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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. It's totally unclear whether this refers to the historical town of Ayutthaya or to the industrial district of Bang Pa-in, which just happens to be within the province of Ayutthaya. I strongly suspect it's the latter.
  2. Upload to Google Drive and open with Google Docs. https://support.google.com/drive/answer/176692
  3. No it's not. KillDisk repeatedly writes over a disk, making data recovery impossible. DiskPark simpy reformats the drive - the data remain largely recoverable.
  4. Do be aware that if you're not a US citizen there's a 40% death tax on US stocks after the first US$ 60,000. It's generally better to buy non-US mutual funds and non-US ETFs which invest in the US.
  5. I'm guessing that's hawala, and that should be "how it works Allah only knows". You do have to get the end of your penis chopped off before you can use it, though.
  6. Yet that's exactly what you caused - you caused immeasurable suffering. A plastic bag over the head is such a deeply unpleasant experience that it's used as a form of torture in many countries.
  7. I didn't think the current bunch of Tories were capable of guilt, or indeed of any sort of compassionate emotion.
  8. If an German national resident in Thailand holds UK listed equities in a US brokerage account, which DTA is applicable to the dividend income? Germany-Thailand, UK-Thailand or US-Thailand? Thanks
  9. Yes. Also https://www.facebook.com/diamondpharmacyth/about
  10. Both are available without prescription from Diamond Pharmacy in Bangkok. Pulse Clinic can provide Rybelsus (don't know about Ozempic) but Diamond is cheaper. Samitivej doesn't have Ozempic, but does have Rybelsus but, as you'd expect it's rather expensive - 445 baht/tablet for 7 mg. (Diamond is 283/tablet.) The above information is as of July this year.
  11. How do you think they can get respectable jobs if they can't get a decent haircut?
  12. Because there are lots of Negros who hang around the lower sois of Sukhumwit Road and elsewhere. They need to get their hair done, and I very much doubt that Thai hairdressers are familiar with corn rows and virgin relaxers. There's a clear need for foreign hair stylists.
  13. Pretty sure that's wrong. Should be "Hantra" /hǎntraa/ meaning a kind of dessert.
  14. Hair cutting is on the list of jobs strictly reserved for Thai nationals. It makes me wonder how many Thai barbers and hairdressers are highly experienced in cutting Negro hair.
  15. Dr. Sukamas Suwanwalaikorn at Samitivej Srinakarin is familiar with Caucasian skin having trained in both the United States and in Ireland. https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/doctor/detail/sukamas-suwanwalaikorn I went to see her for what I thought might be a basal cell carcinoma (it wasn't). Happy with the experience.
  16. You can do straightforward transfers as you describe without the card (albeit only to Thailand, not from). However, the card can be very useful if the Thai government starts taxing bank transfers to Thailand. You can pay for everything (well, most things) using the debit card, get a decent exchange rate, and (probably) evade the new taxation.
  17. See https://www.morningstarthailand.com/th/screener/fund.aspx#?filtersSelectedValue={}&page=1&sortField=gbrReturnM120&sortOrder=desc and click on "Long Term Performance".
  18. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from Wise telling me that they'd refunded 40% of the transfer fees that I'd paid in November. I didn't know they did that. However, it's described at https://wise.com/help/articles/7dmzR1bODHUCVTvD52Qi8D/fee-refunds-for-customers-in-the-uk and is only for a trial group of customers in the UK. Still, no complaints from me.
  19. I can't really recommend a reputable asset management company. However, let me relate my recent experience of opening a mutual fund account with Krung Sri a couple of weeks ago. The Krung Sri bank app (KMA) has a section "Mutual Fund" and if you click on it there's the option "Open Account". I clicked on it and then filled in a fair bit of information, including going through an (utterly pointless) suitability questionnaire. At the very final step it said that the application could not be completed online. The actual message said that I needed to have my identity verified and (another) photograph taken. I visited a branch, and was told that it wasn't possible to open a mutual fund account online. I then had to go through the entire process on paper (including the suitability questionnaire). The whole process took over an hour, including several 'phone calls by the counter staff to head office. The final hiccough was that they required me to invest in a fund immediately to complete the account opening. Their website lists a range of perhaps 9 or 10 fund managers whose funds were available, and I'd previously shortlisted three or four funds, so that shouldn't have been a problem. However, the reality is that virtually all the funds available are from Krung Sri, and only a token number of funds is available from the other fund managers. Given that Krung Sri doesn't have a great reputation for fund management, this was a blow. (In fact, they only have 3 funds rated 5-stars by Morningstar Thailand - that's out of 240 funds overall. And all three funds are FIFs, so Krung Sri is not doing fund management.) I've now realised that Krung Sri is no alternative to my regular Thai brokerage account which offers a much more extensive range of funds. In short, I'd recommend opening an account with a full service brokerage (primarily not one attached to a bank). However, if you go down the bank asset management company route, check how extensive the range of available funds actually is before opening an account - don't just rely on a list of available fund companies.
  20. There's a list of brokerages at https://www.set.or.th/en/market/information/member-list/main Note that whilst many of them are associated with banking organisations, you are unlikely to be able to open a brokerage account at a bank branch - you'll need to approach the brokerage directly. You mention being on a non-O visa. If this is for retirement, then you are going to find it very difficult to open an account. I know, I've tried. In the end I was only able to open an account by someone giving me a personal recommendation. I would add that, given your apparent naïveté in such matters, direct investment in the SET may not be a good idea. You'd probably be better off investing in mutual funds. For these you'd open an account with an asset management company. Banks have associated asset management companies and you can open an account at a bank branch (or even online). Unlike the past, most banks now allow you to purchase funds from other asset management companies.
  21. And the slogan should be "No matter how fat or ugly you are, and no matter how poor your personal hygiene, you can still get laid."
  22. Wise digital credit card? Really? I couldn't find anything on their website about their offering a credit card - only debit card.
  23. Don't you have a mobile 'phone? At least 'phone them to explore the options. Edit: this website suggests that with NatWest 'phone banking the transfer amount is unlimited. https://wise.com/gb/blog/international-transfer-natwest-uk#:~:text=Using telephone banking,to the amount
  24. I would be extremely surprised if NatWest didn't support SWIFT payments. There is no limit on the amount that can be sent. Send in Sterling and get Bangkok Bank to do the conversion to Baht for you.
  25. Well, I opened five accounts with Krungsri earlier this week and wasn't asked for any ID beyond my passport. Incidentally, if you're looking to park your money, why not go for a fixed deposit? 48 months fixed is paying 2.5% p.a.. If you don't want to lock your money up for that long, 14 months is 2.2% p.a..
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