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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. You cant recite any real facts to support your tendless, copied and pasted, rote, America hating, Trump deranged posts. You just post the same mantra over and over, like a toddler chanting some mnemonic formulae to chase the monsters out from under his bed.
  2. You were at one with Tug, Im sure, when he was viciously spewing hate at Trump supporters before the election. The policies he therefore supports are harmful to our country, He hates America. He supports stealing our tax dollars to promote Socialism. He supports Hamas. He supports racism and censorship. No need to say more. My character: We the People of the United States, et. seq. I am an American and won lifes lottery. I like free speech, good books, weed, money, Nascar, rule of law, Soccer, ancient history and machine guns. All men are created equal, but the afterward can differ.
  3. That is a badge of honour I hope you give me. One of the most blatant haters here ignoring me, wonderful.
  4. I have concerns about real stuff, not Leftist babbling. You were the one who started with the politics by viciously insulting a poster who rightfully feels that his Government has a racial animus towards white folks. If you cant stand the heat in the kitchen, dont turn on the oven.
  5. Wonderul, great to see the process moving
  6. I practice field goals with my haemmies and a wasabi pea.
  7. Racial hatred? Pointing out that the government engages in Socialist weaponized racism is racism in and of itself? Orwell would be proud.
  8. No Israelis. Huh. Where are the calls for banning all Brits and Germans.
  9. We dont care. We love him. Sucks to be you.
  10. The hatred for your own country is sickening.
  11. Having racists put you on ignore list is a badge of honour.
  12. Why? You just arguing for this sake of arguing? You think that you are the defender of Thailand, and my criticism is unfair? You won't find one person who doesn't think it's a pigsty. At least from the west. At least one who isn't waging an internet war for ego needs
  13. didnt you treat your visual impairment before you arrived?
  14. Well its electric cars, only fools who dont need to drive buy those. He has other ways to make money
  15. Well its simple: Im an American and hate Socialists, anti semites, racists, terrorist fanatics, dictators, authoritarians, thieves.....how about you?
  16. She proved her ignorance of the law right there.
  17. Reading comprehension is not your thing is it LOL
  18. Yes, make sure you continue that Ukrainian war to keep your coffers filled.
  19. Western jew haters tend to find each other, especially as they are usually from the less intelligent classes. In light of the numerous lower class eurotrash living in Thailand and Cambodia who dont have enough to survive in the Western world, its to be expected.
  20. We could bring the Norwegians on board: but that would be the end of Boyz Town, or There arent enough of them to make a difference, or They dont spend any money anyway.
  21. If you dont think Thailand is replete with litter you havent been here very long.
  22. Maybe the Israelis should announce a boycott. Ask Americans to join.
  23. Hell I got guys that follow me around just for that. Watch this: History demonstrates the imposition of Socialism requires mass murder. And here they come....... The truth hurts soooooooooooooo bad
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