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  1. Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of America Burma, Myanmar Kiev, Kyiv Turkey, Türkiye Which ones will stick the longest? I'll stick with the Gulf of Mexico for now. Google maps is trying to cover its bases.
  2. The thread is still around. https://aseannow.com/topic/900969-birds-in-your-garden/ So is another thread on the same topic. https://aseannow.com/topic/1326956-birds-in-your-garden-2
  3. Richard Burrows is facing further child sex abuse charges. https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2024-06-21/man-80-arrested-after-27-years-on-run-facing-further-child-sex-abuse-charges Cheshire Police said on Thursday, 20 June, that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had now authorised additional charges against him. They were 20 counts of indecent assault, one count of buggery, three counts of making indecent images of children and four counts of possession of a false identity document with intent. The additional charges relate to 11 victims and the offences occurred between 1966 and 1996 across Cheshire, the West Midlands, and West Mercia areas.
  4. He actually got an itemised bill but it was in Thai. You can a photo of in the Daily Mail article. I don't think the bill was expensive, and I don't think the overnight stay that was offered was too expensive either. They gave him a choice and he took the one he wanted. I see no valid reason for his excessive whinging. Well, I do actually - more Youtube views.
  5. It looks more like a sunbird nest than a munia nest to me.
  6. Whether the stories are true or fiction, they are well written, so well done Addaamm for that. However, I have to question your comments on Premium Bonds. Do you really think they provide a "decent return"? How much return have you been getting over the years? And a quick question about Suchart - is he the well known Suchart of "capture" fame? .
  7. I don't know why many would believe that. IMO, many would more likely believe that withdrawal from the EU would stop the influx of European immigrants.
  8. It appears you have not fully read the OP. "My daughter is turning 16 this month. She would like to buy a motorbike, showing me photos of different motorbikes, it scares me. I'd like to buy her a car. Can I register and insure the car in her name, she is only 16?"
  9. On the issue of needing a driving licence to register a vehicle, I have bought and registered in my name three vehicles in Thailand (the last one was in 2023) and I never had to show my licence or provide a photocopy of it. My wife has never had to either when registering her vehicles. The DLT does not list a driving licence as a requirement for registering a new vehicle and there is no requirement to show evidence of a licence when transferring ownership of a car to another person. See below.
  10. On the issue of car insurance, I entered details for a 16-year old girl on a Thai car insurance website to see if I could insure a car (voluntary vehicle insurance, not por ror bor) for a 16-year old. It accepted all the information I entered about the person and the car until it got to the age of the person. It would not let me continue until the age of the girl was 18. It would not accept 15, 16 or 17. https://insure.roojai.com/#/quotationInput
  11. It looks good. I downloaded it and might try it if I can remember I have it.
  12. Hi I did a Google search for you in Thai and came up with this website (they also have a FB page): https://pattayatutor.com/ That page says they tutor for both Pratom (primary schools) and Matayom (secondary schools). They offer private lessons and group lessons (2-5 people apparently). The page has prices and times, location details and contact details,
  13. Perhaps those in high places can tell us exactly how they will go about transforming second-tier provinces into first-tier provinces.
  14. Losing my internet connection. I lost it last week for a few days and it was awful. I had to go out and buy a book. Now that I have my internet is back, I have to try to be brave enough to open the book. I've red the cover a few times but it's hard to get stuck into a story when the world wide web keeps staring right at me. Life was much easier in the twentieth century.
  15. In and of itself scales won't make your weight fall off BUT if you want to lose weight, you will need scales to know what weight you are now and to know when you have attained the weight loss you desire. Which ones to buy? I prefer digital scales with the smallest increment of 50g rather than 100g or 200g. They use a small battery - CR2032 I think. You can buy scales that do not use a battery. They use a spring mechanism. My opinion is that they are less reliable and less accurate. However, if you don't want battery operated scales and you are not too fussed about accuracy and just want a general guide to your weight, they might be a good choice for you. They are usually cheaper too. If you use the same scales in the same location, on the same surface and stand in the same way each time, most scales should be good enough for most people. How often to weigh? Daily in the morning after urinating. Don't worry if your weight one day is higher than the day before. That can happen. It's best to note the trend over weeks - generally downwards, generally upwards or generally no movement at all. To remember your weight and to be able to note the trend upwards or downwards, you might want to record your weight on paper or some other way. Good luck. .
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