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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. This has potential to savage the large brewers if someone produces some aroi craft beer
  2. Strange, where my house (the other halfs) is surrounded by paddy fields, and they all do 3 crops a year (rice, soybeans, maize) . This is south of Chiang Mai.
  3. Growing bananas right now is silly until they solve the Sigatoga disease problem. Many other potential crops could be grown. E.g. Kakadu plum, Davidson's plum, Pataua palm, etc. Just need to check on soil types, rainfall/drought tolerance and current values on world market. Suggesting bananas is just bananas without careful evidence to back it up.
  4. Maybe they could grow risotto rice & sell to Europe especially Italy. This might generate a lot more profit. Drought causes major problems for rice growing in northern Italy.
  5. Due to political shenanigans
  6. Just tells you most voting US citizens are kwai.
  7. Biggest danger to USA since Cold War is Trump
  8. Most people in positions of power get these positions due to influence & money. Not competence or merit. So, all the people deciding these things are often as confused as everyone else. Welcome to a patronage society.
  9. They should naturalise all the Burmese immigrants, that would provide a necessary boost to the youth population of the country.
  10. Also depends on the SRY gene, since this is key determinant of whether the phenotype is male.
  11. Masks are mostly performative to make it seem like the govt. is doing something. Most are not capable of filtering pm2.5. Need to have N95 as people on here have pointed out. Would be better to have air-purifiers in all indoor facilities. Better still, stop crop burning & forest fire burning. Have mechanisms that result in it being more economic for farmers to NOT burn than to burn.
  12. Performative. Nothing will happen. Like most in govt., as useful as a chocolate teapot.
  13. Co-operatives, stakeholder capitalism better than shareholder capitalism?
  14. Reorganisation probably sensible. The question how the military will view this. Is it truly to increase efficiency & save costs? There is plenty of money in Thailand for everything & everybody if they tackle the endemic corruption, I would suspect.
  15. Indeed, my mother and father were by no definition in favour of being liberal as regards how their sons, my brother & myself, turned out as regards orientation. Yet, both of us are gay. If sexuality was a learned behaviour it is likely there would only be heterosexual females & heterosexual males.
  16. Research should focus on understanding sexuality as a fascinating phenomemon of evolutionary interest.
  17. Highly likely there is a genetic component but the likelihood is it is also polygenic. Both my brother & myself are gay.
  18. Many genes will be involved in sexuality in general. Due to the taboo nature of such research there has not been so much research &/or funding on it as other aspects of human physiology & behaviour. Very few things in genetics are one gene = one effect
  19. This article has certainly enraged the bigots
  20. This will apply to any form of sexuality
  21. The answer he gave gives you a giant clue.
  22. Good bread should not have sugar in it.
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