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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Oxford hasn't issued BSc degrees for a very long time. When they were issued they were equivalent to a Masters degree. Students who study science at Oxford as undergraduates receive a BA.
  2. I very much doubt Pheu Thai will get voted in next time, given their track record of betraying the electorate. The latest betrayal is deferring paying the 10,000 vote buying bribe until September next year (at the earliest), and not paying it to all Thai adults as promised.
  3. I really do have to respond to this again. This comment is pure trolling so please stop it or back up your comment. Try searching Google for "Hamas tied a pregnant woman to a chair, cut out the baby, stabbed it to death, cut off the woman's breasts and left her to die" - not a single match from a reputable news source. (The Daily Mail, which appears as results #2 is not a reputable news source, but a sleazy UK tabloid filled with clickbait.) Of course, if you have a link to some reputable news sources including all the details alleged, I'll retract. As Aeschylus said two and a half millennia ago “In war, truth is the first casualty.” Still true today.
  4. The official test is the Thai Ministry of Education's P6 Exam, which tests if you're as smart as a Thai 6th grader. I believe it's only administered once a year in December. Additional tuition is usually advised since you need to have skills such as addressing an envelope correctly and putting the stamp in the right place. (More onerous than it sounds.) Most of the schools in Bangkok using the Union method have courses for this. As Gaccha mentioned, Chulalongkorn University also has an unofficial test which gives you a grade.
  5. When I arrived a week ago they had closed one of the Immigration halls, and only half the counters were staffed in the other hall. Very poor service.
  6. Linagliptin (anti-diabetes drug) went off-patent in August of this year. Apparently 63 generic brands have been launched, but none of them appears to be available in Thailand yet, which is a pity. At 1,530 baht/pack of 30, the original Trajenta is rather pricey.
  7. Because of regular train delays, the ticket offices for local trains will only begin selling tickets 10-15 minutes before the train is expected to arrive. Nothing wrong with "these people", which is more than I can say for "NoDisplayName".
  8. If the Buddha figure was within the tree trunk, it wasn't "unearthed". Untrunked, or unboled possibly. Definitely not "unearthed".
  9. This doesn't make sense. Bang Pa-in to Bang Bua Thong is 55 km on highways 32 and 9. How then, can one have a "34.1 kilometre motorway project, linking Bang Bua Thong in Nonthaburi and Bang Pa-in"? It sounds like this is, in fact, a partial renovation of bits of highway 9. Not a bad idea if it increases capacity. The road gets very congested at peak times.
  10. I simply can't believe that Trump wrote that statement. Writing "the data are false" is a level of grammatical understanding that is way, way above Trump's third grade level of English.
  11. Almost total tosh. Following the sacking of Angkor the Siamese brought all the court dancers back with them. Thai dancing is a direct descendent of Khmer dancing. And the gestures do have meanings.
  12. https://www.government.nl/topics/income-tax/filing-a-tax-return
  13. No. IBKR doesn't report to the Thai tax authorities. There is no tax on capital gains tax in Thailand. There is no tax on foreign dividends in Thailand (provided you don't bring the proceeds into Thailand in the same calendar year). Of course, all of that might change next year.
  14. The Skeptoid podcast covered this subject and concluded "My favorite source for authoritative visual information is the website of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. It's a source regular Skeptoid listeners might remember from episode #740 about blue-blocking glasses for people who work at computer screens, their data was very clear that all such products are completely worthless scams, and computer screens do not harm your eyes in any way unless you give yourself eye strain — which blue blocking glasses don't help with." https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4740
  15. One of the fallacies here is that religion and ethnicity are closely associated. Hinduism is not the sole preserve of Indian people, and you can't conclude "there is a big genetic contribution from India". It's a bit like saying that Europeans are descended from Semitic peoples because they are Christian and Jesus was a Semite.
  16. (1) To get the best rates of interest you need to lock up the money for a number of years. You can't pay into an account monthly. (2) A compromise might be something like Krung Sri Bank's Mee Tae Dai account which has limited withdrawals, but allows frequent deposits and pays a higher rate of interest than a savings account. Other banks have similar products. (3) Why are you doing this? By keeping your money in cash you won't be getting enough interest to even cover the cost of inflation.
  17. Given the possibility of tax on money coming into Thailand, I'm contemplating moving a significant lump sum here before the end of the year. I was therefore wondering whether anyone had any experience to report of Krungsri Exclusive, and particularly whether they give you a credit card without having a locked-in deposit.
  18. As has been said before, the DTA does not cover personal or state pensions - they are (at least theoretically) taxable in both countries, so yes, they could.
  19. It's a bit more complex than there being a tax agreement in place. The UK Double Tax Agreement (DTA) does not cover state or pension income, so even now it would be possible for someone to pay tax on their pension both in the UK and Thailand with no relief. Of course, the UK DTA does cover government pensions - pensions paid to former civil servants and the like. Funny that the civil servants cover themselves, but are perfectly happy to screw the little people.
  20. Are you sure about that? The email says "However, you will need to register again at our new website."
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