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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. It seems you lead a sheltered life. The first rule we learned behind the liquor store in the alley in the early 1960s: The crazy ones ****. Look at some famous pornstars for examples.
  2. Psycho chicks are hotter and do more, Im sure an autistic dude like Musk was led around by Mr. Happy. I bet Grimes did herself up like anime, and they had tentacle toys and all that. Musk never had that before I bet. And at his level, its tough to pay for it too, you cant just ride your limo down Figueroa and grab a street lizard in heels. Btw, have you noticed that they dont celebrate Musks autism LOL I bet he gave her, in some fashion, at least 50 million.
  3. Excellent point. If you look at the children of, for example, prominent European Socialists, you see various levels of disturbance caused by their fathers actions or lack thereof.
  4. Yeah. An ex biatching about something. Of course they never do things like inserting the kids into their issues with their former spouse. The Little Darlings can be an effective weapon. Look how your bros in Hamas have profited off of strangling and raping babies.
  5. Ex wives/gfs can be difficult. Those of us who have had them know this. His eyes were red from weed. Dead beat? I bet each kid has a trust fund with a net worth exceeding the net worth of you, your familiy, and everyone you know on a first name basis, multiplied by 3.
  6. Musk is a man richer and more sucessful than each and every person here, including moi, because he doesn't waste time gossipgabbing about peoples personal lives. Grimes is nasty but maybe Elon was seeking creativity genes.
  7. The chickens are coming home to roost.
  8. Go over to Truefitt and Hill
  9. I only direct hate at Socialist racists and Americas enemies, thats what they deserve. Its called realism.
  10. Zelinsky is a pretty corrupt dude too, isnt he?
  11. The depth of hate that pours from racists here is astonishing.
  12. Its not our job to clean up your petty feuds. Deal with it yourselves. We will be happy to sell you some planes and tanks.
  13. You dont understand much about TV here, do you. The again, at least you recognize that Fox is open to all viewpoints. Fair and Balanced.
  14. The Euro elites are flailing around desperately and hysterically as the open wallet starts to close. Lets see what their standard of living is when they have to have military again.
  15. Translation, Im too cowardly to stand up for myself and explain my little inside jokes.
  16. I bolded the words. Your ilk almost destroyed the USA with your Russia nonsense. I submit that anyone who believes what I have bolded to be an enemy of the USA and paradoxically, a tool of Putin.
  17. Translation: Well you are right but I cant say that sooooooo. PS its morning in Cambodia, where I am. SE Asia. The subject of this Forum. How bout you, Sparky?
  18. Please show ANY facts to support your assertion that I post "endless, copied and pasted, rote America hating Trump deranged posts"? Wait: I know. You are Another stalking troll who flames me at every opportunity because I disrespect your "religion" of hate. Thats the playboook. Todays truth: Socialism cannot exist without someone to hate.
  19. And we pay for it. We have been paying for all of their antics since 1917. The free ride is over.
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