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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. They are different, I love biang biang mian (the giant belt noodles) which you get in Xi'an. I love Thai broad noodles - Sen yai, and Kanom Jeen.
  2. What kind of dementia? Or is he suffering from transient ischaemic attacks (TIA)?
  3. But is it an ethical violation?
  4. Think of all the things you touch during the day & night: door knobs, gym equipment, etc.. Plus people Contagious diseases are difficult to avoid.
  5. Best theory so far based on DNA evidence gathered, is it started in Katanga province, Congo in 1910-1920 among railway workers & sex trade..
  6. How many at the top would be left?
  7. You must start now 🙂
  8. The elite may have achieved a Pyrrhic victory with targeting progressive parties
  9. I think there have been 5 known survivors of rabies. The odds are, therefore, NOT GOOD. Get the jabs
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  11. He may have intestinal parasites: tapeworm or ascarid hookworms. Hookworms are far worse, if too many they can block the bowel. Antihelmintic medicines can get rid of these effectively; they could be traditional or modern medications.
  12. When warming temperatures (average & extreme maxima) affect rice flowering (causes flower abortion) then Thais will panic.
  13. The future will arrive whether the dinosaurs agree or not.
  14. Is it to do with the tax on incoming money into Thailand?
  15. Maybe kakistocracy is more accurate.
  16. The ruling tells you what you need to know about the Constitutional Court.
  17. Assume they want it signed quickly in case Sretta vanishes politically.
  18. 3 stages. Must get it cured in the first or second stage. Third stage involves madness & death. Second stage involves chancres (weeping sores) on genitals. First stage involves spots on torso. Must be detected in first stages. If worried go get tested.
  19. hydrauilc acid? You need to check what they chemical is, it may kill you or kill all functioning downbelow.
  20. I am not surprised, with lots of rice production it is easy to make lao khao (hope that is spelt correctly). Ubiquitous in northern Thailand.
  21. I wonder whether they have looked at the impact of introducing a voracious predator. It will eats lots. A beneficial income is not guaranteed. The case of the introduction of Nile perch to African lakes would have been instructive. Simplistic solutions seldom work as planned.
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