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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. The title “Kamnan Nok” imprisoned for two years" I believe is mistaken. Yesterday the press reported that he would be sentenced at a later date - after the police.
  2. Not sure where they're getting their figures from. The BMI cuttoffs for Asians and Asian Americans are: Underweight < 18.5 Normal 18.5 - 22.9 Overweight 23 - 26.9 Obese ≥ 27 See, for example: https://tieuduongcardiff.com/fileman/Uploads/Documents/13.bmiforasianandasianamericanadults-horizontal-en-2015.pdf https://aadi.joslin.org/en/am-i-at-risk/asian-bmi-calculator
  3. It's a close run thing between her and Boebert. Of course, if Palin had ever been a representative it would be a three way race.
  4. But when God in His infinite wisdom created the universe in 4004 BC he planned the movements of all the heavenly bodies and ordained when earthquakes should occur. The eclipse and the earthquake are undoubtedly a warning to the unbelievers lest they don't vote for his belovèd chosen Son glorious in his orange radiance.
  5. ^^^ LibreOffice is functionally almost identical to Microsoft Office. I've never found a feature I needed that wasn't available in LibreOffice. Plus, it doesn't force that stupid "ribbon" on you which I find incredibly unhelpful and annoying. Having recently been forced to use Microsoft Word for a Ph.D. thesis (not mine - I did mine 40 years ago when everything had to be typed manually), I was reminded how poor Microsoft UI design is, and how it decreases productivity - at least for competent individuals. In short: Micro$oft sucks.
  6. LibreOffice Calc is a better one - it's free.
  7. Not sure what the "etc" is doing in there. Sheep? Horse? Goat? And do you reject the view of marriage as it is in the Koran, man and four women? In short, are you just homophobic, or also Islamophobic?
  8. The OP doesn't state how he/she will be arriving in Thailand. One should be extremely concerned if transiting through a Muslim country such as Dubai or Saudi Arabia. The codeine would definitely be a problem.
  9. When did minimarts start selling sugar in such large sacks? I smell male cow ordure.
  10. The bottle you show, Healthy Boy Soy Bean Paste only contains 6% sugar - and it's there because it's part of the flavour profile. Sugar is necessary to stop chillies tasting harsh. It also contains 2.9% MSG. Nothing wrong with that. Not unhealthy in any way. It just makes the food taste better.
  11. I hope he did not run over any children, poor urchins or otherwise.
  12. The Grant of Probate only shows the total value of the estate - not who inherits, or how much.
  13. Isn't Israel supposed to have nuclear weapons? Couldn't they use them to solve the Hamas problem once and for all? It's not as if by doing so they'd be viewed any less favourably by the international community than the pariahs they already are. Plus, razing the Gaza Strip would make rebuilding that much easier.
  14. Nasty bigotry, akin to saying that all farang smell bad, are whoremongers, are ignorant and have no manners.
  15. Why not? Most sensible people put some money aside when times are good to be able to tide over the hard times.
  16. Submitting documents for a French visa later today at TLS. Not had time to arrange the required 2 photos. Is there anywhere at Sathorn City Tower or nearby that can provide them? Thanks.
  17. Good to see that ISIS, being devout followers of Islam, The Religion of Peace, are acting in accordance with the spirit of the month of Ramadan - the month of jihad.
  18. My partner and I have planned a trip to the UK in May. He has just told me he would like also to make a trip to Paris for a couple of days, which is fine by me. However, in applying for a Schengen visa for France it appears you have to have pre-booked accommodation (not a problem since it's fairly easy to find refundable bookings) and pre-booked return flight to Thailand. The latter appears to be a problem since flight bookings which can be cancelled cost hundreds of pounds more than non-flexible ones. (That's travelling business class.) Is there any way to manage this issue?
  19. Here's the page to book an appointment. However, it does rather look like you need to have Thai ID. http://appointment.iod.go.th/appointmr/?l=en
  20. That only applies to capital gains on property. Other capital gains such as on shares are reported after tax year end through one's annual income tax return.
  21. Hope it doesn't have a Chinese-made lock. https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/14/chinese_espionage_safe_locks/
  22. But it worked. Apparently the rings caused "severe swelling".
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