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Everything posted by Startmeup

  1. Phuket is more expensive to live in than Bangkok yet isn't even on the list. Must be too low in population to be considered.
  2. Why only hate on the elite? Which other visa is payable upfront with a five to twenty year expiry and costs minimum 900,000 baht? Only the LTR has a long life and it’s a fraction of the price, as are all the other visas. Thats why
  3. You can nominate a power of attorney for a time you are incapacitated with the purpose of directing money to people you have pre-arranged to make decisions in your best interest? Do you have a will in another jurisdiction for assets abroad? How do you intend to give her access to money if you become incapacitated? Any regrets?
  4. Whats steps have people put in place to make sure loved ones are taken care of if something unfortunate was to happen where you become debilitated? This is outside my circle of competence but expect its something the folks on here would have ideas on. Im thinking - Having a will, across jurisdictions perhaps, is a will the first action to take? Possibly death/disabilty insurance Leaving "break glass if emergency" paperwork/access to accounts for significant other
  5. Are the products on Lazada genuine or sub standard rip offs? I have my doubts. Not heard any issues with the Freestyle Libre from Australian users but cant say for sure.
  6. If these were given out for free to anybody that wanted to monitor their health it would save billions in sickcare funding every year globally. How many millions of people each year get diagnosed as diabetic? Which is almost always reversible through diet. There will always be people who dont care about their health but monitoring your glucose levels and the reaction of your blood sugar to various foods and to exercising is one of the easiest ways to have a healthier society. Health and cures are not the goal though, lifelong medications and profits are. I looked into getting one in Thailand before and never found an easy solution.
  7. How many of Tommy Robinsons documentaries have you watched out of curiosity?
  8. Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for anything. Just like mainstream media. Anybody with any common sense under ~40 realises the media is just a brainwashing medium and rarely watch/read it. Its just daft old clowns like those on here who grew up in a time where there was accountability for your actions and proper journalistic integrity that haven't cottoned on that that was lost years ago. Around 9/11 if I have to put a timeline on it. We live in a time where whistleblowers who expose wrong doing end up locked up for life. If Tommy Robinson saved 5 kids and 3 pregnant women from a burning building the government controlled media would spin it that he done something bad. He is one of the most vilified men in the UK Without a doubt and most of what he is doing he is doing to make his country a better place. It seems nowadays exposing pedophiles and grooming gangs and islamic radicals that are becoming entrenched in Britain to influence decisions at every level is a bad thing. Thats what mainstream media is telling us. The sooner people get out of their little (brainwashed mainstream media fake news) bubbles and start listening to Tommy Robinsons (and others) warnings of whats happening right now and how bad it is going to get across Europe if the rot in society, immigration, government and police is allowed to continue the sooner those countries can return to some sort of normalcy. Here's an example from Germany where they have downgraded the penalties for pedophiles to basically a slap on the wrist. Thats something that I would deem front page news in a normal society but it doesn't even get covered nowadays. Im sure everyone saw the radical islamist go on a stabbing rampage in Germany recently and many of the mainstream media labelled him a far right activist. The go to slur when they dont want to report what actually happened. Is Tommy Robinson a choirboy? Far from it but he is doing tons of good work against immense state opposition, exposes absolute scum of society and talks about the things the normal media would have been talking about 20+ years ago before they were captured by institutions and big corporations.
  9. something doesn’t add up here. This will torpedo the elite visa program. Must be more details to come.
  10. Startmeup

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Whats the attraction with Soi 6? I see it mentioned in different places from time to time and from what I gathered its possibly the street to go to in Pattaya for a higher level of degeneracy compared to other streets?
  11. There is a massive glut of Taycans in the UK. Im sure they are a great car if you want an EV, just expect to lose well over 50% of your money after 2-3 years ownership, thats if you can find a buyer at all. They look great, thats alot of bang for your buck but nobody wants to touch them for some reason https://www.pistonheads.com/buy/listing/16753392 Cant say I've heard of many go up on fire though.
  12. Let's think about this rationally. There are alot of different circumstances but anyway…. "The personal remittances received in Thailand declined to 8.92 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. Nevertheless, the last two years recorded significant higher personal remittances received than the preceding years. A remittance is a non-commercial transfer of money by a nonresident worker, a member of a diaspora community, or a citizen with familial ties abroad, for household income in their home country. Workers’ remittances are a significant part of international capital flows, especially regarding labor-exporting countries." So roughly $9B coming into the country that needs to be tracked under these new rules. Excluding use of credit cards and maybe ATMs? There is said to be 300k expats living in Thailand Let's be generous and say they average $100k p.a brought into Thailand. Thats $3B. So that leaves another $6B from Thai/Foreigner abroad sent to Thais in need of money. I can say with a high degree of certainty the bulk of this would be to people who don't even file a tax return let alone go out of their way to declare money from abroad. How many employed Thais file a tax return anyway, none that I know of I suspect the company deducts tax from the pay and declare a small portion of it and even that likely doesn't happen much. The only way this will be enforced is through people voluntarily filing and declaring they remitted money themselves. Filing a tax return would be right at the bottom of things to do for any local living here who are living week/week month/month. Is The government going to go after all of them, they will be waiting a while to see any of it. So the RD will be hoping that the potential changes of rules will lead to self enforcement or they will target a select group of people who qualify in the new rules, maybe. Maybe they will target foreigners, Pick a few people off to scare everybody into self enforcement. Which brings me back to a post I made in another similar thread, send your money to a Thai friends bank account and withdraw it from the ATM. These rules will be unenforceable for the locals. If you're still worried, Bring a toke amount into your own bank account to show something and do the bulk to a friends. I wonder how many threads like this are being started in Thai forums panicking about these new rules, lol, zero.
  13. Anybody who could qualify should already have it, it's the best visa available in Thailand if you qualify but only suits a very small amount of foreigners that come to Thailand.
  14. Oh dear, those health experts are at it again. This time Pfizers A-Team Dishing out cancer causing products. Quality control at these pharma companies seem to be on par with your local fentanyl dealer. Safe and effective "Zantac became the world's best selling-medicine in 1988 and was one of the first drugs to top $1 billion in annual sales. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asked drugmakers to pull Zantac and its generic versions off the market in 2020, after a cancer-causing substance called NDMA was found in samples of the drug." $250m to settle lawsuits on a many multi billions of sales is a win. A few thousand cases of cancer the cost of doing business. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-offers-up-250-mln-settle-thousands-zantac-cancer-lawsuits-ft-reports-2024-05-16/
  15. Correct its all built into the cost risk Analysis. The cost of doing business. Anybody who says any different has not researched the matter. Very good podcast on this that digs into the deception of pharma companies and their fairytale studies. More interesting than any action movie but it's not fiction. Dr. JOHN ABRAMSON has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for twenty-five years, where he teaches health care policy. He also served as a family physician for 22 years, during which he was named a “top doctor” six times in local, state, and national surveys. He served as an unpaid consultant to the FBI and Department of Justice, including in a case that resulted in the largest criminal fine in U.S. history. t Harvard Medical School and a family physician for over two decades. He's the author of the new bke American healthcare and how we can fix it.
  16. In the latest major pharma fail, to put it mildly - "$6.48 billion proposed settlement of tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging that its baby powder and other talc products contain asbestos and cause ovarian cancer." https://www.reuters.com/legal/jj-advances-6475-billion-settlement-talc-cancer-lawsuits-2024-05-01/ Another unsafe product dished out with zero quality control it seems from big pharma. Cant even make safe baby bum powder. This comes hot on the heels of their Covid vaccines been withdrawn a couple of years ago. The experts seem to be making a hell of a lot of blunders. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/us/politics/johnson-johnson-vaccine-blood-clots-fda-cdc.html
  17. Not yet because it still has competitors. They offer a good service to most people but many people have had issues with account closures too. It looks to be about a 40% price increase for my aud - thai transfers. Another price hike in a long list of price hikes that are well above the official inflation figures. Those figures are total garbage.
  18. Not yet because it still has competitors. They offer a good service to most people but many people have had issues with account closures too. It looks to be about a 40% price increase for my aud - thai transfers. Another price hike in a long list of price hikes that are well above the official inflation figures. Those figures are total garbage.
  19. I guess there was no way for Astra Zeneca to know that the vaccine was going to cause people harm? But 24 studies said this would never happen again……
  20. Get nailed on changes to income taxes now another 7% slug on foreign products on top. Fabulous
  21. You can post studies until your blue in the face we have seen over the last few years the credibility most studies have nowadays. Im talking real world people here not fairytales from compromised institutions. Find me one or maybe two, you cant
  22. Show me one person with "long covid" who is unvaccinated, I beg you. Rarer than bigfoot and the lochness monster combined
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