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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. UOBAM is the asset management arm of UOB. It does not sell securities. For that you need UOB Kay Hian Securities. Their trading platform is known as UTrade, and you can see a list of available US Treasury Bonds at http://www.utradebond.com/en/home#list (Enter "US TREASURY N/B" in the ISIN/Issuer search box.) However, I don't know whether they are actually available for Thai clients. (They are for Singapore and Hong Kong clients.)
  2. Not really. The contents of the index change frequently as bonds reach maturity and are reinvested - potentially with lower returns. A bond index fund will not provide the sort of high fixed return over two years that the OP is seeking.
  3. No I don't. I don't owe you anything. Do your own research. The evidence isn't too hard to find.
  4. Yes. It attracts a disproportionate number of dodgy fintech companies.
  5. True. But how much faith would any rational person place in a bank licensed in Lithuania? It's hardly noted for its financial services or top notch regulation. The mere fact that the Bank of England doesn't see fit to licence it (at least so far) is highly significant. And please don't ignore the multiple problems with its financial accounts and its poor handling of the victims of sophisticated scams.
  6. It's probably worth noting that the Bank of England has very serious concerns about Revolut and hasn't issued it with a banking licence three years after its first applying. (Approval normally takes less than a year.) That alone should be reason enough to steer clear. Some details of Revolut's failings at: https://www.ft.com/content/6d2eef34-d414-49c7-8557-c43a3d9ab803
  7. When dealing with acid reflux, one can use certain magnesium compounds to neutralise the stomach acid - compounds such as magnesium carbonate and magnesium oxide. Magnesium glycinate is not one of these compounds. It can be medically helpful where someone is magnesium deficient, but it won't do anything for acid reflux. The alternative approach is to reduce the amount of acid produced by the body. That is what the Omeprazole was doing for you.
  8. Don't get medical advice from YouTube quacks. From Wikipedia:
  9. Surely not "informant" since the information he provided was a pack of lies. Maybe "misinformant"?
  10. The condo's current value is irrelevant. You need to show that you've transferred 10 million baht into Thailand. You can buy Thai bonds in the secondary market through a registered broker. However it would be simpler and safer to open fixed deposit accounts with a bank or banks. The value of a fixed deposit account can't fall below the amount of money you put in. Bonds, however, can lose value meaning you might not have sufficient value to maintain the visa.
  11. The infographic includes a 2D bar code, but the acknowledgement email doesn't - just plain text. Does that sound right?
  12. Of course, because subcommittees have been so wonderfully effective at presenting graft in Thailand in the past.
  13. Thai2English was down for several days a few months ago. I suspect this is just more of the same. They'll be back.
  14. "The 3-foot-long creature had brightly colored stripes", "researchers encountered several black-and-white striped snakes". Which is it? Are they brightly coloured (and it's a black and white photo), or are they monochrome?
  15. From the linked article: "the top policeman leading the inquiry spoke of an evil incubus at the centre of the affair." Very odd choice of words. Does it imply that the man concerned rapes sleeping (possibly drugged?) women? If so, shouldn't he be arrested for that? Also, aren't all incubi inherently evil?
  16. According to Wikipeda, of the 9 members of the Constitutional Court, one was appointed in 2013, three in 2015, and five in 2020. Only one predates the military coup in 2014. Make of that what you will.
  17. No it can't. The UK Embassy only provides an extremely limited range of services to citizens, as is shown in this link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand#:~:text=make an appointment.-,Services we provide in Thailand,-Before applying for
  18. Pandas are not bears.
  19. China isn't lending the panda, it's renting it. Thailand will have to pay a fortune to China for the privilege of displaying the beast. Typically it's US$1,000,000/year.
  20. Either that or melamine.
  21. Given the Thai police propensity for interrogating very enthusiastically, I suspect pretty much anyone would confess - particularly with a black plastic bag over their head*. The article actual reads "Initially, the suspect reportedly confessed" which suggests that he may well have recanted his confession, even if the actual report is accurate. * OK, Jirapong Thanapat didn't confess. He simply died from suffocation.
  22. (1) That is old news. Since then they've hired and trained more staff. (2) Of course some cases take more than eleven months, because people don't fill in the forms correctly. To quote from the official website: As I said, it took me only 2 months, and that was in May last year.
  23. Went through probate last year. It was granted in two months, though four months is more typical. Delays are most commonly caused by the paperwork being completed incorrectly. (There's a lot of it, and it's pretty complex. I had to fill in sixteen different forms for a relatively simple estate.) Submitting through a solicitor should avoid such problems.
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