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Shop mak

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Everything posted by Shop mak

  1. Do other have the same issue, than you can choose 2 or more answers, about age? Please report to Moderators, as edit window has run out. I just voted myself, and could only choose 1 answer to the Age question. I notice many more answers question about Age than the 2'nd question expat or tourist
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Will ask a Mod for help. Asked 2 questions, only 1 answer under each of the 2 Q's should be possible. Maybe some settings
  3. Thanks, as posted earlier Jan Dietz suggestion worked. Colors are back to normal 100%
  4. The Golden Man on his Golden bike. This guy was very succesfull to put a big smile on everyones face in Pattaya. He has been back since, in plain clothes. Organizations like Father Ray, Rotary, and Chester charity ride comes to mind. No single foreigner.
  5. I would guess 25-50% of the quoted 10,000. Send in a Thai female who say 'I found this cat on the road, clearly in distress. Can you help the cat? My budget is only 2,000' Short examination, and maybe get a quote (price for Khun Thai) somewhere between 2,500-5,000. Return few hours later after she got a quote of say 3,500-4,000 earlier, and the female say 'I borrowed money and now can afford 3,000 baht, is it possible, please na na' Give the vet a few minutes .. Haggle, negotiate is a art. While I am no good at talking a woman into bed, I have refined my haggling skills. I have managed to get price reduction on many items and services by speaking thai, very polite, compliment the seller, and have a very humble attitude. Thai people can often be very soft when a foreigner really show respect and act humble.
  6. POLL, what are your age? Are you expat or tourist?
  7. Send a thai female with the cat, preferable to another vet, you stay out of it (farang price).
  8. Hey Gamma. How about a trip report with Photos. Many of us has never been to Japan. A photo says more than 1000 words, so that would be a win-win situation. Less words, more photos of: Your room. Food. The area you stay. Supermarket. People. Landscape and mountains. Most of all, beautiful young Japanese ladies, (preferable with IQ 140+) You are in Japan, aren't you? Where's the photos? Are people welcoming to you? Can some or many communicate with you? What's your daily spending so far? Learned a few japanese words and can say hello, thank you, and ... *Are you single? Have you joined the english speaking forum there? Save that for the Japan english speaking forum. There you could probably get tons of information that would make daily life as a newbie, much easier. I would be out exploring from 9am, take photos, try a few words from the dictionary daily. Not return back to the room until dark. Life is for living and exploring. Trip report with lots of photos would be appreciated.
  9. Excellent advice. That worked, normal colors are back. A big thank you. 🙏
  10. AC_Eddie, Children are actually expected to take care of their older aging sick parents in Thailand. Youngest daughter usually get this responsibility. In return the youngest daughter normally inherit the family home. That aside, imagine yourself in similar situation at age 84. Your wife should pack her suitcase and return to Thailand.
  11. Thanks for pics bignok. Thumb up was from me. There is hope. 555. The food was eatable? Guesthouse hotel ok? Did you buy anything to take home with you? Got attention from the Ladies? Add 100+ words, like a mini trip report to the photos, and I will give you LUV as well.
  12. My amazon firestick 4k picture went purple. Restarted. Still purple. Inserted into another HDMI. Still purple. Unplugged from TV and outlet, reconnected after 1 hour. Still purple. TV picture has normal colors. Have any experienced this with Amazon firestick? I guess I have to buy a new one, 1,900 at lazada.
  13. Live and let live, has been the motto among expats for decades. Udon is not different from other cities, from my observations. Expat don't care much about others choice of partner. Maybe he can tone down his very extroverted personality? Thais don't like showing affections in public, or see it, so in respect for Thai people, I would suggest this. If I was bi gay or into transgender, I would blend in easier in a tourist city, or in Bangkok.
  14. Retired nurses can be hired for 20,000 bath up per month, + medication monitors etc, according to post I read here earlier (sorry can't provide a link) Contact HR in hospitals, maybe they can provide contact details for qualified nurses. Alternatives but more expensive: http://camilliancarekorat.org/th/ https://www.koonhospital.com/ Please post again, if you found a solution.
  15. Members who can be suggested for POTY should have: A long history of informative and intelligent posts. Without a history of trolling & baiting. @Goat Create a poll, if POTY is so important. Include option 'none of the above'. Without a POLL, this will only become 200+ pages, back and forth.
  16. Email to support (at)aseannow.com And explain your case
  17. It's OK. I agree to disagree regarding beach road.
  18. A very sad story, and we don't know why she did it, can be multiple reasons. HIV+ ladies can be found anywhere, any country. In Pattaya I knew a few who passed away, and currently some freelancers should be avoided. Doctors say vaginal sex has less chance to catch HIV, but many indulge in anal sex. Some men go with transgenders when they become very drunk. Condom. Get tested. PrEP. Look out for indication of bad hygiene, teeth, addiction. If HIV are 10 times more prevalent in street walkers, compared to those work in a venue, avoid street walkers anywhere. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4935540/
  19. If moderators had a lifespan of only 2-3 years, that would make "knowing a mod" void. Moderators doesn't work like that. Each action by mods must be followed by a written reason, hidden for members, Seen by fellow mods and Admins.
  20. Why do so many people like K-Pop ? Young girls want to become a rich famous superstar. Young boys want to have a gf like the K-pop female stars. Easy to create: Supposedly innocent, dancing in cute dress. Later this becomes sexy provokative minimal clothing. $$$$$ Thailand's Lisa has become expert in this. Many consider Lisa best dancer in k-pop.
  21. Actually a Good Idea, If those who apply to enter the (nursery) aka 'No Limit No moderation' sub forum, They have to stay there, and can't post in any other forums. Great idea. Not likely, but can always dream.
  22. You are working you said, so how many hours per day to you actually spend outdoors around thai people? HR in many companies prefer to hire average height weight, and preferable younger than 25 (maybe older outside cities, with less applicants) Your observations at work, does not give the full picture, due to HR. Go out in a major cities, you will soon realize that media and surveys aren't far from the truth. Survey and media are all lies fake, made up? You can't be serious. Fun banter though, just insert real life.
  23. That are all forums major headache. We have all noticed the new 'moderation form', that are more uniform. So even a strict mod now use copy paste message as warning, and that is much better. While we have Admins and Mods attention (big thank you for that), Can the forum include Tags? When a member create a OP, can we also add multiple tags relevant to the topic?
  24. Agree on clickbait in media, but personal observation indicate that a high number of females here in Thailand, are obese or more. I suggest take a look at TF dating site, check females height VS weight ratio. Many weigh 70+ highest was well over 100 kilo ... I might try take some photos next week
  25. Topic is Why do so many people like K-Pop ?
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