We're lucky to have what we have. Just one more day is a blessing.
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