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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Kennedy is a weirdoes weirdo - even more weird than Trump, and that is difficult to achieve.
  2. Need to know a lot more about the circumstances as to why this happened. Expect a lot more information will be forthcoming.
  3. Jail them for 10 years then deport. 10 years in a Thai prison will teach them a lesson.
  4. Weirdo or Sanity, a clear choice.
  5. A nice rational answer. This makes sense.
  6. This is understandable, I know 2 friends who would act similarly to anyone who molested or abused their daughters.
  7. Intrigued by why less money is being spent on Chiang Mai versus Phuket(89,072)? Any ideas. Chiang Mai is larger in terms of population (200,952).
  8. All this indicates is that gay & bisexual men have more sex so it would expected that a contagious disease would be then be transmitting more among them. No surprises there.
  9. It is a Torygraph article, why am I not surprised. Went down hill fast after Peter Oborne left.
  10. It is a contagious disease NOT an STD. It is transmitted by skin to skin contact and maybe skin to some object that has been touched by skin - door handles, chairs, squirtgun handles - anything where the shin may have transferred virus particles to a surface. Then you touch that surface & Eureka you have monkeypox. Yes, it can be transferred by sexual contact but because of all the other transfer possibilities it is not a sexually-transmitted disease.
  11. Maybe they should read about tumbrels
  12. We need to wait for the results on Friday for the infected & other potentially infect passengers before the government needs to decide on possible urgent containment measures. Panic now is useless, knowledge is power. It allows for sensible decisions.
  13. Is that within the realms of possibility?
  14. If the methane clathrates melt we have a very large problem.
  15. If there is a zebra crossing you are a target in Thailand. Just look eveywhere, and be very very careful there are no vehicles coming in your direction.
  16. The poor voters will remember the 10,000 baht was taken away by Thaksin
  17. Potentially, but the education system has to be totally transformed for this money to be useful for education in Thailand.
  18. Elite did not like it as it was giving money to the poor.
  19. If they want skilled workers they need to attract skilled workers by paying more.
  20. You missed out Indian food, this is also one of the world's awesome cuisines.
  21. I fear the Italians will hunt you down 🙂
  22. Chinese food in China is wonderful, was there was 6 years & ate a lot of Chinese food, and occassional Italian (there was a very good Italian restaurant in Kunming - the owner was Italian)
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