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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Both my Thai motorcycle and car have my passport name and passport-number on them. The point is whether that ID-document number (Passport or Pink ID) is sufficient for the Hotel/Guesthouse to issue an on-line TM-30. I presume that you when you are able to check-in with a Pink ID-number, that the Hotel/Guesthouse would be able to issue a TM-30, as they would otherwise not be in compliance with thai law.
  2. Your Thai driver's permit has your name and passport number on it. And all Hotels/Guesthouses are required by Thai law to notify local Immigration within 24 hours that a foreigner is staying at their premises. In large majority of cases they do this by making use of the IO TM-30 website, and you can ask for a copy of the TM-30 notification they issued. Of course - this is Thailand - some hotels/guesthouses don't do it, and can be fined by local Immigration for not having complied with the law. Of course that can only happen when they are aware that it has not been done. There have been some recent crackdowns in Phuket and SuratThani on Hotels/guesthouses that were not complying (one reason could be that they have foreigners staying there that are on overstay).
  3. #1 - I presume that your current Permit to stay is based on a Non Imm O Visa (marriage), and yes in that case your wife needs to accompany you when you apply for 1-year extensions of stay based on that original Non Imm O Visa (marriage). #2 - When you move to a different address you need to inform the local Imm Office that your address has changed. This is done by providing them with a TM-30 and/or the underlying documents that allow Immigration to process the 'change of address'. That TM-30 notification can be done by the 'housemaster' or 'possessor' of the premises. If your landlord does it, he has to provide a copy of the house-book and a signed front-back copy of his Thai ID-card and stating that you - a foreigner - is staying at the premises (using the TM-30 form). Your wife can also do it as 'tenant' of the premises, and in that case she needs to provide a copy of the rental agreement to local Immigration, and stating that you - a foreigner - is staying at the premises. The above process can be done on-line using the IO TM-30 website, but it is recommended that you - accompanied by your wife or the landlord - do it in person at the local Imm Office, as it would not be a temporary stay for you but a change of your official address. Note that the regulations re TM-30 notification stipulate that this needs to be done within 24 hours of the foreigner (you) arriving at the premises. Most Imm Offices are relaxed on that issue and have no problem when it is done within 1-2 weeks after arrival, but as this is Thailand, there is the occasional rogue Imm Office that would fine the landlord or yourself for not having done it 'in time'.
  4. Yes, when returning on the same Permit to stay (protected with a Re-Entry Permit) there is NO need to notify your local Immigration Office that you have returned to the official address that they have on file. There are a couple of rogue Imm Offices that do require this, but luckily your Petchabun Imm Office follows the official regulations re TM-30. Also note that for your 90-day report (confirming that you are still staying at same address after 90 days consecutively in Thailand), that the teller is reset to 1 on day of re-entry in Thailand. If you did your previous 90-day report on-line, you might receive a reminder e-mail based on the previous due date of your 90-day report, but you can ignore that mail (the on-line system does not 'know' that you exited and returned to Thailand thereby re-setting the 90-day reporting schedule).
  5. You learned wrong. In the Flanders region of Belgium the official language is dutch (the same language as Netherlands) and spelling/grammar of the written dutch is EXACTLY the same, although there are words/expressions which are typical for the Netherlands and for Flanders. The language spoke is often referred to as Flemish, because the pronunciation is clearly different than the dutch spoken in the Netherlands. And even within the Flanders region the dialects spoken in the 5 provinces of the region are different and easily distinguishable.
  6. 1. With a Netherlands passport you will receive a 30-day VisaExempt entry-stamp in your passport from Thai border-Immigration when entering Thailand again 2. Basically you only need your passport (without a Re-Entry Permit for your current Permit to stay). You might bring 2 pass-photos with you, although Cambodian border-immigration now have those picture-snappers, but just in case they would be out of order. 3. The cost of a Cambadian Visa (think it's 35 US $ now) which can be paid in US $ dollar as that is the accepted currency in Cambodia, or in THB - but at a not very good exchange rate. You might also be nudged to pay a 10 US $ fee in order to be allowed to return immediately or same day to Thailand (normally you need to stay at least 24 hours in Cambodia, but that is as good as nowhere enforced). 4. Maybe other posters can provide info on preferred days/times to do a border-run there. Note; In case there are large crowds crossing the border, you could consider driving 60 kms more East and take the friendly Chong Sa Ngam border-crossing, which is in the middle of nowhere (but a beautiful scenery to get there) and is as good as always almost deserted. 5. Yes, you can apply for a 30-day extension of that 30-day VisaExempt entry at any Thai Imm Office (cost 1.900,- THB).
  7. Hi, as requested I did PM you a comprehensive Guideline which I wrote on how to register an address on the IO TM 30 website and notify Immigration of any foreigners (including yourself) staying at - or returning to - that address by issuing on an on-line TM-30 notification.
  8. 4 – PRINTING a copy of your TM30 notification To check whether the TM30 data you uploaded have really been filed, simply open the website again, and on the left-hand page click on the 2nd directory and select Search TM30. Enter your username (when it does not appear automatically) and then fill in the search-period for your TM30. The dates need to be max 7 days apart and have to be in Thai date-notation. Your uploaded TM30 will appear and you can take a screenshot.
  9. In Belgium there are 3 official languages: dutch, french and german. In the Flanders region - which has most inhabitants - people speak Dutch, in Wallony they speak French and in the small East-cantons region they speak German. It is quite normal in Belgium to speak or at least understand 4 languages (the 3 national languages and English), especially in the Flanders region. I for one am one of those than read and understand all 4, and I am fluent in 2 of them, while being able to have a non-specialized conversation in the other 2.
  10. Several - but not all - Thai Imm offices do your 90-day report at same time when you apply for the 1-year extension of your Non Imm O based Permit to stay, and as part of the process provide you with a slip in your passport with the next 90-day report due date (90 days after your application date). When you do your 90-day report (on-line or in person) in the 3 months preceding your 1-year Permit to stay expiry date, they will provide you with a 'next 90-day report due date' which is not 90 days after your report, but is capped to the expiry date of your Permit to stay. As you have visit the Imm Office anyway for your 1-year extension of stay, aligning that visit with the 90-day report, is handy for the applicant, but as mentioned higher not all Imm Offices do this.
  11. When his Imm Office denies his application for the 1-year extension of stay due to him only being able to provide his current 3-month rental contract, instead of the 1-year one they require, he would have no choice but to move to another province where they do not impose such madness. Obviously it is ALSO not in the interest of the landlord that his tenant might have to move elsewhere because of that over-the-top local Immigration requirement. So it's just a matter of tenant and landlord making a 1-year rental agreement with the same conditions as his present 3-month one, but adding an additional clause that allows either party to cancel the agreement with 3 months notice.
  12. As mentioned already by other posters, the preferred option for you is to apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage to a Thai national (it's an eVisa application and will be handled by the consulate section of the Thai Embassy in Belgium). The main reason for doing so is that without a Visa you will have big difficulties opening a personal Thai bank-account, and such a bank-account is required as you would need to show to Immigration when applying for the 1-year extension of that 90-day Visa that you have the required funds (+400.000 THB) on that bank-account. I did sent you a PM with more information.
  13. It is absolutely ridiculous that the OP does not want to disclose which Imm Office has a 1-year rental contract as a requirement. What's wrong with sharing the requirements that an Imm Office imposes? Why would they 'retaliate' to you on doing that. The OP is confused... NOTE: If he has a friend in the province where he located to, an option could be that the friend issues a TM-30 (can be done easily on-line) that the OP is staying at this premises. In that case there is no lease or rental agreement required, just a copy of the house-book and the signed front/back Thai ID-card of the owner of the premises, as underlying documents for the TM-30 to be issued.
  14. A 90-day report is nothing more than a confirmation statement by yourself that you are STILL residing at the same address in the province where your Imm Office has registered that official address. When you relocate - be it in same or to a different province - you have to notify the Imm Office of that new address by providing them with a TM-30 of your new official address.
  15. I bought a 1 year unlimited download 30Mbs dTac SIM for approx 1.500 THB, and download speed in my area is close to that 30 Mbps. You can only get those SIMs at Lazada or Shopee. My previous one stopped working after 10.5 month, but for that value I am not complaining. Only drawback is that you after that 1 year you can only top up again with the much more expensive dTac subscription options. Of course you can also simply buy a new one but it will have a different number, but if you have a separate SIM for calls you don't face the inconvenience of having to contact everybody that you have a new number.
  16. It is in the Step-by-step instructions document that was added as attachment in the PM I did sent you earlier. Please make the effort to actually read what I posted. Here is the link to the website > https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/menu.jsp And here is the link to actually register: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/FilterNoLogonServlet?nodeId=24&programId=FNHOTELREG
  17. Please do read my posts in response to your query again as well as the PM I did sent you. When the landlord registers the address on the IO TM-30 website he needs to upload a copy of the house-book. When the TENANT (=you who rents the property) registers the address on that IO TM-30 website a copy of the rental agreement suffices.
  18. Your 90-day report is nothing more than a confirmation from your part that you are STILL staying at your official address for immigration purposes. You applied for and got the 1-year extension of stay based on your Non Imm O Visa at the Pattaya Imm office. You then moved to Bangkok but did not notify the Bangkok Imm Office of that move (by providing them with a copy of your current rental contract, which would have allowed them to issue your TM-30). So you currently cannot get ANY service from the Bangkok Imm Office until you have done the above, as your official address is currently still in Pattaya. As mentioned in another thread that you launched you do NOT need the BlueBook when notifying the Bangkok Imm Office that you have moved there. You can either go there in person and provide them with a copy of the rental contract, but you will likely be fined for doing that TM-30 notification process late as they will see that your rental agreement dates from earlier. Alternatively you can use the IO TM-30 website and register your current Bangkok address on it as TENANT, which only requires a copy of the ID-page of your Passport and a copy of your rental agreement. And then you can issue a TM-30 stating that you are staying at the properties. Once that has been approved your official address will then be at that Bangkok address, and it would allow you then to do the 90-day report as well as 1-year extensions when they are due.
  19. The 'laugh' emoticon on that fully correct post is totally inappropriate.
  20. If you already have a 1-year retirement extension, you can only have gotten that one when your address is registered at your local Imm Office that issued the extension. So there should be no need to notify Immigration of your address by issuing a TM-30 as they already have it. If your official address has been overwritten due to a stay at a Hotel, and you need to issue a new one, you can register your address on the IO TM-30 website and issue a TM-30 as TENANT. No Blue book required to do that, a copy of your Passport ID-page and the rental agreement suffices to register, which will then allow you to issue the TM-30.
  21. Hi, Your Visa/extension situation is not fully clear to me. But in order to get ANY service from an Imm Office, they need to have official evidence of the place that you are staying. And the form that is used to notify them of your address is the TM-30 (accompanied with or referring to the required documents). Now if you are a Tourist and want to extend your stay by applying for a 30-day extension, the 'check-in' night before application at a Hotel is an option. The Hotel/Guesthouse can provide you with a copy of the TM-30 they have to make to notify local Immigration that a foreigner is staying at their premises, and that will be sufficient for local Immigration to provide you with such 30-day extension. But obviously that will NOT be accepted when you plan to stay long-term and apply for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa or for a 1-year extension of stay when you have entered Thailand on a Non Imm O or O-A Visa, In that case the local Imm Office needs to be provided with a TM-30 of the address where you plan to stay semi-permanently and which will become your official address for immigration purposes. You mention your landlady so that means that you are renting, and it is indeed possible to register on the IO TM-30 website as TENANT, which will then allow you to issue a TM-30 of yourself staying at the premises. I did sent you a PM outlining the process on how to register on that website and subsequently issue that TM-30. Note that the problem you mention of the landlord/landlady not willing to co-operate is not unique. There are several possible reasons why he/she might not be willing to issue a TM-30: #1 - They do not want to spend half a day going with you to the local Imm Office to notify Immigration in person that you are staying at their premises. Also, when doing that they risk to be fined by Immigration as they should have notified Imm within 24 hours of your arrival at the premises. #2 - They are not computer-savvy or are not familiar with the on-line IO TM-30 system and how to register your address on it, and issue a TM-30. #3 - They do not want to notify Immigration that you are staying at their premises because they incorrectly think that this might result in them having to declare the rental income from you staying there, and be taxed on it. But as I mentioned higher, even without the co-operation of the landlord/landlady you are able to register yourself on the IO TM-30 website as TENANT. Besides a copy of your passport ID-page, you only need a copy of the Rental Agreement. And if your landlord/landlady is willing to provide it, a copy of the house-book and a signed front/back copy of the Thai ID-card of the owner would be helpful, but are not required. If I were you I would talk with the landlord/landlady and ask for those additional documents explaining to them that you in order to stay in Thaland need to provide Immigration with a copy of the rental agreement and that you would do this yourself on-line. But that it would be helpful if they provided you with those additional documents, because otherwise there is the chance that Immigration would contact the landlord/landlady to get hold of them. Hope this helps and do check your PM for the Guideline document on how to register on the IO TM-30 website and issue your own TM-30.
  22. Yes, at the Chonburi Imm Offices (Jomtien and SriRacha) they deliberately try to make the 90-day Visa and 1-year extension process as difficult, non-transparent and unpleasant as possible. This to make confused and disgusted applicants that tried to do the application on their own and are confronted with those deliberate hurdles, to seek the help of a Visa agent. And obviously the Imm Officers receive a brown envelope with content under the table from the Visa agents for 'services rendered'. Corruption is the Name of the Game...
  23. Yes indeed, you are correct. It are basically the same documents you need to provide for the 1-year extension of your Non Imm O (retirement) based Permit to stay. The main differences are: You would need to provide evidence that you kept the +800K funds on your personal Thai bank-account for at least 2 months (some offices require 3 months, but at CW it is 2 months) prior to the date of application for your 1-year extension. So basically you should keep the Funds over +800K between the period of Visa application and 1-year extension application. You should also keep the funds at +800K for the first 3 months after your 1-year extension is approved, after that you are allowed to lower the funds to +400K and top up again to +800K 2 months prior to your next 1-year extension of stay application; There will be no 'under consideration' period when applying for the 1-year extension (retirement). And the stamp will either be provided on the spot (like at CW) or at some Imm offices you need to leave your passport and pick it up with stamp next day; From the moment you receive your 1-year extension of stay, you are required to do 90-day reports, and normally your Imm Office will staple a paper with the due date for that 1 first 90-day report in your passport.
  24. Hi Jim, The Agent would be just be your 'breaking iron' to get a Thai bank open a personal Thai bank-account for you. Obviously it would be YOUR bank-account, and the help of the Agent is just a one-off thing.
  25. Hi Mike, That first point implies that - unless you had the foresight to open a personal Thai bank-account before March 2023 - the 'change of Visa process', i.e. applying for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa at your local Imm Office after having entered Thailand VisaExempt has become virtually impossible. But as this is Thailand, there must be ways to dodge that rule, the obvious one being making use of a Visa Agent to help you with opening a Bank-Account. If you do not want to make use of an Agent, it looks that when you want to apply in-country for the Non Imm O Visa that you need to enter on a Tourist Visa in order to be able to open a Personal Thai bank-account, which is a pre-requisite to meet the financial requirements for such application.
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