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Everything posted by Startmeup

  1. Those two fattys aint Russian
  2. Interesting. 100k doesn't buy much in the art space. I wonder what the definition is of classic car in this case. Usually it's a car greater than 25/30 years. I sold a classic car I had late last year. Speaking of, very lenient, police done well on this one, wonder how they were on to it so quick https://www.thephuketnews.com/russians-jailed-for-phuket-kidnap-extortion-91926.php
  3. My Australian bank emailed me a couple weeks ago and said they will be removing the last remaining ATMs and going fully digital. This comes after closing all their branches maybe a year ago. I emailed them asking what am I supposed to do if I want to get some cash. They replied saying there's no need to worry I can withdraw at no charge cash at the other "Big 4" banks ATMs so everything is normal, carry on. I asked them for how long that will be the case. Soon they will start implementing charges and soon after that they will go cashless too. If people allow these small encroachments it won't be long until it's cashless everywhere. This bank is the testing grounds before the other follow suit. They said they would register my complaint. They are testing the pushback but most people just moan about it but dont push back in any way. Im one of the few people I know who still uses cash in Australia when im there. The supremely lazy population who considers it a chore to withdraw money from an ATM is too much hard work for the everyday Aussie who have learned absolutely nothing from the last few years. People are so brainwashed its gotten to the point in Australia that you're labeled a tinfoil hat merchant for wanting to use cash.
  4. Ive noticed that too. Ive even noticed it with people who have bigger bikes often just get waved through. I was thinking about it after reading some reports of Russians kidnapping other Russians recently in Phuket trying to extort them of their cryptos millions. Not sure how that one ended. Having a RR is a different level to a BMW/MB/Audi. People who have the means to own that type of car in Thailand (or anywhere) are very wealthy by any measurement. In a country like Thailand where there is often rules for the rich and rules for others, and everybody here knows that the case, is that somebody you would want to be trying to scam or rob, Do you want to FAFO with somebody who can drop $10-20k to solve a problem? The police would do alot of digging if you told them you have some money to spend on it I dont see headlines of super rich dorks getting kidnapped in Bangkok/Phuket etc? There's tons of rich kids in Thailand. Driving around in their Lambos around Thonglor. Seems like a very easy target for an established or aspiring scammer/robber but doesn't really happen does it?
  5. From a safety point of view is it, do you think you are a target when you drive a car like that?
  6. Nice cars but I doubt it's nice enough for that chap with the RR.
  7. Curious, What are the other cars?
  8. Ya but surely he would prefer to be in a Toyota?
  9. Similar to why some people buy 30m baht homes compared to 3m baht homes, $100 bottle of wine compared to a $10 bottle, $2 pad thai compared to $10 pad thai or a rolex compared to a Casio. Both essentially do the same thing but one does it alot better than the other, in most cases. Sports or premium
  10. For owners of the above are you happy you made that decision? Some (most) of the roads in Phuket are terrible. One case in point the road between Patong and Karon. It's absolutely horrendous. One lane is still half blocked off from the mountain in a certain section. Three or four bikes got wiped out last night im guessing an oil spill but unsure, can post video if anybody wants to see it. Anyway off topic but emphasising my point. Is it more headache than its worth? Punctures, Cracked rims, Stonechipped paintwork, Dings from bikes and other cars common? The roads around Buriram seem to be much better than Phuket. Bangkok I cant really remember because I usually used the BTS. Alot of the reason why so many people opt for SUVs here to soak up all the holes and bumps Is One2car/marketplace the most popular place to search for cars, marketplace the filters and results are terrible to do any decent search but im not sure there's an alternative? Everybody talks about check for flood damage, is this the main concern across the whole country or specific to certain areas and what are the things to look for? Most of the newer cars of this type often have service packages included so a car thats less than 5 years old should be easy to see the history and servicing schedules?
  11. That’s unusual, more delays. Demand must be…..electric All the costs of building out charging stations for EVs will be passed on to the consumer through taxes and other means. Electricity costs will go through the roof. People will be begging to go back to petrol cars as the government introduces a new tax every other year to pay for the build out of charging stations and of the power grid. EVs are cost prohibitive and don’t make sense with current battery and charging technology for most people and the people who they do make sense for or want one already own one. Demand is falling, people don’t want to be forced to buy something they know doesn’t make sense, hybrids will pick up the slack.
  12. The only time you will ever have an issue with Wise is if your moving a large amount of money or moving money in a different manner to the way your normally do it. A large sum was deposited in my Wise account after selling a car. I had heard reports of people getting money trapped by Wise. I emailed them before the transaction and asked them if there will be any issue. They said there shouldn't be but if there is just be able to produce evidence of the car sale. First send a test amount of say $100 to make sure you have the correct details. Then send the full amount once you have received that and you know your sending it to where you want. If it's not from an account with your name, in this case from a car dealership they may ask where the money came from. They didn't even ask me in the end probably because I already touched base with them prior.
  13. Might get 3 months probation. After that will get invited to dinner with Prince Andrew
  14. Just transfer a lump of money into a Thai friends bank account and get them to give you the cash. Or are we saying all the cam girls, penpals and family donations/gifts from abroad will be declaring this money and be subject to tax too? Give me fcukin break. This tax thing will be thrown in the bin.
  15. Put down whatever option you want, what business is it of theirs what your doing with your post tax dollars? I choose a different option every time.
  16. When you pretend your a woman but your really a man by definition you are totally deranged .
  17. One of the most widespread dietary myths that dietary cholesterol from nutrient dense sources are harmful. Myth busted - linked to relevant timestamp. I recommend people watch this for an introductory course in Cholesterol
  18. Friend was telling me one of his friends bought an EV scooter in Bali. He said if you have it economy mode its absolutely gutless. Then you put it in sport mode to make it act like a normal scooter which cuts the range in half. He throws his bird on the back and the range is cut in half again. Its as good as useless if your going anywhere over 10kms 2 up. Not sure what brand it is. Anybody in Western countries waiting for a super cheap Chinese EV will never buy an EV. There will be massive tariffs put on cheap Chinese EVs. Western Car manufacturers cant compete so it will essential send them all broke losing hundreds of thousands of jobs. It won't happen. Trump has already hinted as much saying BYD manufacturing cars in Mexico and expecting to drive them across the border to sell in the US will get a big surprise. They can manufacture them in America if they like with US jobs and US supply chains or they can get stuffed. US is the world's second largest car market after China.
  19. Welcome to the club, Big B https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bentley-delays-first-ev-wont-151144573.html
  20. Back Burner, a long list of back burners https://electrek.co/2023/12/19/audi-puts-big-ev-push-on-the-back-burner/
  21. So many miserable expats in Thailand that have absolutely nothing better to do than complain. Nothing going on in their personal lives so need to stick their beaks into other peoples lives to keep themselves entertained on a day to day basis. Almost always living on the bread line because they are losing at life in every conceivable way.
  22. I met Paddy in Bangkok when I lived there. We were both watching the football in an Irish bar. Shared a few beers. Nice fella, good on him for giving it a crack. I wish him nothing but the best. Most people never fail because they wouldn't even dream of trying.
  23. Yes that's the plan when/if I start to dig in deeper.
  24. I know the two are totally seperate but interested to hear more on both, from those with experience. My girl loves to cook but has had no guidance. She would consider a career in either or both of the above subjects, With the view to eventually open her own place. There's levels to this stuff which we all have seen based on the restaurant or cafes we have frequented. In Phuket ive gone to cafes that sell cappuccinos anywhere from 50-200 baht and the price doesn't necessarily correspond to quality. The same can be said for the breads/pastries that you might buy in those places. Ive had 70 baht croissants that were as good as 120 baht croissants. You would expect they are both making money at those prices. Thats just a basic assumption Of course there are other factors and overheads at play that might come into pricing. One bakery/coffee shop that I know of in Phuket that does good croissants the lady went to study as a baker/pastry chef in Bangkok to learn the trade. Im unsure if she worked hands on elsewhere prior to opening, Ill have to ask more when im there again. It's a small basic cafe that does fresh croissants/paninis/baguettes/sandwiches and breads daily. They seem to sell freshly baked goods to restaurants and other coffee shops. The menu is small but what they do they do good and it seems they are expanding the menu slowly. A good strategy imo. Similarly Thai food has levels. In this case though I have found it very rare that a cheap thai restaurant compares to a higher class place where the price is x2-5 times. The flavours and quality of the food are just incomparable. Alot of the cheap Thai places are simply Mom and Pop places that open a business to earn some extra money. They haven't been trained formally in cooking and have little to no knowledge on nutrition. They are just dishing out what they were taught by other family members. After some basic research three places have come up. Dusit Thai College, Le Cordon Bleu and UFM all in Bangkok. Just taking a quick look at the Le Cordon Bleu courses They offer a 240 hour 10 week baking/pastry course at an eye watering 300k baht. https://www.cordonbleu.edu/thailand/art-of-bakery/en Or a prof thai cooking course for 9 months at an even more eye watering 520k baht https://www.cordonbleu.edu/thailand/professional-thai-cuisine/en I didn't check into the others too much but a quick glance shows similar prices. I think hands on experience in a good place is likely a crucial part to the learning experience. Is there any need to go to school, would you be better off working in a few good restaurants and learning the ropes that way or would that take years? Any other recommendations of places? I thought I would pose the question here to get the ball rolling to give me some ideas if its something that ends up getting more attention in the future.
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