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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Thank you for the clarification. I must have misunderstood but can only go on what you as an individual get told.. At least this is clarified in my mind
  2. Just done this at Chiang Mai for Non-O visa. They say it can be done 14 days in advance (at least that was what I was told).
  3. I agree with those who think that the thai people who proposed these changes have not thought carefully enough about the consequences. Those who have large amounts of money are very mobile & will just vanish. The key question that the Thai government needs to know to make a good decision is whether the revenue gathered is MORE than currently acquired. Most foreigners who are not tourists in Thailand spend most of their money which is acquired from outside sources inside Thailand. Why would the Thai Government seeks to lose money? The consequences of bad policy, regulatory & legal changes could be really really bad in terms of revenue. Once you have lost these farang, they will not be coming back to Thailand.
  4. Thailand is losing out on a lot of expertise among the farang who have retired.
  5. Thailand has a fundamental problem in growing grapes, grapes are a Mediterranean climate plant. This affects the quality. They need a lot of research in how to breed varieties that will grow well in a subtropical climate., thus hopefully, improving the quality dramatically. This is necessary if they want a profitable wine industry.
  6. Reform of education system is critical. Maybe foreign teachers should be considered experts in subjects necessary to helping Thailand's education system. Just a thought for consideration.
  7. Many Americans are good, decent people. All countries have problematic folk. But most are good.
  8. A lot more clarity is required as to who qualifies as a digital nomad. I would be very interested to know.
  9. If this is true then it would be good. However, the devil is always in the details. We need to see the final changes passed into law to know whether such a potentially good thing will actually happen.
  10. Extreme heat & high levels of pm2.5s seem to be major contributors to mental health problems apart from the increased rate of heart attacks & strokes (plenty in the scientific literature if you use Google to find recent papers on the medical effects). So it might mean that reduction in pm2.5s by using efficient air purifiers could be an effective solution for mental health management. Obviously, the best solution would be tackling the sources of pm2.5s, but there seems to be major political difficulties in effectively tackling this issue.
  11. Need to see the final details. Because if everything is like this, everyone over 50 will change from retirement to digital nomad as less hassle is involved. So final details are important.
  12. The question is as always Cui Bono?
  13. Wonderful. Unfortunately, your son threatened the whole system.
  14. The real danger is aflatotoxin contamination by Aspergillus flavus. The toxin produced dby this fungus is a very pwoerful liver carcinogen. Any stored seeds must be tested.
  15. Very important to test for aflatotoxins
  16. Ignore the last three words, not sure if they might disrupt the link. Here is the link without the "about crop production" https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13979
  17. This is interesting https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13979 about crop production
  18. The criminals will be very happy with this development
  19. pm2.5s also contribute to increased probabilities of suffering strokes, cardiac events, and psychoses.
  20. Timescale if we have no emissions is, at best with the most coservative estimate so far, about 3-5000 years to return to temperature regime that are reasonable. Plenty of literature on the modelling is available for anyone to find. The countries & regions that we need to convince to do things are Australia, China, Europe, India, USA; most of the others are irrelevant.
  21. I think she has greater problems with logical rational thinking.
  22. 1 degree Hhigher in average temperature results in huge loss of production due to damage to flower formation (anthesis) seed production ( successful versus seed abortion). Best computer modelled results are 10-13% loss in Thailand's rice production by 2100.
  23. Climate change is massive threat to plant growth, flowering & seed/fruit production. Devastating economic impact on many countries including Thailand
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