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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. It's Very Bad News for those that were coereced/conned/mainpulated in taking the '100% safe and effective' mRNA-shots under the guise of 'protecting' their health. But these research findings by a Yale University team headed by mRNA Vax-promoter Dr. Akiko IWASAKI won't go away by ignoring them. Yale scientists: Covid spike protein found in blood of individuals two years after they received injections by WorldTribune Staff, December 20, 2024 The Covid spike protein was found in the blood of people up to two years after they received the Covid mRNA injection, a team of scientists at Yale University have found. The individuals in the study were never infected with Covid, antibody tests show. The immune system normally rapidly destroy newly produced spike proteins. The finding suggests some people who took the shots may be making the proteins on their own. “The spike proteins shouldn’t be there,” Alex Berenson noted in a Dec. 19 Unreported Truths Substack.com analysis. “A possible reason is that genetic material delivered in the shots has integrated with human genes and is continuing to activate protein-making structures in our cells. If found to be correct, this explanation has serious implications for mRNA vaccine safety and the more than 1 billion people who received mRNA Covid doses.” The head of the Yale team, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, is a scientist who had strongly advocated for the Covid jabs. Iwasaki is a former president of the American Association of Immunologists. In May 2021, she told The Washington Post that concerns about mRNA shots were “absurd” and added that “no safety concerns” had been found in their clinical trials. She later signed a letter advocating Covid vaccine mandates. At an October town hall, Iwasaki reported that the team had found Covid spike protein in a study participant more than 700 days after the person’s last mRNA shot, and in others more than 450 days after. The Yale team reported its findings on conference calls with participants in their study in October and again this week, Berenson noted. “Two people independently told Unreported Truths of the study’s findings.” The people who told Unreported Truths of the findings included one person who participates in the study and directly heard the reports from the Yale researchers on the conference call. The other person is a scientist who is in contact with multiple members of the Yale team. “The researchers discussed publishing the findings with at least one major peer-reviewed journal, a person with direct knowledge of those discussions said. The journal declined,” Berenson added. The Yale scientists plan to publish their findings soon on a unreviewed “pre-print” server so that other researchers and members of the public can see them and discuss their implications. “They also intend to send samples to an independent lab for validation, though they do not believe they’re mistaken,” Berenson wrote. Phillip Altman, a Pharmacologist – Clinical Trial and Drug Regulatory Affairs senior industry pharmaceutical consultant in drug research and regulatory approval with more than 40 years experience, noted in a Dec. 19 Substack.com analysis: “This was ALWAYS a danger from the very beginning when an experimental gene-based product was imposed on the world’s population without the usual proper safety testing. Such gene-based products carry significant safety risks and this is why, up to now, these products were researched and used in only rare genetic disorders and cancers where there was no viable alternative. Many gene-based products have failed safety testing and their long term safety is uncertain. … “If the results of this Yale University study can be confirmed, it means that potentially billions of people have had their DNA altered, possibly permanently, to produce toxic spike protein indefinitely which may translate into a range of cardiovascular, neurological, immunological and oncogenic effects into the future. “How can the politicians, health bureaucrats and so-called ‘health experts’ allow this to continue in light of this frightening prospect? “I predict Big Pharma will endeavor to block publication and discredit this Yale study without providing any evidence to the contrary.” Source: https://www.worldtribune.com/yale-scientists-covid-spike-protein-found-in-blood-of-individuals-two-years-after-they-received-injections/
  2. I will be testing the waters by posting in the next couple of days some articles/studies in this thread to see whether it generates interest/debate (it should). Here already a starting shot:
  3. New evidence suggests genetic material in the COVID shots may INTEGRATE with human DNA. Yale University scientists have discovered that individuals vaccinated against COVID-19, but never infected, still had spike protein in their bloodstream years after their last shot. One study participant showed spike protein in their bloodstream more than 700 days after their last mRNA shot, while others had spike protein present 450+ days later. The researchers also found a drop in CD4 T cells (key immune system regulators), which points to potential long-term immunosuppression in vaccinated individuals. According to AlexBerenson < https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-yale-researchers-have-found > these findings raise the possibility that genetic material from the COVID shots may integrate with human DNA, potentially explaining the prolonged presence of spike protein in the bloodstream observed in vaccinated individuals. This unpublished study is led by Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, a respected Yale scientist and former strong proponent of COVID vaccines. Dr. Iwasaki had previously dismissed vaccine safety concerns as “absurd” and publicly supported vaccine mandates. However, these new findings may have shifted her perspective on the issue. Yale researchers are reportedly facing pressure to suppress the findings due to their explosive implications, which could collapse the “safe and effective” narrative propagated by the government and media. As @MidwesternDoc explains: “A battle is going on behind the scenes over publishing it. We wanted to wait until Yale buried it to reveal what had been leaked to us (and thereby prove incriminating vaccine data was suppressed) so that we would not interfere with the normal publication process (which is often critical for these types of things to be accepted by the scientific community). In this case, given the people involved and the data given, this study will prove ‘long vax’ is a real condition and that the vaccine needs to be immediately pulled (which hence puts Yale in a very awkward position if they publish it).” As of now, the Yale scientists plan to publish their study on an unreviewed pre-print server. If the public actually gets a chance to see this, it could change everything. Source: https://vigilantfox.news/p/covid-vaccines-could-integrate-with
  4. If one is good, two must be better. The wet dream of Big Pharma > vaccination as a subscription service
  5. ... and as usual on this Forum only 1 poster dared hinting to the elephant's name. Let's not beat around the bush, it's Jabby, also known as the '100% safe and effective' Protector of your Health...
  6. and California declares State of Emergency over bird flu on Dec.18, 2024 > Looks like they are trying to do it again... = = =
  7. Yes, that's what the Vax-pushers want you to believe.
  8. And here some more follow the $cience... Australian drug regulator knows DNA fragments in mRNA vaccines can enter nucleus and integrate into genome, internal emails show The Therapeutic Goods Administration withheld information on DNA contamination risks from the public, presenting a picture of certainty where there is none Source: https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/bombshell-australian-drug-regulator = = = Internal emails from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reveal that the regulator withheld knowledge of DNA contamination risks relating to the modRNA vaccines from the public, presenting a picture of certainty on safety where there is none. Released under Freedom of Information (FOI), the cache of emails shows that high-level TGA staff knew elements of the modRNA vaccines can enter the cell nucleus and integrate into the genome, despite the agency’s official line that such events are not possible. However, TGA personnel appear more preoccupied with “allaying fears in the public” than with investigating the potential risks. Highlights TGA staff acknowledge that DNA integration into the genome is possible The TGA knows that the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine can drag DNA into the nucleus of cells Pfizer did not disclose the SV40 sequence to the regulator TGA staff not aware of any testing for modRNA/DNA integration into human genome Full article here > https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/bombshell-australian-drug-regulator = = =
  9. Great, I love the wonderful British sense of humor. Like this Churchill quote: "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other alternatives."
  10. Actual experience on the ground by a Thai married to a US lady, does contradict your statement. The US Embassy in Bangkok probably 'didn't receive the message'.
  11. Hi @rumak, Thanks for the ThumbsUp. And yes, I know that my posts on Covid-19 and the jabs will be met with laughter, disdain and hostility by +90% of AN-members. But if my writings can sow a bit of doubt in the minds of those that are parroting the lies they are hearing/reading 24/7 on the mainstream media, and invoke some now still sleeping critical thinking skills in them, then my posts have not be in vain. As someone with great insight in human psychology wrote, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink (even if it is dying from thirst but doesn't trust the source) ...
  12. No one can convince me that injecting an experimental gen-product in my body that has 'cleverly' be wrapped such that it by-passes my natural defense mechanisms and then instructs my cells to create the toxic spike-protein of a virus that has already mutated, would in any way better 'protect' me than my god-given immune system. That's common sense for me, and considering the continual adaptation and walk-back of claimed benefits of this originally touted '100% safe and effective' jabs, it was a wise decision by me not only to give it a pass but to shun it like the plague. And real-life trends with data comparing deaths/hopitalizations/health of Covid-vaxxed and unvaxxed persons are unequivocal that those who were coerced or manipulated in taking those shots have irreversibly screwed up their immune-system and are paying a heavy price for their gullibility/obedience.
  13. Yep, Follow the $cience... First Ever Definitive Proof That Pfizer's COVID "Vaccine" Integrates Into The Human Genome Source: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/catastrophic-bombshell-first-ever = = = The genetic sequence found in Pfizer’s Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” integrates into the human genome, and now all future “vaccinated” generations are genetically modified , as well as their offspring. These Pfizer genetic sequences will be passed on forever in not just the “vaccinated,” but, also, in the offspring of unvaccinated individuals procreating with those that have been genetically modified. And now, for the first time ever, it has been irrefutably proven that DNA contamination from these “vaccines” is not some accidental “contamination” or benign artifact, but, rather, a ticking time bomb that will permanently alter the genetic fabric of humanity. . . .
  14. Source: https://www.sensible-med.com/p/the-entire-healthcare-system-is-broken My comment > The assassination of the Insurance CEO last week did trigger a firestorm of reactions, and Prof Vinay Prasad's analysis that the entire US Healthcare system is broken is correct. It has become a system in which its prime purpose of preserving health of people has been totally wiped away and has become a money-generating system that provides little value to health and prefers expensive and harmful treatments over effective ones. = = = The American health care system is profoundly broken. We spend more than any peer nation, and have worse outcomes. Worse, for what we pay, the system is not even user friendly. I am a practicing oncologist, health policy expert and professor, and I have difficulty navigating the complex world of in-network, co-pays and billing. Toss on training modules and EPIC, and I get pissed off trying to provide care, receive care, and study health care. That’s the trifecta. Who is at fault? Here is the thing: everyone is at fault. Pharmaceutical firms - Pharma firms routinely run seeding or uninformative trials and ram through unproven medical products. Because of how they have lobbied, they ensure that Medicare and insurance will reimburse for these things. They drive up health care spending. PBMs - these middlemen often exploit inequities in the market, and collect a pretty penny for little added value. FDA/ CMS - these government officials live through the revolving door. They often have little incentive to be a tough regulator because they benefit (in terms of future employment from lowering the bar). Lately, under Marks/ Califf, they have done a particularly <deleted> job: exondys, lartruvo, aducanumab, covid boosters, paxlovid, melflufen, selenexor the list goes on and on. Insurance companies - make no mistake, insurers would love to see not 20, but 50% of US GDP spend on health care. What people don’t realize is that insurers make more TOTAL PROFITS the more we spend on healthcare, not the less we spend. The Affordable care act caps their profit on revenue, depending on the plan, at 15-20%. In other words, insurers can only take this maximal percentage of all the money that passes through them. (currently, they are often lower than this). While they do want to control year to year variability— through annoying things like denials and prior auth— that is mostly to make behavior predictable. In the long run, they want health care spending to grow. If we go out to pizza and I say: you can only eat 20% of the pie, what size should I buy? What do you think you will say?….. extra large. Hospitals/ academic centers - the behavior of hospitals is predatory, and they swallow the most cash in the entire system. They use their academic names to hide that they are working as prostitutes for pharma, running unethical trials. They gobble up small practices to consolidate market share. They charge ridiculous rates, and engage in deceptive practices. How often do we discharge a patient after chemo to get Neulasta in clinic, so we can bill it as an outpatient? Places like UPMC are 4 billion dollar juggernauts which are more akin to a leech sucking the blood out of the catchment area than a medical center. Doctors - sorry, doctors are completely complicit in the broken system. They order unnecessary tests, they consult for Pharma companies, they push for unproven things— like a double lung transplant in a person with Stage IV cancer. This was what Vandy advocated for— totally insane medicine, and worse, they want to tax plumbers and janitors to pay for their experimental science. Doctors don’t want to learn evidence based medicine. They are entirely unwilling to self-regulate. Yes, we are often treated poorly, and certainly the glory days are gone, but we are entirely complicit in the high and unsustainable price of health care. Let me be crystal clear: A lot of health care that doctors want to give, but insurers don’t want to cover is 100%, complete and total bu11<deleted>. This is the system. It is broken. Worse, no one will fix it. Prior FDA commissioners and CMS directors are spineless jellyfish, worried more about their future consulting than reforming the system. The American People are rightly frustrated. The voted for Trump with RFK Jr at his side because they know that, unlike the typical sell-out (think Scott Gottlieb), RFK Jr is the most likely to make a lot of changes. And even if 3 out of 10 changes is harmful, Americans will accept it, in the hope 7 are good. And if some changes make the system worse or break it entirely, perhaps, they think, so be it, that only means reform must come sooner. Against this backdrop, you have doctor influencers and others who choose to point the finger at one entity. An easy scapegoat is the insurance industry because they issue denials and make our life harder. And don’t get me wrong, I hate prior auth just like all my friends because I don’t want to explain myself to a m0r0n, and that is who is on the other end of the line, but this is a classic scapegoat. An innocent made to take the blame for a broader problem. The SYSTEM is broken, and insurance companies are not the SOLE villain. Also, imagine for a moment, if we made a law saying insurers could NOT decline any service. First, several would go bankrupt in a stochastic way. The ones that happen to have docs who are insane and order a lot of useless <deleted> first will go bankrupt. But those who survive the initial earthquake will crank up their premiums. They will obliterate you with their premiums. You will drown in those premiums. You will be eating canned tuna like the apocalypse is here, but have access to prenuvos and a rectal MRI and sequencing your literal <deleted>. GDP spending on health care will explode. The US will likely collapse as Rome did before. In the Roman city before the fall 50% of days were holidays— we will collapse when 50% of GDP is on health care. Doctors who advocate for this are ignorant and typically online influencers, perhaps even comedians, who know very little, and stoke popular flames. > The above is the jist of the article with Prasad's imo correct analysis, and you can read the remainder of the article that addresses the assassination of the Insurance CEO and the task of RFK jr to change course of the system, here > https://www.sensible-med.com/p/the-entire-healthcare-system-is-broken
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  15. Just like any number of countries worldwide have had diseases control requirements and still do. You pick and choose were to go and if you dont like the requirement dont go. Your comment about illegals is fairly ridiculous. #1 - I know an American lady married to a Thai national 5 years ago, that is already trying for +4 years to get a visitor visa for her Thai husband to visit the US with her. Apart from the mandatory Covid-19 jabs which as I wrote are currently STILL required, there are heaps of other bureaucratic requirements and continual new required documents to be provided. #2 - It's not my comment that is 'fairly ridiculous' but rather the current US border regulations, which allow entering the US 'illegally' and then staying there without any of the hassle and hurdles when trying to do that legally. And yes, no need for Covid-jabs when taking the grey route...
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 107 seconds  
  17. Did you know that COVID-jabs are STILL required when applying for a Visa to visit the US? And that - besides the perks, help and support you receive - it is NOT required when entering the US illegally.
  18. Just saying, but looks like you are still in stage one...
  19. Exactly right! Anyone tired of hearing "the vaccines saved 20 million lives" fairy-tale? Quote > "UK's Imperial College has produced a new fantasy number to test people’s gullibility. This time they are claiming that 19.8 million lives have been saved by vaccination. Imperial College now have a global reputation for making provable wrong claims based on modelling and they appear to want to bolster that reputation. Previous harm caused by Imperial include Neil Ferguson’s models in 2001 that led to the culling of 6 million cattle and sheep allegedly to prevent spread of foot and mouth disease which cost the UK economy £10bn. Subsequent predictions have included 50,000-150,000 deaths in humans in 2002 due to CJD because of the BSE outbreak (there were 177 deaths), 200 million deaths from bird flu in 2005 worldwide (there were 78); 65,000 deaths from Swine flu in UK in 2009 (there were 457)." Source: https://www.hartgroup.org/imperial-fantasy-of-20-million-lives-saved
  20. Thailand-based Amy Sukwan wrote about the drones on her latest substack (Amy's Newsletter), and I wholeheartedly agree with her intro to the whole issue. > One thing that is becoming clear with the mysterious drone story is that neither the mainstream media or the US government controls the narrative anymore, because nobody believes a word they say about anything. The TV telling us that something is happening is no longer proof that something is happening. That’s a good starting point. Source: https://sukwan.substack.com/p/monday-memes-93b
  21. Dissecting the despicable playbook for covering up vaccine injuries Source: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-hpv-vaccine-disaster-was-a-blueprint = = = Story at Glance Two decades ago, Merck introduced Vioxx, a profitable NSAID, despite knowing it could cause numerous heart attacks. After facing overwhelming lawsuits and ultimately withdrawing Vioxx, Merck quickly pushed Gardasil, an HPV vaccine, to market to recover losses. Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it, even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, POTS, infertility, and death. Notably, many of these issues mirror those associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. This article examines the dangers of the HPV vaccine, the reasons behind its risks—including its tendency to cause rather than prevent cervical cancer—and the extensive negligence of the FDA and CDC. These lessons are crucial for understanding the events surrounding COVID-19. Prior to COVID-19, I considered Gardasil (for HPV) to be the most dangerous and unjustifiable vaccine on the market. It’s truly remarkable how many parallels can be found between it and the COVID-19 vaccines, so I feel it’s critically important for this already forgotten story to be told. > You can read the deep-dive into the whole story in this very interesting but rather lengthy article here > https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-hpv-vaccine-disaster-was-a-blueprint = = =
  22. Those of us that follow independent sources already know for years the devastating effects of these Wonder-Jabs. It suffices to compare the trends of excess-deaths between light and heavily vaxxed countries, and it is even more tell-tale when looking at the evolution of excess-deaths in the lower-age categories, where deaths of young and middle-age people have exploded since the roll-out of these mRNA-jabs. Of course you couldn't find these analyses on the mainstream-media or buried deep in Public Health reports, as the truth is damning for Pfizer/Moderna, the 'Public Health' authorities, the politicians that supported the roll-out, and the complicit media. They hoped that the jab-effects would go away (like Covid did), and that we could all 'move on' but unfortunately the harm is irreversible and phenomena like the current explosion of turbo-cancers and cardio-vascular diseases are just a forebode of what is still to come...
  23. With this post I will almost surely p1ss off both sides of the US political fence, i.e. both the Trump admirers and his haters. But even now with the overwhelming and daily further growing evidence of the harms caused by his Operation Warp Speed that launched these toxic mRNA Covid-shots, Trump is STILL boasting about its huge success and that it saved 'millions of lives'. But it's the complete opposite with millions of people dead from these '100% safe and effective' shots and billions harmed by them. Trumps childish and narcissistic inability to ever admit having being wrong on anything prevents the full exposure of this Crime of the Century. And no genius political 5D chess explanation of his stance on that issue can turn that abject lie into an 'innocent untruth that served its purpose'. = = = This post triggered by the 5' clip - with transcript - of the 1-hour discussion by dr Kevin STILLWAGON. Source: https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/trumps-big-fat-abject-lie Here an excerpt of the transcript of that clip: > ... The video is very clear. All you gotta do is take a look at countries that had very little vaccine administration and they did not have excess mortality. And I'm not talking from COVID, I'm talking from anything. There was no excess mortality, but you take a look at areas of this country, just this country, that were heavily vaccinated… there is a definite increase in all-cause mortality. Now, I know that's just a temporal association, but it's something that you absolutely cannot ignore. Yeah, there's gotta be a reckoning of truth here. And that's what we're doing today. We are helping people see through the lies. ...
  24. Oh boy, this Free Speech alternative sub-forum has barely been launched, and you are already advocating to apply restrictions to what subjects can be discussed!
  25. Are you Swedish? Looks like you caught the syndrome in that country's capital...
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